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I'm taking it your trying to do legends? Well, go kill monsters that drop lots of herbs. And make potions out of them. However when you get 44 herblore, you could use a greenman's ale that will temporary increase your herb skill by 1, making 45 herblore.

No longer playing Runescape, I caught the WoW bug.

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1) Fastest - Gets lots of harlanders and toadflax and make energy and (when getting to the proper lvl) agility pots. Those can easly be bought from mid/high farmers like me ( selling toadflax 1k each :lol: )


2)Slowest - Start farming man, its a worthwhile skill and ul grow the herbs urself.


2) Do "one small favour" quest and use the rewarded lamps to upgrade ur herblore.




I wouldn't advice using the "old" kill monsters technique. 2 much time.

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