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Dalcyte's long and lonesome road....

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Now over the past few days i have found myself in a crisis. I want to get my goals of a d chain full guthans and full ahrims. I tried killing chaos druids one day, got some cash didn't like it. So i moped, played some cw and pc. Did "in aid" and darkness of the hallowvale. THen i decided...well i'm gonna get myself back into barrows, after doing a long streak with no items (still 0 items to date) i'm gonna go back and give another shot. But now i'm gonna be bigger and better than ever. To do this i'll need these lvls.




65 Prayer (just to have and explained later)


48 con (portal room + tea)


70 range (black d hide)




Alright, so i thought to myself...i want 65 prayer. Now with 65 prayer i can do kq also, which can further my chain goal. So i went to the good ol' bone grinder and got myself 52-54 prayer. Now, after lookin at the calcs...i got a lot of d bones till 65 prayer, and i don't wanna kill or spend...so i moped a little more. Then i thought "Hey! why don't i do shade burning!" Now, its quite unorthidox...i no. its usually the ectofunctus or gilded altar for prayer. 3500 asyns to burn. Ok, i'll try it. i'll get 76 fm at the same time also along with a few cb lvls from killin them. Not worried bout yews at all, won 2.5k from tet Phyrefest :thumbsup: ...and another 2k from a friends party. I bet i'm also gonna make money from this from all the chest rewards lol i thought. Well today i got crackin' Here's my track record for today. Ugh it looks like i'm gonna be spending the better of my days in good ol' gloomy mort'ton




Quest: Eyes of Glouphrie






76 magic


47 Rc


58-65 fm :o (Thank you kingdom maples!)


44 Con (yesterday)


62 wc






385 Oaks (enough for 48 con)


241 (3) olive oils




Keep this thread bumped! i can't play during weekdays, but once i get to keys the rewards will be awesome to look at! :P

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Good luck man,




Prayer is going to be a pain in the butt, but if you pull through with it I'm sure you'll get some nice drops from the KQ.




I myself am trying for a d med at firegiants.

Looking for someone to teach me how to Armadyl farm - pm me

10,200th Person to Achieve 99 Magic on 1/10/08

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Goodluck:) Prayer can be done quick when you can borrow somone's gildet altar. :D






yea but i wanna try this out...i'll get combat lvls along with prayer plus 76 firemaking. And from the chests i'll get pleanty of cash and items. Silver chests have lvl 3 clues :thumbsup:

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