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Sig Request - Experienced sig makers - REWARD ASWELL


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If you're bored/nice person/or just plain bored.. I was wondering if you could make me a signature.. My sig at the moment s*cks.. I know it is hard.. But please :pray: .. AND YES I DO HAVE A REWARD FOR THE BEST SIG :thumbsup:




Here's what I want.. If it's not clear post what is needed to be cleared..I'm looking for people who can animate signatures..And experienced sig makers..Although anyone is welcome to include their signature..




Size: 500x150 - WidthxHeight (sp?)


Background: Black


Main Text: >:ARSNLRULE (Caps. on that) And yes please include the " >: before the ARSNLRULE.


Area: Centre


Font/Colour for main text: Arial/Dark green




This is where it gets hard...




Secondary Text: - The cure makes the disease worse


- It's a bad plan that can't be changed


- I think, therefore I suffer


- Although it is great, the anger of the gods is certainly slow


- Save yourself from those below


- Here be Dragons


- A mouse does not rely on just one hole


- Don't consider that anything has been done if anything is left to be done


- Cerberus is awake under your feet


- Save yourselves from the spirits of the dead


- ÃÆâÃâ¹Ã¢â¬Â Ãâ¦Ã¡16, ÃÆâÃâ¹Ã¢â¬Â Ãâ¦Ã¡64, ÃÆâÃâ¹Ã¢â¬Â Ãâ¦Ã¡225






- I would like the secondary text to be flashing in one by one on top and then under the primrary text.


- With a 2 second stop on the sig..


- Like it comes in > Waits two seconds > Another one comes in > Waits two seconds > Etc...


- If you can can you make the text like at a slant of about 20 - 45 degrees either way




Font/Colour: Arial/Dark green



Thanks soo much for reading.. If there's anything unclear just post it and I'll reply as soon as I have the time/read the post.. YES THERE IS A REWARD :XD: I'm not saying what it is, And only I and the winner will get to know what it is.... If there's anything




Thanks again, ArsnlRule









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