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Maybe One Day I'll Find Out [{ Chapter 3 & 4 Posted! }]


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Hey guys,




This is my first story i've posted on the forums so some creative feed-back would be nice. I've read a lot of good stories on the Forums and it has really inspired me to be a writer.




If you want to you can leave me a character you would like to see appear in the story, Just leave his/her name and short description and I'll do my best to add him.




I think this will become a full fledged story. People have been giving me advice and its really been helping me with my writing.




PM me if you want to and feel free to give me a "HYT!" whenever you see me or talk to me.




Happy Reading! :wink:








Chapter One




"I'd like to make a withdraw from my account please." I said quietly to the Banker as he went into the back to find what I asked for.




"Here you are, Sir." He replied as he stacked a set of Black Dragon Hide on the counter along with a small red dagger and a Magic Short bow. I quickly put these items on and sheathed the dragon dagger on my side.




I walked out of the bank, Slowly heading towards my destination of a the Ardroune Teleport House. As I walked two men caught my eye. It looked like they were talking and having a jolly old time. "Whats it like to live a normal life?" I thought. "Whats it like to be the one ask for help instead of answering the call of a damsel in distress?"




"Maybe I'll find out one day." I muttered under my breath. "Maybe I'll find out one day...




Realising I was at my set destination I fitted my Magic Short Bow with a runite arrow and stepped inside the house. The small glittering level instently caught my eye. "Here we go." I sighed as I pulled the level.




Slowly but surly the familiar feeling of teleporting tingled through my body. I then felt my feet touch the heated ground of the small ruins surrounded by the small lava lake.




The twining of bow strings and the blasts of magic along with armor and sword clashing against each other rang in my ears after the teleport feeling completely wore off. I quickly ducked behind a small wall to surrvey the scene.




I could see the whole battle from my vantage point and was holding my bow firmly incase of emergency. The battle seemed to be between two clans. One looked to prefer mages as many were dressed in Mage Outfits and the other group looked as though they were fit to use Archery. Some were dressed in full armor sets also, Some in powerful Mystic Robes, Others in Black Dragon Hide like my own.




Both teams weren't about to give up any ground, But being the idiot I am I decided to even the scores since I could count more mages then Rangers.




I moved out from my safe haven and quickly pulled the string on my bow back. I looked for a target and found one, I scrawy little mage that was barly keeping up with all the excitment of a deep wilderness war. I readied my sights and was about to let go of the string, When a huge red paw crashed into the side of my head. I rolled back as far as the lever and rolled from the force of the blaw until I finally hit a small wall the stopped me.




I glanced up to see the glowing red eyes of a huge Hellhound. The look in its eyes were cold and filled with evil. Corrupted with hatred and pain. I closed my eyes and the last thing I seen was a paw rise to the air ready to finish what it had started.




But the hit did not come... I slowly opened my eyes to see a young women in black dragon hide warding off the the Hound with a barrage of rune arrows fired at the fastest speed I have ever seen.




I was in so much pain but I kept myself from fainting long enough to see the Hound rear over and drop dead. I gave pity to the hound. It was doing no wrong, Simply looking for its dinner and found a careless fool caught with his mind where it shouldnt have been. The hound was only doing what it needed to survive.




"Are you okay?" The young women said, As she made here way over to where I was laying. I couldn't answer because of the fact my back was in so much pain it was blinding. I then passed out....








Chapter 2






Pain.. Thats all there was for me as I felt myself being dragged across the rough ground and felt the feeling of teleporting come over me once again, Only this time I had that to deal with and the fact that it felt like there was a dragon stomping on my back.




When I hit the floor I hit harder then usual and braced myself against a table so I could get my balance. I then looked over the one who had saved me from a vicious hellhound not 5 minutes ago. "Looks like I better pay attention from now on." I thought as the stranger lowered her hood.




Wow.. She was more beautiful then I could have ever imagined. Light green eyes that shone with the light entering the small house. Short brown curly hair that looked as though it was like silk. She looked like an angel." I thought as she started taking some of her equipment off and packing it in her pack.




She walked quicly over to where I was standing and helped me into a chair. "Are you okay? You took a pretty bad beating before I came along." She said with the most beautiful voice I had ever heard.




"Im fine.." I repied. "Thank you for saving me back there, I'd probly be a Hellhounds dinner if you hadn't shown up."




