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wILdY ATTRACTION- wat is it about the wilderness PKers?


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I pk because i enjoy it. Its lots more fun than clicking monsters, rocks or whatever. If runescape didnt have pking then i would have quit long ago.




But rs2 pking really is nothing compared to classic pking. classic pking was the best. What i like to call "the good old days"




classic pking was such a rush, with the 3 hit rule, catching etc. If anyone else here pked in classic then i know you will agree there was nothing like it.




At first i hated rs2 pking, because it takes a much lower skill to pk in rs2.


but now ive grown to like it, and get a small thrill from it.




Also, pking is so much more intelligent then clicking giants or fishing spots or whatever. I just dont see why people like training skills when its just brainless clicking.



Don't be afraid your life will end, be afraid it will never begin.

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What enjoys me about the wilderness is not the killing, but the ability to escape :D As a rune miner, I'm often chased by higher leveled players or high levelled pures, and getting away from them gives a real rush!

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i get much more than I loes and it's fun, I created a noob account because it is was easier to kill and if you die you loes very little. I especially like when no one can tele, I wish their were world's that you couldent because I would be extremely rich.

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i agree, pking is fun, but with all the monsters in the wild, who can resist wanting to train on the monsters? i don't think its fair to go into the wild and want to train and get killed, but its your own choice to go into the wild.


Retired from runescape. I will be on every now and then though. :)

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you know that you are fighting a human. and that you can lose all of your stuff and when you get a kill it is more rewarding then omg i killed another hobogobling/hill giant.

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Interesting question, I am glad you asked because I want to answer.




I play on my lvl 36 (53 mage) F2P char, Horselord 01, whenever I get bored on my main. I pk on this character, not for riches, but for fun! You honestly have to experience the rush of sprinting after a fleeing melee noob who is going north instead of south (because north just gets deeper into wildy, not out of it :twisted: ), all the while flinging earth blasts that hit 15's on his mithril armor. I don't know why, but it is a ton of fun to attack meleers, who can't retaliate immediately because they have to run up close, and knowing that you will win because mages own warriors.

I recently finished my goal of stealing 10,000 cakes!


http://img395.imageshack.us/slideshow/p ... 42u61.smil


New Goal: Ring of Stone

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But where is the honor in slaughtering a player in the wilderness who does not want to do battle?




I understand how the wilderness works and I respect it. If I want to go PKing, then I will do it the way I think it should be done. Issue a challenge and if accepted, fight to the death. If the challenge is declined, I leave the player alone. Any other means of PKing is nothing more than the cowards way of battle. I have tried several times to collect greens and died all but once at the hand of players out for ill gotten loot.




I know of a few neighborhoods just like the wilderness...stay out or prepare to die.




Meta Mucil




SHHH, I am concentrating.....oh look, a paperclip!


Where was I again?

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