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I'm In Desperate Need of Fun...


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I'm stuck on RuneScape. I have been playing for about 2 months now and I'm tired of focusing on training constantly. I have killed quite a few rockcrabs and mined an extreme amount of iron and crafted many runes. I wanna take a small break from skill training to do something fun. The problem is, I don't know what. I was thinking of doing some quests because they are sometimes kind of fun but I was hoping for something else. What could I do with these stats?








Edit: Just so you know, my combat is 65 and my questpoints are about 35 or so...

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well if u feel like tired of playing rs or got bored jus quit for a sec


and jus come back when u feel like playing it.


i think u played too much in two monthes


i suggest u to find something much fun in real life

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Good lord you achieved that in 2 months?




Lol, yes. I worked hard on the mining for a while and the attack came in about 1 and a half weeks. Everything else was pretty quick. The crafting and woodcutting was done so that I could do Lost City. I crafted 6,000 bodies in 3 days for 44 RCing.




well if u feel like tired of playing rs or got bored jus quit for a sec


and jus come back when u feel like playing it.


i think u played too much in two monthes


i suggest u to find something much fun in real life




I'm probably gonna take most of your advise. I installed StarCraft on this computer and decided to try that out again. I used to play StarCraft 5 hours a day after school and never got tired of it. I may just take a short break from RuneScape.

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