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this is me and im wondering if you think I'll be a sucesful p2p or I should wait longer and get my stats up before i turn f2p. I will get my range up to 60 before i go p2p and cocmbat to atleast 80 or so im 68 now. I will also work on getting 50+ runecrafting, which will get me high up in magic. Crafting I wont change too much, maybe get it to 55 plus? My goal is 50 atleast in all before I go p2p. So if I got all those goals, shouldnt be too hard, would you consider me an alright p2p? or should I stay f2p and work on things? If so what should I work on? And finally, is p2p actually worth the money?








I will also merchant a little for money, so I can buy whatever I want when I hit p2p, if I ever do, and I hope to be high combat so I can complete all the quests fairly quickly, because I enjoy quests, thats what I would do first.








If I train combat in f2p, what would be a great way to train it to be a goood staker, because I would highly enjoy staking!








P.S. considering I reach those goals, I will be around 880+ total level.

My Chat Is Always ON. For Now Please Give Me A HYT!


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ok get ur combat up some more, get ranged and mage up (trust me, they are so much better in p2p) gather about 500k-1M cash, then become members. Quests are a lot more fun and challenging so u should enjoy them, your strength is too high now to be a good staker :cry: and YES members is without a doubt worth the money!

Currently not active on RuneScape.



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It's been said before, but...








...you do NOT have to be above a certain level to enjoy members. I joined up at only about 25 combat and I had a lot of getting myself up to where I am now.








Don't think that you have to do everything suggested right away, just see for yourself what there is. It's not boring just because you won't be able to kill super high-level monsters right away.








I know I sound like an advertisement (which I am not), but just get members right away and don't worry about levelling up before doing so. There are no 'acceptable' levels at which to become P2P.



~Member of Legends' Guild~

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I completly agree with Hairdog and moopymitchell. There is NO reason to wait :)








As a member you have a much more things to choose from when it comes to training and to choose what to do. Any skill is both easier and more fun to level up because of the varied choises you have in how to do it.








If you for one reason or another have to wait a while before getting members, then look at the quest requirements for the members quests, and raise the ones you have too low.








As prayers are very important in the members world, I suggest you work a little on that.

Please think before you ask a question. If you ask the right question, its much more likely you get the answer you are looking for :)




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