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My 2nd attempt at a pixel sig.


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i was follin around in paint and decided to experiment with shading and stuff so i gave a mage a go.
















if any of u wanted it or anything go right ahead theres no a/w




and of if u dont want it give it a rating and some constructive critisim. thx!


[Admin Edit: Religious text Not permitted]

~108 combat~

5.9k dusties killed / dragon chain :D

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Its to large. The forum rule is 300x500




great job thought. Excellent for a 2nd try. The backgound is a bit boring. Work on it. Afew things to work on








Better Shading




Work on the left hand. It stops as it meets the staff.








keep the border going on all sides and the same color








I really like the fire on the little blast thingy













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