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A clockwork's decision


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One of my friend in rl made a pure in f2p, not me. in order to pk, he needed a lot of food. Since his main can easily fish lobs and make money, he simply used his main as his pure's income.




However, we know that this is illegal and he himself is a strong believer in following the rules. He do not wish to break any of them, but he needs a lot of food and money. He do not wish to raise skills, because it will be too slow and non-efficient. He wants a method of gaining money fast. He do not wish to kill the giants for their bones. He want some adivice to know how to merchant in f2p.




Since myself detest merchanting and hate hagging for prices, I don't know the deep facts and mysteries in merchanting and cannot help him.




I only want people that are successful and experienced in f2p merchanting to give him some advice and tips, you may still give him advice if you want, but please note that you are not an "expert" f2p merchant, so I may know.




I have searched the forum, but most merchanting guides only offer the basic of merchanting. I want to know from following players their experience as merchant and what to merchant. What price to sell? and buy? Where to sell? Buy?




Thank you all in advance!

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