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uploading from phone to pc


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I need some help uploading some movies from my phone to my pc.




And i also need to know where i could post them on the forum.




All help would be appreciated.




The movies are;


My friends fighting round 1 - 4;


My friend stapling himself;


And two other friends fighting.




My phone is a nokia 6230, and i was hoping to upload it via WAP.




Thanks :D

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Well newer nokia's come with Nokia Pc Suite to put media onto and take it from your phone, but based on the age of the 6230 i'll guess that it didnt come with that.




As for WAP, i've heard of putting things on your phone via WAP, but not uploading them to your computer.




My advice is to find a friend who has PC Suite and bluetooth the videos to them, and have them email you them or upload to a website.

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