"Oh! Where are my manners? Im Kia." She said in tone that almost sounded like she was excited. "My names Brad, Nice to meet you."




"Same to you." She said and quickly went over to her pack and opened up the front pocket and pulled out some cooked lobsters. "Sorry that they arn't cracked open yet."




"It's okay." I said as I turned in my chair and smashed two lobsters on the side of the table, Breaking their shells and handing one of them to Kia. "Umm.. How am I supposed to eat it? I usually eat with a fork." She said in a shocked voice almost as if she had never eaten something with her fingers before.




"Well do I look like a have a fork with me at the moment?" I said as I cocked an eyebrow and gave a slight grin. Even that hurt and when I started to wonder why even talking and trying to grin hurt, I then remembered that I was just thrown around by a 4 ton dog like a chew toy. The more I thought about what happened the more the pain grew. Kia could tell by the expression on my face that I was in pain.




"Hey! Are you feeling okay?" She said with a helpful tone of voice. "Yeah, I'll be fine.. Im just a little sore from being thrown around by that Hellhound." I replied to her question and decided I would go and visit the bank and maybe withdraw I few items. How mistaken was I?




When I attempted to stand up it felt like the dragon stomping on my back started jumping and breathing fire onto the sore spot on my back.. Well I guess I can really said that it was a "Spot" on my back for the fact that my whole back felt like it was sharttered into a million pieces.




"I think you need some rest" Kia said as she started to pull some runes out of her pocket. "You can stay at my house in Yanille until your back heals up a little, Use these and teleport to Yanille and meet me in the Watchtower and I'll help you get to the house portal."




"Okay" I said as I took the runes from her hand. Next moment Kia was gone and I slowly began chanting and the feeling of teleporting feel upon me once again....




Chapter End.








Chapter 3




I felt myself hit harder then usual when I landed from the teleport and instantly I had arms holding me up... I then passed out from pain...




Through the course of the next month or so I really got to know Kia well.. Maybe its just that I liked her company or maybe it was the fact that she wouldn't stop talking and I acually had something to do other then quests that could never fill the empty void in my thoughts.




Slowly but surly I started to regain some of my abilitys I had before that Hellhound had its way with me, I regained the ability to stand up and even wield my old weapons. Running and jogging were still quite a challenge for me since my back felt a little uneasy even when I stood up.




At first I felt a little uneasy about Kia always being with me and helping me so much and occasionaly not giving me the space I needed, But that feeling wore off as I started to trust her more and more and I started to feel like I had known her for ages.




After a while I got to remember what happened when I teleported and passed out. I only remember a few things because I couldnt stay awake long enough for anything real interesting to happen. Kia filled me in with what happened when I was knocked out.




I remembered all the mages helping me down the ladders of the watchtower. They owed me anyway because I had helped them recently with a quest they had for me.




After getting me down to the watchtower, They acually dropped me on my head on the last ladder which knocked me out cold for a bit. Having a bad back and head at the same time dosen't mix well. Trust me.




Kia filled me in that they got me to the bank before I started to wake a bit. I sort of remember seeing the shimmering lights of energy of the Magic Guild and after they carried me so far I finally seen the Purple Portal. Thats the only time I was so glad to see a house portal. Im not really a fan of construction and never have been. Too much heavy lifting, I mean whats more effortless then killing a moss gaint carrying a 2 ton club unarmed?




Anyway back to what happened. After they had gotten me into Kia's house all the wizards said that had to go and tend to the watchtower again and make sure those pesky ogres didn't get their hands on those shield gems.




I finally snapped out of my daze as Kia walked into the room and sat down beside the bed. "How are you feeling?" She asked. "IM feeling a little better, I still have my doubts on my back." I replied. "Can you get up and walk around? It might help your back." She said but something told me she wasnt going to take no for an answer.




I slowy slipped sideways and on shaky legs I stood up and grabbed my sword belt and put it around my waist. "Do you really think your going to need that here?" She giggled as I attached my belt. "Can never be to safe."




Walking through her house and out the front door I started streching. I found it helped before I started walking or jogging. It was painful yes but compared to what its like if you dont stretch, I would rather take some pain now rather then a lot later.




I started my walk around the gardens and continued around the house. It was the most beautiful house anyone could ever build in my mind. Beautiful white marble stones where used for the walls, Everything in the house had a gold trim on it that you could see from a mile away. The gardens had the most exotic plants from different parts of the world and was filled wit the most wonderful of smells.




