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The Scourge Of Al Kharid


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It was a hot, dusty day in Al Kharid. Nothing out of the ordinary of course. Erin shook the sand out of her bottle-brushy tail. She'd been having a good sleep as it was, before the merchant awakened her with cries of "Silk! Silk!".








The sun was rising, a deep blood red disc enveloping the horizon. The sand around this tan colored wolf furre was cool, but would soon be burning fiercely. Erin has camped at a small oasis near the crossroads between the town and the battle arena. Road traffic had been small, so she was able to have a good night's sleep. She reached her paw out and soaked it in the small, but clear pond.








The trees around her moved gently in the breeze. In fact, the palm she rested her back on had been the stillest of the rest. Erin, still dressed in her light silk clothing, took a dip in the pond. She relished the cool water. Shaking herself off, she headed to the bank to put her work clothes on.




A leather top, dark green gloves, and some trusty leather chaps insured she wouldn't get her normal silk clothes too dusty.








Her trusty adamantium pickaxe came with her. She'd mined huge amounts of silver with it. The silver made her quite rich and seperated her from the beggar noobs, who were unaccustomed to working on their own. As Erin slipped her leather boots on, she remembered the days when she had huge thrills player-killing.








She grinned as she remembered this, noting that a black cape and a steel longsword made her look docile compared to steriod-swigging runite-clad killers with dragon axes and horned helmets. They had threatened her, chased her, and once or twice even managed to kill her. Erin actually had a natural cautiousness that made her look like a coward to some people. "Vitus Et Veneratio" was her motto. Life Before Honor. This motto had served Erin well, saving her life on more than one occasion.








Erin marched down to the mines, recounting all this. But she snapped out of her rather glory-filled adventures when a scorpion hit her in the leg! Pickaxes worked well in destroying scorpions. They bit through their hard armor. And so Erin smashed into the scorps armor, costing him 7 damage points. She eventually finished him off. Before long, Erin established a silver rock for herself, before being chased off by some jerk with a runite pick and a big ego.








But Erin also had a big mouth, which easily made the whole population of Al Kharid dislike her. She soon came to be the scourge of Al Kharid. The gem-seller would grugingly give her 182 gp for the cut sapphire she held out. The bankers avoided her. Even the guards at the Al Kharid-Lumbridge borderline discussed making her again pay a fee for which a quest had saved her of.








The only person who really considered trying to help her was the kebab-salesman. He rather liked plucky Erin because she left him a 5 gp tip each time she bought her daily lunch. By now you probably wonder what Erin was doing...








She was making iron bars. And she already had like 60. It would really up her lvl when she was done. Of course, a big mining band had finished mining a bunch of silver. They attacked the iron. Erin was driven out of the mine by runite picks attacking anything they could hit.








By now, Erin was forced to train on scorpions for defense. The day was almost done, anyway. She wiped sweat off her forehead. A good day's work was done. She had earned about 2.5k today. She could have done a little better, but today was a quite average day. Erin had even skipped lunch so she could get more money. And by now, lunch was all Erin was thinking of. A nice kebab with a side order of stolen cabbage from the palace table. Some fish might be nice for dinner, too.








After Erin had her fill, she fished for a few hours with her net. It was sold cheaply, but it made her fishing lvl gain a few lvls. She walked to the bank to deposit her work gear, and found that the bottoms of her shoes had been torn. Of course, she wasn't wearing them now that the sand was cool. The gashes looked like they had been made by a dagger or a knife. These scraps of leather were useless now. Whomever had made the slashes must have taken her work bag at lunch.








An act of cruelty, as these were her favorite pair. They were the best boots she had. Erin sighed, deeply disappointed by the crime. She would have to report it to the Sultan's police as an act of defacment of property. Until then, she walked over to the respawning boot house and picked up a new pair there.








She completely forgot about the whole incident until next morning, she picked up her work bag from the bank and found her pants and her leather shirt completely diced up. Erin was extremely upset about this, so she put her gloves on and held onto her pickaxe. She made posters that offered a reward if anyone could give her clues. No one answered after a week. But by then, Erin had bought herself new leather gear, as leather was dirt cheap.




To be continued in part two...

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So...At the beginning you were talking about a tail and paws. Right? So is she a wolf or something? A werewolf? It's just really puzzling. By the way, good story so far. Can't wait for more!

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