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The big 99!!

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Currently 198k till 91


Currently offline.


Well, I have recently decided to go for 99 attack. :shock: I am currently 90, and 103 combat. I will most likely be using pest control the whole way. I know this will take me a while, because I will usualy only have around an hour a day during the week to play due to school and after school activities.




On this thread I will post all my level up pics, and other pics I get that I like. I will keep this updated as much as I can, and would like others to bump it up if I'm not able to one night. I will also keep you updated everynight when I have to get off with how close I am to the next level on the first line. So, let's get started! =D>




Here's a nice pic of someone everyone should know. :thumbsup:




Me and him gave each other a nice "Hyt".



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