I snapped out of my day dream when I seen Kia running up behind me. "Geez! You walk to fast!" She panted trying to catch her breath. "Maybe, Or are you just out of shape? You know ranging wont help you get very fit. You should start training a little bit with a sword." I said laughing to myself.




"Oh very funny, As I matter of fact I can use a sword, I just don't like to." She said as she finally caught back up to me after catching her breath. "Anyway thats not that matter at hand." She said now changing the tone of her voice to very serious. "Before we got here I told you that I needed your help, I need you to meet me in Varrock in about five days."




"Why five days? Can't you tell me whatever it is now?" I asked getting a little suspicious of what Kia was up too. "No, Im sorry. I need to talk things of with my superiors. I need to ask them questions on what "Our" next move is."




"Superiors? What is this girl talking about?" I thought to myself. "Alright.. I guess." I said after a brief moment of silence. "Great! Now do you have anything to do until then?" She asked. "Well.. I suppose I could sleep, drink and be happy? Would that count?" I replied cocking my eye-brow and giving a slight grin.




Kia gave me a look which im pretty sure meant "Stop screwing around or you can walk to Varrock." I get that look often. "Okay, Okay I'll look through my bank and I'll find something to do. Deal?" I asked.




"Okay. Are you sure you back is healed enough for you to go?" She asked in a worried tone remember that I had quite a bad experience with that Hound a few days ago. "Yeah, I'll be fine. I can wield a sword and run so thats all I need." I said as I brought a grin onto my face again.




"You grin too much." Kia said laughing and also smiling. Wow.. She had the most beautiful smile of anyone I had ever seen. "Whats wrong? Why are you looking at me funny." She said still smiling. "I'm not looking at you funny.. I just think you have a beautiful smile thats all." I said in a polite voice.




"Thank you." She replied. "So? Are you ready to head to the bank?" She said as she checked her gear. "Ready as I'll ever be." I said as I walked with her towards that portal.




Walking to the bank wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. Of course I had some back pains along the way but nothing to major. We both entered the back and Kia withdrew some quivler of rune arrows and her bow. I quickly searched through my back and while looking through something caught my eye.




It was a small stack of Death runes and a few Bloods. My math was a little rusty but I could count atleast 250 death runes and 100 blood runes. Seeing those items along with a few prayer potions and Lobsters in the back. I realised what I was going to do for those few days I had before I met Kia again.




I was going to pay a visit to the legendary Barrows Brothers. I had never been there and thought it would be a good excuse to test if I was ready for true combat again. "I think I know what im going to be doing Kia." I said in an excited tone. "What would that be?" She asked looking puzzled.




"Im going to set and expedition to Barrows, Besides I might get lucky and i'll be able to pay you back for saving me from that hound." I said. "What? You dont have to pay me for saving you. You have already paid your dues with me." She said smiling again. "How did I?" I asked. Now I was the one with the puzzled look on my face.




"You have accepted me for who I am, and not being a stuck up fool and saying you could have saved yourself or something like that." She said in a light tone, Almost as if she was embarresed for saying what she had just said.




"Kia.. I never really got to say this but.. Thank you for everything. Your the only person who had really looked out for me and helped when I was hurt, I consider you a closer friend then anyone I have ever known." I replied. "Well I guess I better be off, I have quite a hike to get to Barrows from here."




"Here, Take these. It might make your trip a little shorter." She said as she handed me some runes for a teleport to Varrock. "Thank you." I said. Thinking about Varrock I felt a slight tingle come over me as I closed my eyes. When I opened them again I was standing in the bustling Varrock Center.




"Well, I guess this is good-bye for now." I heard Kia say in a loud voice because of the crowd. " I'll see you in a few days." I replied to her as she disappered through the crowd. "Uh-oh!" I thought. "I forgot to ask her where we were going to meet, How come this always happened to me?"




I made a fist with my hand in anger and felt something crush in my hand. Opening my hand I seen a small piece of paper. On it was a note from Kia telling me where to meet her.






"Girls got style, Thats for sure" I thought as I walked east towards Mort'ton swamps...




Chapter End








Chapter 4




I stepped inside Dharok The Wretcheds tomb and slowly made my way to the center of the of the room. There the mighty tomb keeping the mighty Dharok at bay. Dealing with the other brothers was easy. It was Dharok that I was worried about. The craky skulls and musty smell of dead humand lingered in his tomb while the other tombs were quite clean for having been underground for 2000 years.




