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need help raising my range


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Any monster with high hits and low defence will give you fast experience.


I would suggest experiments for this type.




If you want better drops and more worthwhile training then I suggest you


range, whilst doing slayer as most slayer tasks allow you to range the target.

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I went from 50 to 70 mostly on the moss giants nw of Ardougne. I liked them because there is a safespot to the left of the fire giving you 4 moss giant spawns to choose from. Completely brainless training.




Some people range the moss giants on "moss giant island". I imagine it's good there as well, maybe less crowded than my old spot.




If you have high enough slayer, bloodvelds are awesome because there are safespots, they have high hit points and very low resistance to range, and they drop blood runes.




There was a point when I decided that if I was going to train range, I might as well train slayer as well. Kalphites, Trolls, Jellies, and Lessers are all easily rangable slayer assignments.




For fires, I prefer the west room in the waterfall dungeon.




I've never liked ogres because I feel that their drops aren't that good and are too infrequent. Maybe I've been ranging the wrong ogres. :)

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