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Ron's pure F2P 99 RANGE Goal.. (~.~)

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First of all, thanks for viewing. I am purely F2P, with the goal of 99 ranged.








I'll start off with my achievement (40 RANGED!!):
















As you can see, I'm already 40% done, almost half-way to 99 ranged already, wish me luck, and thanks once again for viewing.








Please leave comments.








































































Alright, alright, I was joking.. =p
















That's right, 55 ranged, F2P only..and it'll only get higher, I'll update every level, comments appreciated, and thanks for viewing.




























































So now you're thinking, 'When will this fool stop?' =) Let's move on...








70 Ranged:












88 Ranged (Prison Pete)












91 Ranged:












97 Ranged:












Latest Hp:












And finally, my latest level:
























Some Trades:




















Unfortuantely can't find my blue mask and red p-hat trade just yet, I'll upload when I do. Also, the reason for the rares being so cheap is because trades were made around half a year ago, I have not merchanted much since, because I've been ranging so much!








Here are my stats at the moment. (44 defence was an accident.)








Combat: 86 and it'll stay this when I get 99.
















I've trained at Varrock Moss Giants, and them only, ever since 70 ranged. Every too often, I get people asking, 'Why don't you train at lessers, they give better experience,' but this is totally untrue. The experience I get at moss giants are far more than that of what I get at lessers. Why? Because moss giants are very very easy to hit through, lessers seem the opposite. Also, they hit me a lot through my defence despite safespots.








'Why though, it's always so crowded?'




I live in Australia, meaning that I almost always play when 'the rest of the world' are in bed. This means that I have absolutely no problem in finding the right world. Right after I kill one, the other is there waiting. Also, the drops I must say are very good as well. (Natures, mith swords, black and steel sheilds for alching..etc.) I do NOT pick up my big bones. I got 44/45 prayer for the new range/mage ones, and will not train this skill anymore.








I will continue to train here till 99 ranged, to me, this will always be a great spot.








F2P really is much MUCH harder than P2P, with best bow being maple, no Pest Control and a maximum Xp per hour of only 30k!








So as you can see, I've got one more level to go till the big 99. When I do achieve it, I hope to throw a party so any suggestions would be great. All of Tip.It will be invited of course... =p








I will try and update this thread as often as I can, and with around 800k xp left, hopefully it'll come soon.








Thank you to the following people for supporting/helping me:












Darkz love




Lady heinous












Prototype051 (Cya, gl in whatever you do...)




B 50 2




Sirboss C








...and many many more. Even if you're not on the list, you're still in my mind. (Just not at this exact moment. =p)








It'd be great if you could comment. Thank you.








P.S. If you are selling a blue or green party-hat, please PM me here at Tip.It. Thanks.

99 Ranged F2P achieved 21 November (2961st)


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N1[3 4$ 1[3 man! nice goals and iteams post in a bank pic :) :thumbsup:








and havent i meet you before my rs name is ante510

Help me cast spells donate 3k or runes every 15min to The kuks

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HOLY!!! :shock: :shock: nice and 30k xp an hour at mossies is only about 20k less than at fire ginats but i suppose it adds up :thumbsup:








only 550k xp to go now keeeeep it up












what u plan to do with 99 range F2P? it sux


1593th to 99 Farming - July 08.

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