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SH4d0w. Slayer of the Tzhaars

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So here is my little goal and blog for all of you guys. my goal consists of living and camping a real long time in the tzhaar caves. and the ultimate goal is to be able to buy an onyx stone for a fury ammy (searching for someone who is legit and will make me an ammy with my goal)








i spend a few hours in there everyday and got some nice drops. im currently trying to make money with obby capes, shields and mauls so i can buy a d chain soon




here is my little blog for you guys




LOOTS (updated daily)


- OBBY CAPES -------- 3


- OBBY SHIELD ------- 1


- OBBY SWORD ------- 1


- OBBY DAGGER------- 1


- OBBY MAUL----------- 4


- TOKULS -------------- 18k




1st day of tzhaar killing: 3.octobre 2006




not a real good day not even good drops, when i got about 2,5k tokuls i finally got my first drop (obby maul), with a friend down there i was killing some more when i was like "time to go to bed" i killed 1 more guy and got ... OBBY cape. then i went to bed




2nd day of tzhaar killing: 4: octobre


started out real good with an obby sword and then i had a dry streak for about 4k tokuls.




3rd day: 5.octobre




another obby cape in the late evening and an obby dagger. nothing special went to bed




4rd day: 6. octobre




wow this day was awsome. i started at 10 am and played a lil. after 2 kills i got obby cape !!!! yihaaaa. about half an hour later FINALLY my first obby shield drop :ohnoes: played for another hour and got 2 more obby mauls :P




-to be continued-

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What Levels do you have? Do you think I could do it with my Stats (Link uder name...)? I really want to, but I don't know if I have the levels, as I have only ever seen level 149 monsters down there...

I_Xpk3r_I: Future Mayhem Maker

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i dont wanna buy a fury with the money im aiming for a d chain with the money ^^ and as a special i wanna get enough tokuls to buy onyx ^^




devilbro... i think you could but i would try to work with someone else and share drops or work with prayer all the time

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nice dude post pictures when you get the drop make it more interesting for the reader, also post pictures of what you wear. Also i reported your thread just because i thought it should be in blogscape because you are doing daily updates. good luck and your doing awesome

RSN: 1 day late | Private chat: On


| 80 MAGIC | 13 PRAYER | 1 DEFENSE | 65 COMBAT |

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