I slowly started to push open his tomb knowing what will happen next. I then heard the familier booming voice saying " You dare steal from us!" Suddenly the angry and restless spirit of Dharok apperared on the other side of the room.




"You are a fool to come here, Mortal. You have no bussiness here!." He taunted. Making a mad dash at me he swung his mighty axe. Rolling out of the way I quickly shot a quick Blast of Fire at him. It seemed to do affect him somewhat because he staggered at the power of the Blast.




"Some thing tells me this will be a good fight! I've been waiting years for a fight like this! Lets us continue and may the best warrior win!" He said in a deep tone. I simply replied from under my hood. "So be it."




Quick as a flash he ran over to where I was standing and Smashed his axe as hard as he could where I was standing. I quickly slid out of the way and made my way around his casket and blasting him with a huge ball of fires. He staggered again and again after each blast had hit his armor. "Maybe Im finally breaking through that think armor of his" I thought. "My back wont be able to take much more of this sliding and doging though."




I was almost in a day dream when I realised my oppenent had advanced on where I was standing! Without having time to move I was struck directly in the chest with the Huge axe, Throwing me against the wall. Walking over to me Dharok taunted " Look who is winning out little fight now!"




As I slowly picked myself up off the ground I tryed to catch my breath, Dharok was still in his own little world taunting at how he had won this fight and not paying attention to me. It was then that I started praying to Saradomin for two things to help me send this evil spirit to where he belonged and to let me hear Kia's voice again. I then felt a rush of energy flowing through my body I realised that I could turn this fight around I readied myself for an attack.




I began chanting and summoning the powers of a mighty Wind Wave and sending the Wave straight into Dharoks Chest. He collapsed from the force of the Wave and he then disappered. I heard his voice booming through the Tomb.




"You have fought well warrior, And I will let you pass. May luck be on your side." And I felt the presence of his spirit leave the tomb.




I then pushed open his coffin to reveal a passage way into the tunnels below the Tombs of the Brothers.




As I walked through the tunnels I found a door that would lead me to the center of this maze. I solved a lock on the side of the door and walked in seeing the mighty chest in the center room. I walked slowly to the chest and checked around to make sure I was not going to be interupted. I opened the chest and I heard the familar sqeak of the ricky hinges that held the chest together.




I looked in with doubt but as I moved what looked to be an average pile of loot from barrows I noticed two things at the bottom of the chest. Laying closely to each other was a Dharoks Great Axe and Platebody. as I picked them up and slowly put them in my pack I felt the Spirits of both Guthan and Dharok as if they we're standing next to me. I swung around ready to fight these spirits but saw nothing.




I then heard a faint whispering in my ear. "You did well. May these items give you the strength to carry on with your adventures. Treat them well."




I then felt the spirts lighten after a ray of light appered close by. I then pulled some runes out of my pack and the framilar feeling of moving from one spot to the other by teleportation hit me and the next moment I was in Seers Village standing outside of the huge Camelot Castle. Still a little hurt from Dharok and that Hound a few days ago I slowly made my way into the bank and stored the precious items.




"Now.. To find Kia and see what see wanted." I thought as I read the small messy note she handed me before I teleported to Varrock. Written on the note was:




"After your done with your little trip at Barrows meet me at the duel arena. I'll be waiting on the top of the arena watching a few fights."




See you soon.






I then set off for the duel arena...




Chapter End






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not bad at all! can u please pm me with the unveiling of each new chapter. Some people like short and sweet, but im enjoying the novel of the damsel saving the man in distress.








hey just read chapter 2. less exciting as the last but ok. no offence, but there were parts that were a little hard to understand




"Well if you have what it takes to meet me and hopefully say thank you. Kinda hard to get a thank you from someone on an operation table dontcha think? Meet me in exactly 5 days in Varrock Center"




just the thought of a lifesaver demanding a thanks instead of her going to check up on him is kinda ridiculous....




and i know your the author, but i advise you not to go into much detail about the fight with the brothers. You want to avoid getting off the topic that keeps your readers interested - the girl




stay on topic. if you've ever read lord of the rings you would know what i mean. JRR tolkien was a great writer, but at times he would write 50 pages on something totally irrelevant and readers dont like it when the author gets off the main story line for a smaler time consuming thing.




keep up the good work, cant wait for chapter 3




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First chapter was great. It was well thought out and organized. 7/10.


