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Affordable PC play these games:


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What parts (mainly the CPU and Vid card) would I need to play the following games at a really good level (running very smoothly on medium to high detail settings), but still be affordable? (under $900)




Battlefield 1942


Medel of Honour: Allied Assault and Pacific Assault


Secret Weapons over Normandy


(Got all 4 games new for $10 :thumbsup: \' )




Age of Empires III




So far I've got my sights on a P4 at 3Ghz with HT, ATI x1300, 1.5GB of RAM, 250GB HD, 17" Flatscreen, 8x DVD+RW drive.




Thanks for suggestions in advance.

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Yeah, that rig should be able to handle all of those with very little problems. I've got a P3 3.4 GHz, 1 gig of RAM, and an Nvidia GeForce 6600 and the only modern game I play is FEAR, but it runs on all max settings with no lag whatsoever. So you should be good.

I really wouldn't call it an era. It was more of a definitive time period during which dinstinctive characteristics were expressed in similar ways.


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But are they affordable? I saw the x1900 for $400 CDN... Sure it's the newer card, but I'm assuming the x1800 or x1600 can't be much cheaper.




They are a lot cheaper than the x1900. The x1600XT is about $130 (american).




The 7600GT is the best price/preformance ratio thats out right (I think). It goes for around $160-175 (american).




The 7900GT is a nice card too, that goes for $280(american). Sorry I don't know Canadian prices.

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Well most of my friends say that if you have a weak vid card, Age III won't look that nice. Besides, I still have to play BF1942 and MoH.




Anyone know about the prices for the x1800?




These are prices I have seen on newegg.com in USD




GTO= $190-200


XT (256mb)= $240-250


XT (512mb)= $ $300




The 512mb XT is not worth the extra money from the 256mb version.




You can even look into the x1900GT (about $270) which is slightly faster than the x1800XT. Look at some benchmarks on this one first compared to the x1800XT to see if it's worth the extra speed for the money.

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