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The Legend of Avalace


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The legend of avalace starts back in time when heros would wonder around the land and thiefs and bandits and pkers litter the wild...




Avalace was one day in the wildy.. he was a fair strong level and had ful rune on along with a glory amulet.. he didnt worry about bandits or pkers so much..




but one day he was in the wild at the zamorak temple which lay in ruins..


he was picking up bones of the depassed men and buried them..


but then when he was about to leave 5 men in black cloaks walked up to the alter..


all of them were a mage but one was stronger then the rest..


he then casted a tele-deequip&grab spell which was long banned from the world of runescape..


it was thaught that that magic was long lost and long forbidden


then he casted another dark magic power.. which casted a powerfull whirland to come up and it picked Avalace up and he flew away....




then the next day he woke up.. in the monastery in which the monks were healing him...


they asked him what happened and the monks spoke of the dark wizard adzarg.. Avalace didnt understand what they ment but they told him to tell the king of varrock about it... and they insisted him with a monk named Tunk..




so they traveled through the barbarian village and into varrock..


then they walked up to the caste doors and a guard asked what they were doing there... Tunk then gave the guard a letter and he read it and then said "Over this way" and let them into the kinds chamber..




after a long talk with the king and Tunk..the king asked Avalace to join the army in burthope but avalace was ill equip so he asked the king that if he gotten him full rune and a rune weapon he will do it..




and the king handed avalace a letter and told him to give it to the heros guild owner.




so avalace and tunks went down to the heros guild...


and gave the letter to the guild owner who then gave avalace the full rune and rune sword he wanted.. and other suppies such as a sleeping bag and food for the trip to burthrope..




so they traveled west of falador and onto white wolf mountain...




it was snowing badly that day and avalace and tunk found a cave to sleep in till the storm was over..




it was a couple hours later then that avalace woke up and looked arround...




then he went to look at the back of the cave..


the cave was quite small then he turned around when he was at the end of the cave since there was nothing there..but then he fell down through the floor into another tunnel as it would seem...




it was dark and he couldnt see hardly anything then he walked down the tunnel and then started seeing lamps on the side of the tunnel..




then he saw dwarfs... and rail carts..it was a giant secret mining area..


and he saw a dwarf in a black cloak it was one of the men that attacked him the one day..and he started walking towards avalace and avalace hid into a mining cart..




and the dwarf in the cloak walked up to another dwarf who seemed to be the leader of the mine..




he asked him if he had found the secret mystical rock in the mines yet..


the head dwarf miner then said yes and took out a sword which was glowing and was sharp..




the dwarf in the cloak took it and then hitted it down on a rune mine..


which broke into hundreds of peices in that one hit...




and the dwarf in the cloak told him it was excellent and told him he will take it to his master..adzarg......




To Be Continued....

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