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Children's shows-- help me find their names.


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Okay. I remember watching these shows as kids, and I want to check up on them. Y'know. See how they're doing, when they ended, etc.




So here are a couple brief descriptions of the shows I remember. Hopefully you guys can help me figure out the names... (And yes, I realize it's a LONG shot you guys know what I'm talking about, but eh.)




1. This show had cars. And they usaully hung out around this gas station, or something. And their was a nearby junkyard, and this evil guy (made out of the junkyard itself) lived there. And he wanted to eat or squash the cars, or something. And he was friends with a green car, who was his lackey, and the green car would try to trick the other cars into going into the junkyard, but would come out in the end and do the right thing.




2. This show had animals... And they were puppets. Not Lambchop. Anyways, there were two cats-- a male and female. And they lived in this large house.. and they had a big closet. And inside were toys and etc. Anyways, across from them (they lived in a closed off neibourhood, never saw the outside, was covered by a huge wall) was a dog. And I think he was either named Eugene, or he had a friend named Eugene he'd visit outside the wall. Also, there was a porcupine, and he was kind of an outcast. And only the male cat sorta liked him.




3. This show, I can't remember much of. But it involved mice who lived inside the library. And I THINK they were friends with some of the kids who would visit them. They were puppets, while the kids were live action..




Das all I can think of at the moment. Don't call me crazy. And don't flame me or whatever. ;P


It really has

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