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What to do?


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- I'm not a big fan f starwars (So Bubsa, no light sabers :wink: )


Well, I've lost interest in this thread!




Seriously though, if you don't know what you really want at the moment, your better off saving the money until you do, so you don't go buy a flash in the pan thing and waste it.




Also, seeing as you didn't know you had this money, why not give it to charity? :) You wouldn't be losing money, because you never thought you had it, and you'd be doing something truly amazing at the sametime, whichever charity you support.




If all else fails...buy a plane ticket to Liverpool and I can show you my lightsaber! \'

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If all else fails...buy a plane ticket to Liverpool and I can show you my lightsaber! \'




heh, when i first read that i took it in a totally sick way :P




/my mind is in the gutter


//i dont mind all that much though




anyways, the first advice i gave was to invest it. now that i read it again, i think you wont really need to do that. your parents bought you a car, so i can assume they are probably going to pay for your other bills too when you get older. so that means, spend the money, but dont spend it till you are absolutely sure what you want. you dont want to waste all that money on something you will only use once or twice.



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- I'm not a big fan f starwars (So Bubsa, no light sabers :wink: )


Well, I've lost interest in this thread!




Seriously though, if you don't know what you really want at the moment, your better off saving the money until you do, so you don't go buy a flash in the pan thing and waste it.




Also, seeing as you didn't know you had this money, why not give it to charity? :) You wouldn't be losing money, because you never thought you had it, and you'd be doing something truly amazing at the sametime, whichever charity you support.




If all else fails...buy a plane ticket to Liverpool and I can show you my lightsaber! \'




The bottom part made me laugh too :lol: Don't worry Bubsa, I know what you mean.




Bubsa is a tip.it legend :3>




Thanks for the advice everyone! I'm going ot end up saving it now until I need a new computer/ camera/ or new parts for my car.




Off topic: Anyone else think this looks Asian? :x

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Do your car up put a decent sound system in it and put some money towards your liscence for when you can get it.




Why do you need to ask on a games forum what to buy? jeez just go do it! :-k




Alot of the people here don't even play runescape anymore,and tip.it has a great community. And the point of the thread wasn't what to buy but what to do with the money.




Give it to charity then.

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