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My first ever avatar


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I've never made any pixel sigs or avatars before but I decided to have a go even though I'm a complete paint noob. :P








Oh wellz, here's my pathetic attempt at a castle avatar. :oops:








CC very welcome but please don't post just to say you hate it, give me a reason why you don't like it. :wink:









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I hate it




















































JKing, it's nice linework, but the stars aren't that big, just have dots and like 2 big stars.. Good shading for 1st one :P .

Lowgravity, I want to be just like you. But...I never will be as 1337 as you. :(
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Owns :D .. I thought before it was like a turned over page flap thingy :P .. Good job with it :) .








Hehe, it did look like that. Thank you for your help. :wink: I really needed it.

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Real nice, looks cool for a first attempt. :)








A few suggestions to give it a 10/10:








-Add a border, even just a black line around the avatar works the trick.




-Perhaps move the text just half a spacebar to the left since the last letter seems to be conflicting with one of the stars in the background and the edge of the avatar. I'm a noob at fonts and text but perhaps add a color or black outline on it?




-Use it. :)


Pixel sigs by me.

Pixel Art

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