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2 things about pohs

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These are just some small things I think might have made houses a bit better:




1. Shared houses: You could have a house shared with a friend, and you could buth modify it and go in it without the other. This might also help clans, because with 2 or more owners it would be easier to be in, you won't be locked out if a certain person isn't in the house.




2. Letting f2pers visit their friends' pohs: I'm not saying to give f2p construction and pohs, just let us visit the houses of our member friends. I don't see what harm it could do.




What do you think?

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as much as i wanna visit the houses of my p2p friends, im not sure if its possible, as it means that either a) i have to be logged in to a members world (which just isnt possible) or B) when i go to join my friend (assuming they are using the rimmington portal in the f2p area) it would have to automatically make me change worlds. im not sure if either of these would be possible.

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as much as i wanna visit the houses of my p2p friends, im not sure if its possible, as it means that either a) i have to be logged in to a members world (which just isnt possible) or B) when i go to join my friend (assuming they are using the rimmington portal in the f2p area) it would have to automatically make me change worlds. im not sure if either of these would be possible.

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