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Tips for raising mage?


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I may be making a new char soon, since my old one got locked.




How should i got about getting my magic high enough to high alch? I had my other guy for a long time and never got high enough.




Any tips would be appreciated. and keep in mind i'm starting with a brand new char. lvl 3. no skills. I rasing combat mostly and will be woodcutting and flecting for money until i can high alch my bows. but i need to get my magic high enough as you can see.


"Your about as usefull as a poopy flavored lollipop"

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what's best way to get runes?




i want to raise my combat too so i'm thinking dark mages? once i'm strong enough of course.


"Your about as usefull as a poopy flavored lollipop"

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what's best way to get runes?




i want to raise my combat too so i'm thinking dark mages? once i'm strong enough of course.




craft them =P




now that ess is like 10 gp lol. you should craft all of them to save a ton of money. i reccomend crafting the airs (fastest, and you make a high quantity at a low rc lvl) and using a fire staff. if you want also craft the minds, but thats a bit monotonus, and extremelly long. if you dont want to spend money on minds either craft airs, sell them or trade them for minds.

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i guess i can do that. i haven't played in a while and rc is new to me. so i'll have to fool around with it and see if it's worth it.




thanks for the tip though.


"Your about as usefull as a poopy flavored lollipop"

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thanks for the tip. and i'll look into runecrafting.




Dunno if it can be done effectivly at such a low lvl. i might have to do the agility course a bunch. i'll be the fastest lvl 3 around.




still trying to unlock my main though.


"Your about as usefull as a poopy flavored lollipop"

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took me one day to get to 60 magic doing teleports etc... but thats quite expencive (millions). I would suggest collecting any runes you can and just using them when you can... seeing as you have nothing to use at the moment.

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