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Can someone give a strategy to achieve my goals!?


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This is what my character looks like ATM :( (I am F2P)










This is what i want my guy to look like in the near futur :) (I will still be F2P unfortunately)










Can anyone help me reach my goal, with a good strategy?


I need you help/advice guys! :wink:






~liv 2 kill




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Well you just need one more attack lvl and you already have the defence you want so train those and you will be motivated more when you see your lvls go up.




Prayer shouldnt be too hard just buy a bunch of b-bones or go to hill giants and train there and bury them while you train.




Then I would start doing range and after that "The long boring training of strength". ONLY DO MAGIC IF YOU GET BORED OF EITHER ONE. Cause it helps a lot when your staring at lessers the whole time.






Once you have trained all these skill the lessers you killed should have dropped quite a bit of money. Use that to either buy gems to raise your crafting, or even better go to Crafting guild and just craft clay pots. Its boring but its free fast xp.




Woodcutting and fire making go hand in hand so that ones easy.




Fishing and Cooking go hand in hand as well.




Smithing is going to cost you though and even with the money you make from lessers it wont even amount to a fraction of the price you will have to pay for bars if you buy them.Mining your own will be annoyingly slow.

Looking for someone to teach me how to Armadyl farm - pm me

10,200th Person to Achieve 99 Magic on 1/10/08

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As do mining and smithing also :wink:




Mine iron and coal or buy the coal, make cannonballs and sell for some goor profit, or atleast break even.

Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either

a fool or a coward.


Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law

is both.


For a wounded man shall say to his assailant:

"If I live, I will kill you, If I Die, you are forgiven."


Such is the Rule of Honor.

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Harpoon swordies on karajama,then cook them, then go to the lessers in the volcano and train your melee stats, going back to fish when you run out of food. By the time you have your melee stats at your goals, you should have 60 cooking and fishing. Then go back to the main land, get your range and mage stuff, and train on mossies, burying the bbones they drop until you get 43 prayer. Then just keep on training mage and range until your goals for those are reached. Now you should only have Wood Cutting, Fire Making, Crafting, Mining, and Smithing left. Just cut and burn willows for Wood Cutting and Firemaking, Then mine coal and iron, keeping all the ores and gems you get.Cut all your gems and once your done with those, go to the crafting guild and either make bowls or leather armour. All this leaves is smithing. Make as many steel bars as you can out of the ores you have, sell most of them for 600ea( only sell enough so that you can buy back all your ores and start again) and smith the ones you have leftover. The whole thing wi will take a while, but wont need money at all, except fopr that which you get from seling your steel bars.

There's no such thing as regret. A regret means you are unhappy with the person you are now,

and if you're unhappy with the person you are, you change yourself. That

regret will no longer be a regret, because it will help to form the new,

better you. So really, a regret isn't a regret.

It's experience.

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Note: cannonballs is a good suggestion, but you're f2p so you can't




All I would say is do the non-com skills first, keep all the fish you fish, you can use as free food later. Sell everything you smith because money buys skills quicker in most cases.





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for fishing, cooking, str attack and prayer (and even range and magic), you have ALL the things you need in one single convenient wonderful place. its called crandor island. assuming youve done all the f2p quests, grab a harpoon or cage (i prefer harpoons) an axe, and your best melee gear, and head over to karamja for a few days. believe me, its like a vacation resort there. you can start off on the lessers, the skeletons or the mosses, they all are great for various reasons




lessers - drop heaps of chaos and fire runes, cash and rune meds and mith chains for high alching (but you cant hi alch without nats)


mosses - drop big bones for prayer and some cool alching items (black kites, mith longs), and lots of earth, water and nat runes, needed for alching, as well as laws for teleporting (but you cant tele without airs)


skeles - provide excellent exp for low max damage and high hitpoints, youll tear through these. they drop normal bones for prayer as well as cash and air runes.




hi alch all the valuable stuff, bury the bones, and keep fishing. at your levels youll be killing a lot of monsters and collecting a lot of cash and valuable runes for leveling up magic later. and when you get bored just tele out for a change of scenery/change of clothes. come back and range the lessers and mossies when youre other goals are coming along ok. ranging to that level will take a while and a lot of cash, so the cash you made from hi alching and collecting will be put to good use without setting you back financially

Are you a member with a full bank and cancelling your subscription? Are you an F2P player that wants more bank space? Check out my guide on Going to F2P with a full bank

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