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Heir of an Empire Part Two Over!!!


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Kilroph sat in an empty tent, tossing his deceased father's burnt helmet in the air. His mother stuck her head in. "Can I come in sweetie?"




The boy shrugged, as the slight woman hustled inside. "How do you like the camp?"




Kilroph shrugged again, trying not to make conversation. His mother sighed. "Listen, I'm sorry about this whole thing. I should have told you a little bit sooner, but-"




Kilroph stood up. "A little bit sooner? My father was gone half of my childhood, and all you did was make up excuses! I never got to spend time with him, and now he's dead!"




Estah coughed. "I really wanted to tell you, I just didn't know how!"




Kilroph scoffed. "Sure, but you could make up excuses that put a story teller to shame! 'He's on a hunting trip' or, my personal favorite, 'He's tending to the sheep.' What sheep, mother? WE DON'T HAVE SHEEP!!!"




The tall boy was crying now. Estah sobbed. "I didn't want you growing up to be like him. I mean, he was a great man. Brave, strong, and a wonderful person, but I didn't want you off every day fighting other clans, or killing some kind of vicious monster. I wanted you to grow up to be like your grandfather, becoming a scholar."




Kilroph threw the helmet out the door angrily. "Did you ever ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up? Maybe I wanted to be a warrior, and lead the clan when father retired."




Francis came into the tent, holding the helmet sadly. "Kilroph, listen to you mother. She just wants what's-"




Kilroph fumed. "No! She doesn't want what's best for me, she wants whats best for her!" He turned to his mother, tears streaming down his dirty face. "If you didn't want your children to be warriors, you should have married another man!" He stormed out of the tent, as the sound of thunder echoed through the dark sky.




Francis sat down next to Estah, and took her hand. "Let him go, Estah."




She sobbed. "I don't want him getting hurt. Especially out here, in this God-forsaken wilderness."




Francis sighed. "It may be the only choice if you don't want him hurt even worse."

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Kilroph angrily ran out of the Wilderness Army's camp, sobbing. He ran until the camp was nearly out of sight. In the distance, black clouds swelled, and lighting flashed in the twilight. Kilroph sat down on a charred stump, and cried. A pained scream echoed in the distance, most likely a warrior on a killing trip meeting his fate. Kilroph crossed his arms, and shivered as a cold wind blew through the stormy sky. A downpour of freezing rain fell after it. There was a voice from behind a tree a few feet away.




"You're General Luc's son, aren't you."




Kilroph looked up, startled. "Y-yes..."




A large man with a bandage over his eye stepped out from behind the charred oak. "Name's Andre. I used to work for your father before he died."




Kilroph looked down, as Andre continued. "I ran away shortly before the battle. I couldn't fight, not with this eye. But your father, he would have made me. Horrible, horrible man."




Kilroph showed a look of disgust. "What are you talking about? You probably didn't even know my father."




Andre shrugged. "Yeah, I did, actually. But I'm not here to tell you how horrible he was. I'm here to warn you."




The boy sniffled. "Of what, Tubby?"




Andre sighed. "That hurt. Now if I were you, I'd be getting back to the camp. There's a band of warriors on a killing trip coming this way. They're guards from the prison. They know your father, they're part-time members of the Wilderness Army. But they turned against him a few years ago, for various reasons. They'll recognize you, no doubt, and-"




Kilroph stood. "Shut up. Get out of my way, or I'll kill you. Do you know who I am? I'm the new leader of the Wilderness Army. People will start coming back, I can assure you. This is the dawn of a new day. Now get lost."




Kilroph started running off, as Andre tried to stop him. "No thats where the guards are!"




Kilroph turned back. "Yeah, I'm sure. I'm not afraid of a couple of washed up-"




The boy ran into something hard. He turned around, face to face with a tall man in adamant armor. The man smiled, and pushed Kilroph to the ground. "What 'ave we here? Red hair.... where 'ave we seen this before, boys?"




The men behind him laughed. One shouted out. "That lousy scum of a man Luc that stole your wife!" Another one spoke.




"That horrible mouse of a man who killed my father!"




Kilroph struggled. "Get off of me, peasent! My father never stole your wife. I can assure you."




