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Diary of a Mage


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Hi, my name is Noobish111 and I am a mage. My life is pretty hard, but I know how to get through it. In this diary my father gave me before he went out to war, never to been seen again, I shall write about every day until I work my way up to become king of a place called "The Wilderness."




Entry #1:




Today I just got off of Tutorial Island. There, I learned how to save Runescape from monsters with my magic spells. So far, though, I only know one spell. Anyway, I was in a castle called Lumbridge with items that can help me on my way. To start out, I just started using my magic to kill chickens. After a good days work, I was exausted. Atleast I got my magic experience to allow me to cast a spell called "Teleport to Lumbridge". Well, it's time to turn my light off and get to bed.




Entry #2:




Traning my newest spell, I learn some new spells, too. So far I could do 20 out of the 42. Much, much training is needed to be eligable to go into the Wilderness. As I was walking around Falador at midnight, a puff of smoke flashed in front of me. Out of it, came a small book. Cautiously, I picked it up and blew the dust off of the front. The title read "So You Want to be a Mage?" I srambled home to read it. All night I read it, it was so rich in detail and very helpful. It also had spells that nobody had heard of. Once I finished a few chapters, I was off to bed.




Entry #3:




Now I know every single spell there is to know. So I set off to Varrock to find a clan. At Varrock, many people were running around screaming "Phr33 st00f pl0x!" I swiftly ignored them and waited for somebody to advertise for their clan. Hours passed... nobody said anything.




Entry #4 Coming soon!






Please C&C



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That story didn't really make sense because you can't go to Lumbridge just after Tutorial Island with only wind strike as a spell and learn teleport to lumbridge in the same day unless you really are obsessed.

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