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The herb problem


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I wanted herbs to make potions, so I started killing bots in Lumbridge Castle, but after a while they stopped dropping herbs. I have now gone through about 35 bots and none of them have dropped a single herb since. What can I do?





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bots? Who?




Anyway, kill the Al Kharid guys in the building to the east of the bank. They drop plenty of herbs. You could also find some Chaos Druids and kill them. They are really good herb droppers.

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get a ligh sorce (candle etc) and a tinderbox, and if you can kill cave bugs go kill them in lumby swamp, really good low lvl herd droppers lots of guams and marrentils




Don't get candle, get lantern or some other players will pick up your remains there, swamp gas explodes if you use naked flame there.

Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either

a fool or a coward.


Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law

is both.


For a wounded man shall say to his assailant:

"If I live, I will kill you, If I Die, you are forgiven."


Such is the Rule of Honor.

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Cave Crawlers.


Owns all the other herb droppers.


Even drop alot of second ingridents.


And can drop up to 3 herbs at one time.




they require a higher slayer, and will poison you when you fight them




Candymann16 wrote:


get a ligh sorce (candle etc) and a tinderbox, and if you can kill cave bugs go kill them in lumby swamp, really good low lvl herd droppers lots of guams and marrentils






Don't get candle, get lantern or some other players will pick up your remains there, swamp gas explodes if you use naked flame there.




i wasnt saying to use a candle, i was just saying what i meant, candles are a very bad i dea down there because they will ignight the gas and cause an explosion


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