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Non Member Blog ---READ---

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Ok I Am Now An Ex Member.


I Have seen Many Convesations. I Have Found Them Very Very Very Funny, I Have Found That Non Members Can really Live Up to There Names as 'Noobs'. So I Had The Idea OF Posting Some of These Convesations.


Lol i am Sorry But I HAD to. :XD:


Edit: Please Can you post after you read this, becuase it gives me an idea if i should keep posting or not.


Enjoy! :D




I am At The Hillies In World 108


Person 1: Main Lvls?


Person 2: 167


Person 1 : Nice, How did you get so high?


Person 2 : I killed Lots Of Dragons


Person 1: Wow What sort


Person 2: ........Rune Dragons


Person 1: Wow!








I was Wearing my full sara And A Person Walks up to me




Person: Lol! Stupid Noob, Mithril Armour is (censor)


Me: Its Not Mithril Armour, Its Saradomin.


Person: No noob, im Not a noob like you. Its Mithril!


Me: its Not A Dark blue but, This Is saradomin Armour.


Person: Stupid Noob (censor) (censor) (censor)


Reported And Walked Off




Im At Hillies In World 109


A Person Was Annoying some 1 else


Person 1: Shut up!


Person 2: Reported


Person 2: Reported


Person 2: Reported


Person 1: Thats Reporting Abuse!


Person2: No That Comment Offended me!


Person 1: Umm No.....


Person 2 : You Have Hurt my feeling alot, I must report you


Person 1 Teles away




Cutting yews In Edge


Person 1: Qp Lvls


Person 2: 967


Person 3: 23


Person 4: 967? I dont think You can get that High


Me: You Can't


Person 2: Just Becuase My Lvl 295 Main Is way better then yours


Person 5: You Can't get lvl 295 Combat?


Person 2: Yes You Can! (censor)


Me: You Can't, Dude You dont have to lie


Person 2: Im not!


Person 2 loggs out




Killing hillies in world 109


Person 2 Is annoying person 1.


Person1: Go away noob!


person 2: What makes me a noob and not you?


Person 1: Becuase i have 6k! Ha ha noob!


Person 2: .....




Killing hillies in world 109


Lvl 83: My main has full guthan and full dragon and 5 mill


Person 2: Nice! How did you get it all.


Lvl 83: I spent 1 whole week buying silk and selling it to clothes shop in varrok.


Person 2: How much money did you get over all?


Lvl 83: Well , full guthan is 500K and full dragon is only 900K and i have 5 mill so i got 6.4 mill after all that!!!!


Person 2: Ok Ill go try it!




Killing Hillies World 109


Person 1: Sup (name)


Person 1: Nothign much (name)


Person 1 : What you doing


Person 1: killing Big Men


Person 1: You meen Hill Giants (name)


Person 1: Yes


Person 1: (name) Your strange


Person 1:I no


Person 1: Why is every1 lookign at me


Person 1:Maybe Becuase your Talking to yourself


Person 1: Oh yeah , Maybe


Me: (name)


Person 1: Yes?


Me: Talking to yourself is a first sign of madness


Me: Answering yourself is the second sign


Person 1: (name) Your not kool


Person 1: yeah i am


Person 1: No your not


Person 1: Im Cooool


Person 1: Stop it (name) Your annoying them


Person 1: Oh Sorry


Person 1 walks away








Just a bit west of varrok West bank


Person 1: Then They had kids.


Person 1: To Be continuerd (spelt wrong on purpose)


Person 2: How can they have kids when they are two girls?


Person 1: One was a guy


Person 2: But you said they where both girls


Person 1: I did?


Person 2: Yes....


Person 1: Any way, they had a boy named ...Rob


Person 2: So The Guy And they girl had the boy named rob.


Person 2: Or A girl and a girl


Person 1: Just Shut up!


Person 1 runs away






I will be updating whenever possible!




Please Post your Feedback!


You can even post a convosation you have had/seen that was....wierd.lol



Coming Soon

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