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Runescape Clocks.


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At the moment, I'm killing Basilisks, So as you can tell, I'm pretty bored. Anyway, This is a suggestion about their forums. Don't you just hate when you're looking for something like... A Zamorak Page or god armor or something, and you see this AMAZING deal such as a zammy page that you need for 200K instead of 250K and you think to yourself, "Yes! 50K deal for me!" And as soon as you posted, you realize, looking back, the post is 5 hours old and don't feel too smart. Ever happend to you? Happens to me all the time... All I suggest is a simple clock like at the top of the page. Just a little statement like:




Runescape Forum Time: 00:00 (Running on 24 hour clock I believe)




Just so you don't feel stupid posting on a topic thats 5 hours old...

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thats cool. but my computer has a clock on the bottom bar where the start button is...i dunno whats it called :oops: :-$








That could work.




You would have to find out which "timezone" the RS forums operate on, I've heard they are somewhat desynchronized from any real life timezone (Too lazy to find out for myself).




I actually heard a Jagex Mod comment on this once, and they said it would be incredibly difficult (something about too many computers querying the server at once? Is there anybody around here who knows how online clocks work and can confirm that?).




I personally don't think it would be all that hard, the forums already have something that shows the time a post is made, all they need is an applet that queries the server for the time when you log in, and then starts ticking.




Heck one of us could probably program it ourselves and send the source code to Jagex. :lol:

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Does anyone know what the forum time is in (ie GMT time). Or is there anyway to change it to your GMT. Its quite annoying to look at topics and not know when they are posted..




I think the easiest thing to do would be to look at the timestamp of a recent post and then set a clock to match it.

If you dont take steps to ensure that you're protected, you void all right to complain when stuff goes wrong.
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