The first man smiled wickedly. "I'm sure that your mother never told you why she married your father in the first place. He took Julio's lady, and your mother tried to make her jelous! Estah, she always hated poor Suzanah..."




Kilroph coughed, the man's boot pressed onto his throat. "Let me go, or I'll have all of your heads mounted on my wall!"




The group laughed, as the front man hoisted Kilroph by his collar. "I'd like to see you try." He pulled out a wand from his back pocket. "All together, men. We're headed back to the ole' office to put a little toad where he belongs!"




With a flash of light, the group, and Kilroph, disappeared.

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Riddius, Leo, and Luzi walked among the hundreds of colorful tents and stalls at the Annual Warrior Festival. Many men and women wielding weapons and wearing armor happily traversed the grounds. The three entered a tent they had rented out for the week of festivities. Plopping down on a cot, Riddius sighed. "Happy to be back here, away from the Port."




Luzi nodded, lighting a gas lamp that hung from the ceiling. "I agree. Now, its almost nightfall. I say we unpack, go get some dinner, and go to the opening ceramonies."




Leo smiled, and leafed through a brochure he was handed at the dock after getting off the boat. "Lets see... tonight, after the ceremonies at around nine, there's a Meet and Greet party at the main grounds. Free food and drink, entertainment provided by the Shiloh Cultural Drumming Troupe."




Riddius smiled and set his bag down on the floor. "Sounds like a plan then. Lets get going."




Walking among the grounds, several Amythist Rangers recognized them as they visited several different booths. The trio met many different people, and were enjoying themselves when there came a scream from across the palm tree laden grounds. The volcano was steaming, and a loud laugh could be heard over the voices of the fair goers. Luzi tried to push the other three into a scimtar vedors tent, but Riddius pulled out his sword and joined the other men running towards the volcano.




Luzi sighed. "Get inside, now, Leopold."




Leo stared at the volcano as the large wall of steam and smoke suddenly lit up. A large shadow of a man in armor stood above the grounds. "Foolish mortals! Don't run, it will only allow me to kill you faster! Go back to you tents, and leave immediently! This island is being vacated by the orders of his braveness, Kilroph Luc! The new leader of the honorable Wilderness Army! Leave, or be exterminated immediently!"




Luzi shouted, and grabbed Leo. "Run!" She screamed over the crowd, who was all rushing to get to their tents.




Riddius jogged past them. "Hurry up, you two! Quickly now!!!"




Leopold ran until his throat burned. He was almost to the tent when he tripped over a small child trying to reach his mother. Leo tumbled headfirst into a bush, and fell unconcious.




Luzi and Riddius were emptying their tent when they realized Leo hadn't caught up with them. Luzimelle tried to find him.




"No Luzi, you'll get yourself killed. Maybe he's already on the boats. Now lets go!"




Luzi was pulled by Riddius onto a crammed boat headed to Port Kharzid, against her better judgement. Several people who couldn't find room on boats jumped into the ocean, and tried to paddle their way to safety. Riddius watched as the island began a small dot on the horizon, and turned to comfort a greiving Luzi.




"Don't worry, dear. I'm sure he's safe." As the screams of people being killed by the Wilderness Army echoed in the night sky, Riddius mumbled to himself. "For our sake, I hope he's safe."

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Leopold groggily awoke, laying on his side. It was dark out, and a few birds called through the giant palm trees. Leo looked around. He definetly didn't know where he was. Standing up, and studied his surrondings. Several men and women were tearing down brightly colored tents, and putting up larger tents. A tall boy with red hair was raising a banner on one end of the giant clearing.




Squinting, he Leo could barely see the symbol on the banner. It looked familiar, but he didn't know where he had seen it before. A sharp pain shot through his head. He sighed in pain, attracting the attention of one of the men. The man walked over, and looked up and down at Leo.




"Hey.... you're that dirty Amythist Ranger character! Hey, Kilroph, sir, come over here!"




The boy finished raising the banner between two palm trees, and ran over. "What is it now, Francis?"




The man pointed at Leo. "This boy is the son of the leader of the Amythist Rangers!"




Leopold stared at the man. He didn't know what he was talking about. Leo never remembered hearing anything about Amythist Rangers... in fact, he didn't remember much at all.




Kilroph's face twisted in disgust. "Is this true, stranger?"