On the other hand the second chapter wasnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t that great. Seemed like it was rushed and the two, two sentence long paragraphs seemed redundant. Plus a bit odd why the lady would leave a note for him to meet her to for him to say thank you. 3/10




Take your time one the 3rd chapter you have a great story going for you. You could take the plot anywhere at this point. Remember revision is the key. ::'

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Thanks for all the awesome feed-back guys.




I'll redo chapter 2 since a few didnt like it. I'll try to take my time on it. As for chapter 3 I wont get into much with the brothers, Maybe I single fight scene and getting to the chest or something like that.




Not much but I'll try my best. Thanks again guys :D


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great. your a great writer with a huge amout of potential, your work just needs some fine tuning. I am glad that you are willing to take advice. I love mideval stories, and i cant wait to see how this one turns out. I feel like i am giving advice to CS Lewis or Rowling or Tolkien himself! keep it up!








Hey. I just read the revised chapter 2, and i can tell you put alot more thought into it. I find it funny that Kia went from a self centered woman to a perfect ediquit (how ever you spell "edd-i-kit") little lady, but all the same it was a much better chapter.




keep going. looking forward to chapter 3




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Thank you willpk4cash.




I really enjoy reading the feedback you guys give me because it helps me understand what it is like to be a writer. There is always room for improvment and I take into consideration everything people say on this topic.




Even though this topic is just starting out I really feel that im getting better just from these few chapters I have writen.




EDIT: The chapter two redo is up for you guys to read. It is a boring chapter because its meant to be a character bonding chapter. The next one will have more action in it. :D


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hmm... you did make a improvement although i did catch to spelling errors. Quickly was spelled wrong in the 4th paragraph and probably is spelled wrong when referring to the hellhoundÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s dinner. Overall It is great to see when people can make good Runescape stories. 6/10

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Hey guys.




Sorry I havent been posting any chapters or anything lately. I've been gone for a while so I havent had much time to write any.




Im currently working on chapter 3 though.






Thanks for being so patient guys. :)


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Woot! Chapter 3 and 4 are posted!




I posted two chapters cause I thought I owed to you guys for missing a couple days of valuable writing time. I did take my time on both of them and thought them out as best as I could.




I really hope you enjoy them and Gattree I look forward to seeing what you score me for these chapters. \'




Alright, Well im going to get working on chapter 5 but until then..




Peace out :twisted:


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Chapter three showed the beginnings of the new relationship between Kia and, and.....what was his name again? The blossoming relationship between Brad and Kia lead the story onto a great path although I wish you described it better. I won't lie, the chapter was very hard to finish and the focus was a little side tracked. The uneventful trip of how he got to Kia didn't say much for the theme of the chapter. Also it is never good when excessive conversation between characters about little thing is used. I ask if this is truly you best. Find your voice and go with it.




Another thing I want to address is the grammar. Only quote when the people are actually speaking. It is unnecessary to quote thoughts and feelings. Also whenever someone new is speaking it is proper to start a new sentence.




I hate to just focus on the negative but I feel I should express my personal feelings for I think most other avid readers will agree. I look forward to see how other readers feel about the developing story.




The only thing that matters is if it is perfect in your vision. Critics may suggest things but you are the final judge. You can't make everyone happy.

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i dont know what to say. Gattree gave you and earful. Well, the story is going along good and i'm excited about chapter five. As i said earlier, i find it wonderful to be able to critique work like this, and i decided to try my hand at my own piece. All in all, it sucks compared to this... so i cannot complain about yours.




but if either you or gatree have some spare time, my story, A Journey of Three, is posted in this forum. And trust me, it could use some critiquing (is that a word?) so keep up the good work.




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Great story next chapter soon please lol. The chapters seem a little short to me though mabye make then a little longer?




Will do :thumbsup:




By the way. Im taking a break from runescape for about a week or so. Im going to be hang around with some friends and not going to be playing runescape.




Its just a chance for me to get some fresh air and off the writers table. I'll try to write some each day but dont expect a lot of chapters rollin off the table this week.




Sorry if you had your hopes up on seeing some chapters this week. I'll work extra hard on the chapters when I get back from my little "Break".




Thanks again guys for the support. Peace out \'


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