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Well im continuing the conspiracy


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This post wasnt about zezima it was just humor, and if i had a pic you would just say that i edited it, and even if i did-you wouldnt know the difference.




It's not like im dissing jagex i do think they have done alot with andrew gowers great game. In fact im a member, I just want to see the community paying attention to whats going on.

The object of war is not to die for your country. but to make the opposing man die for his.


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I try to shoot myslef in the foot at least once a day every day. I was sayign that because the great intelligent people of these forums have nothing more to do than say how great zezima is, and that article i wrote wasnt even suppost to be about him. I wish that mod didnt close it.

The object of war is not to die for your country. but to make the opposing man die for his.


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I try to shoot myslef in the foot at least once a day every day. I was sayign that because the great intelligent people of these forums have nothing more to do than say how great zezima is, and that article i wrote wasnt even suppost to be about him. I wish that mod didnt close it.


Your making assumptions. Again about the same person. Get a freaking life, what did they ever do to upset you?




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I completely picked apart your post with my past experience being in the macroing community so not like it is helping you to make a new post saying you're sorry. What IS the point of this post anyway?

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I read the first post, and a few of the subsequent posts. Gotta say, archer raises some good points, and I am a little bit suspicious of Jagex at times too, I do reckon that they sometimes stretch the truth to make things out to be better for them. Honestly, whos gonna know if they lie?




(unless that first post was an edited version of what was originally posted, I think the rest of you completely over-reacted to one little mention of zezima's name)

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We're now finally on the right topic. Jagex.




Jagex just scares the younger players with they're "new macro tracking system" etc. But then again macro's contribute to the RS economy alot. Before the big pure ess deal, Essence trades were good and productive. Free players would make they're money through light workloads. They mine some ess, get a little bit of mining xp along the way, and then sell a large amount to a member that they know or see on the forums. Members benefeited from this in a large way as well, since only few actual members would spend their time mining ess. But now all that has changed. The biggest f2p-p2p trade has been halted. Now members must spend their precious time mining ess, which is easy-however people want large amounts and that takes time. As for free players, their income is pretty much dead. The only thing their good at is now ruined just because this company couldn't figure out a better way to slow down macro's. A few days after the pure ess update, I noticed alot of negative feedback to it on the forums. And some very compelling solutions. I had also read the Tip.it Times articale which made some great points. Before I didn't give a damn about the f2p-p2p ess trade. But now, I do give a damn. Thousands of poor free players don't have any money or anything to really do in the game. And members are fursterated with the fact that they must now waste their membership mining large amounts of ess just go up a few lvls in runecrafting. Everyone knows runecrafting is long and exuasting without having to get your own ess.




Thats just one of my views on Jagex. Funny how I jump from area to area in one generalized topic. :wink:




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Now your starting to understand. We are jagex. We control them not vice versu. Without us, they have no game, no income. We need to band togetehr and express when they do us wrong (even though its just a game). When you start voting are you going to let other big governments boss you around?


No! Take action Now! Send jagex a message loud and clear.


"Your not the boss of me now."








If you ever wanna hear more about the subject before some "mod" bans me go to our forums- http://s9.invisionfree.com/Tension/index.php




Remember to think for yourself.




Oh and look what a friend just sent me. Nice going jagex...


They wanted to reamin anonymous, so i took out the names.



The object of war is not to die for your country. but to make the opposing man die for his.


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Jagex only listen to us with one ear, they still do what they want even if we think its bad, and its because they can afford to. People are hooked, you need to keep playing anyway, and once you're a member its very hard to go back to f2p without clearing your bank out, another great idea.


I hated the pure essence idea, after a few days, they should have made it mineable on f2p with like 30 or 50 mining or something, and a little thing like they used to use when you slept at sleeping bags, or another method used by the random events.


I havent bought any pure essence since, I havent done alot of high level runecrafting and I was lucky enough to buy 15k essence just before, which got converted to pure. Another thing with pure, all those that made their money from essence, may consider becoming p2p to mine pure, as they will be making more money because pure essence seems to be going for at least twice its previous price.

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