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Merchanting advice. I need help.


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I recently got the majority of my items stolen. I've made 300k off of picking d scales, in order to merchant my way back up to 5m. Can somebody tell me a merchanting plan sort of. starting at 300k, and ending at a respectable 5m. (Like merchant this until you have 1m, then start on this...) And so on.. If you could include a buying price and a selling price too it would be nice.




Help a very annoyed and desperate person.


7 months ago, shoulen m0nk lured me for everything. If you know anything about him, pm me.

lol that was a good story but his eyesight must be poor... it's a well known fact that mods only drop garages on players. :lol:
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Any other ideas?


7 months ago, shoulen m0nk lured me for everything. If you know anything about him, pm me.

lol that was a good story but his eyesight must be poor... it's a well known fact that mods only drop garages on players. :lol:
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Buy Coal for 150, iron for 100. Smith steel bars and then sell them for 550+ each.


400gp profit per bar.




Its not going to be 400 gp profit per bar, it would be more like 150gp profit if you sold at 550 each. It takes two coal and one iron to make a steel bar.

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Buy Coal for 150, iron for 100. Smith steel bars and then sell them for 550+ each.


400gp profit per bar.




Its not going to be 400 gp profit per bar, it would be more like 150gp profit if you sold at 550 each. It takes two coal and one iron to make a steel bar.




I guess I'm not going to be taking Buddy69's advise on merchanting anytime soon. :lol:

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7 months ago, shoulen m0nk lured me for everything. If you know anything about him, pm me.

lol that was a good story but his eyesight must be poor... it's a well known fact that mods only drop garages on players. :lol:
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If you have 60+ smithing, you can make steel bars from 1 coal and 1 iron through the blast furnance (100 gp per iron ore, 200 gp per coal = 300 gp). Sell them for 550 gp each and make 250 gp profit per each bar. Or you can just nat craft

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Still watching this forum.


7 months ago, shoulen m0nk lured me for everything. If you know anything about him, pm me.

lol that was a good story but his eyesight must be poor... it's a well known fact that mods only drop garages on players. :lol:
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You could try buying death runes from shops (maximum price is 223 when shop has 1 in stock) and sell them for 300 each.




Just world hop to get a lot of them. Went from 750k to 2 mil in a few days.

Looking for someone to teach me how to Armadyl farm - pm me

10,200th Person to Achieve 99 Magic on 1/10/08

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I'll be trying that one, what shop are you talking about though?


7 months ago, shoulen m0nk lured me for everything. If you know anything about him, pm me.

lol that was a good story but his eyesight must be poor... it's a well known fact that mods only drop garages on players. :lol:
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