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Looking for a pixel sig, Prizes Given!


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Ok this is the deal, i am looking for a pixel signature, and there will be 2 winners. First of all this is what i want the sig to be.




Character Name-[ Yourmysin


Armor- Guthix full helm, Rune Chain, Rune legs, Rune kite, Ammy of Glory, Abyssal whip with a dagger (S) in the other hand Obsidian Cape, Ranger Boots with Green Gloves and a quiver of rune arrows on my back.


Location- Located at castle inside the castle at level 13 wilderness or firegiants in wilderness (Your Choice)




Description- I want my character to be pking a mage with Full Mystic, Farseer Helm, Mage Boots, Glorey Ammy, Zammy Staf in one hand, Abyssal Whip in the other, with a legends cape.




Other information- Green dragon in background would be nice, but not nescessary. A few Dead trees are good also.




Rewards- First place will recive a Website Template designed by myself customly for the winner, as well as their name in my signature.




Second Place will Recive a free Abstract Signature and their name in my signature as well.




Negiotions acceptable, Add me on msn- [email protected]






Thank you :)


Current Goals

80/80 Fletching

60/75 Woodcutting

97/100 Combat

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Sure, heres a few.




The only Website Template i have sofar. Project-Runescape


















Flash banner Click on Banner






















































Current Goals

80/80 Fletching

60/75 Woodcutting

97/100 Combat

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so how about, I make you a custom pixel signiture with the guy you wanted in there, and you make me a custom abstract signiture with the render I provide?? ....I want a abstract type signiture but I hate begging.






here is my work-







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here is the picture, can you just remove the background and shrink it down?








can you do a gory type like this one?








with the same color scheme. make the background black hehind him, make his body like 20% darker, his head is fine. Finally with the gory type abstract thing next to it.




for the size: 150 height & 300 width will be nice, but smaller will be better I think.








Ok lets talk about your signiture..




so do your character to be




cooool - like kuchiki byakuya from bleach


psychopathic - like father Anderson from Hellsing


lay back type - like [bleep]e from cowboy bebop


cold blooded killer-


hot blooded & brave




look them up in google image if you don't know who they are.

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under 30kb






so what is your character going to be like?? Can't get started without knowing that.






cooool - like kuchiki byakuya from bleach


psychopathic - like father Anderson from Hellsing


lay back type - like [bleep]e from cowboy bebop


cold blooded killer-


hot blooded & brave

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