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Underground Pass quest.


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Do you think ill be ready to do it?




I have


37 prayer (protect from mage)


60 attack (D Long with str ammy)


48 Def (full rune with no helm or shield)


54 str


67 combat



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I did it this past weekend with 50 agility and 53 thieving. After hearing about how hard this quest can be, I didn't think it was that big of a deal at all (tourest trap is still my least favorite quest to date). The only combat that I recall were the three paladins (who were total wimps) and Iban (turn on protect from magic and use your doll on the well - done). I took sharks with me, but in hindsight, I think lobbies would have worked just fine.

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this quest had to be the funniest one i have done so far,




me and a mate did it with 35 and 36 agility took us ages but we had a great time laughing at each other falling and falling and falling lol




the monsters were not hard to kill we used range ( he is lvl 54 im lvl 53 )


so thats the demons sorted and as for the big spider i used pray to protect and just killed it and blocked for my mate, so quite easy




you get lots of free food potions and stuff on this quest so it's all good




ohh and dont forget klank's gauntlets, i love mine

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