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The meaning of life, or perhaps im just insane.


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Let me try to get this clear. ( and maybe clear it up for others). You believe enlightenment is when everything has been done. Saying that on each plane of the universe everything must be done at least once. And once enlightened everything explodes,implodes, or replodes, correct?




Though I dont understand the last part I beleive the enlightenment part is very plausible if not true.



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ooo infinites, theyre so fun arent they? but yes, meaning in life is entirely dependent on belief of lack there of. if you dont believe in god and have no sense of ultimate good, or good of the people, then maybe youre meaning of life is just to reproduce, but i think in general, bringing society towards greater levels is something we should all strive for.




Why? Who cares what happens to society if your life is meaningless in the grand scheme of things? You'll be dead anyway, it's not like you will see the results of your actions or that those actions will matter for anyone else.




doesnt matter in the end anyways, thats whats is so great about religion, if you think youve lived your life well and served Him or whatever you want to call it, then you'll go to wherever you expect to go.




Maybe you will, maybe you won't...

I'm currently transitioning from a Wizard to a Mage and a Priest to an Archpriest. Lol both are nonexistant in the top 25. Hopefully I can change that. :D

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ooo infinites, theyre so fun arent they? but yes, meaning in life is entirely dependent on belief of lack there of. if you dont believe in god and have no sense of ultimate good, or good of the people, then maybe youre meaning of life is just to reproduce, but i think in general, bringing society towards greater levels is something we should all strive for.




Why? Who cares what happens to society if your life is meaningless in the grand scheme of things? You'll be dead anyway, it's not like you will see the results of your actions or that those actions will matter for anyone else.




I like living with the thought that I achieved something good in my life. I most likely will also like dying with that same thought. And still I don't believe my life is crucial in the grand scheme of things. I even consider the Earth to be pretty futile in it; there's thousand of other planets that most likely have intelligent life asd well in our milkyway alone.


And NO we will never be able to communicate with them, since our little milkyway is several thousands of lightyears big, that means we won't ever come close to every reaching another inhabited planet.

Bill Hicks[/url]":dhj2kan9]Since the one thing we can say about fundamental matter is, that it is vibrating. And since all vibrations are theoretically sound, then it is not unreasonable to suggest that the universe is music and should be perceived as such.


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Dude, quit trying! Life has no meaning. We were put here to do good to the animals. We think we're the center of life. Well we're not! Ever sence caveman we've been inventing new things! Ever sence then, we've thought we were the center of technolegy! Well No!






Sorry for my pointless rant,





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