Leopold stared at his feet. "Uh... I uh... not sure. I don't really know where I am..."




Leo tried to escape the gaze of the boy, and locked his eyes on a large bonfire. The fuel for the fire wasn't logs... definetly not wood. He flinched in horror as a human arm was tossed on top of the pile.




Kilroph folded his arms. "Francis, this boy clearly doesn't know what you're talking about."




Francis frowned like a sullen child. "But, but but- the stupid thing. Its just a ploy, isn't it you little rat. You're here to kill our leader!"




Leo scratched his leg. "Really... I don't even know your leader. I don't even know where I am. Honestly."




Kilroph gave Francis a smug look, then turned around. "Wentworth, get over here!"




A small old man came running over. "You called, sir?"




Kilroph nodded at Leo. "Check this boy out for any abnormalties. Head injury? Concussion?"




Francis cleared his throat. "Wentworth hasn't been a physician for at least fiftey years, Kilroph."




The old man raised Leo's eyelid, and tapped his on the head. After a few minutes of examination, Wentworth clicked his tounge. "This boy's got a nasty concussion. Does he remember anything? Is he one of ours?"




Kilroph shook his head. "Don't reckon I've ever seen him before. And he's as dumb as a post."




Leo frowned at the group. "Am not!"




Kilroph turned to Francis. "I don't care who this boy is, he obviously doesn't even know that. Get him some clean clothes, and bring him to dinner tonight. Meet me at nine, in the mess hall. We need to do a bit of background information on this kid..."




Francis sighed. "Kilroph, he doesn't remember anything!"




Kilroph smiled. "I know. But he doesn't know that."

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Riddius swooped to the ground on Kleemhan's back, and panting, ran over to Luzi. "No sign of him on the island, dear. Its completly Wilderness Army controlled now." He shook a spark off of his sleeve.




"And those darn elves. Somebody needs to check their prescription for their spectacles, I'll tell you that."




Luzi sighed. "Did you see anything? Hear anything?"




Riddius nodded. "General Luc's son, I take it from his hair. He was talking to some men about how he single handedly killed six men who were trying to kidnap him in the Wilderness."




Luzi scoffed. "Sounds like a bunch of baloney."




Riddius shrugged. "I'd believe it. Those Luc's, they're a violent group. But no sign of Leo. I've ran out of daylight to look, Luzimelle."




Daniel climbed out of the trap door in the ground, sadly. "I've teleported to every city I can think of, and interviewed as many survivors I could. There's not many, but none of them have seen Leo."




Luzi began sobbing. "So I guess he never made it off the island."




Riddius solemnly took ahold of Kleemhan's reigns. "There's always hope."




Daniel shook his head. "I'm afraid, my friend, that we've run out of hope. Leopold's gone."

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Leo sat with Kilroph, Francis, an older lady, and a large man with a beard. A small bowl of stew was placed in front of him, and Kilroph began to speak. "Leopold, do you know why you're here?" Leo shook his head. "Your father, Magus Wright, is a terrific ranger. He's right here. Your mother, Ophielia Wright is the Wilderness Army's medicine woman. They came down to help set up the second outpost of the Wilderness Army, here on Karam Ja Island. You are 14 years old, and you live in the Wilderness mostly. Now you live here. You fell from the tree trying to pick a coconut so your mother could help make a cure of broken bones. So now, you've got a slight concussion. Any more questions?"




Leo shook his head, and stared at the stew. "Whats this?"




Kilroph handed him a spoon. "Its called stew. You'll need to eat it, you and your father are going to start training for your new career as a ranger this afternoon. Understood?"




Leo nodded, and Kilroph smiled. "Good. Oh, and I'm Kilroph, leader of the Wilderness Army."




Leo sat, soaking up information. Kilroph and Francis left the table, leaving Leo's newly appointed parents to look over him. Kilroph laughed. "I think that went rather well. He's clay in our hands now! And the best part, he's going to help with the downfall of his own family!"




Francis chuckled. "Kilroph, where would we be without you?"




Kilroph thought. "Still in the Wilderness, without this new territory, and without a secret weapon who's as dumb as a stump."




Estah came running out of her tent. "Oh, there you are honey! Great to see you! How are you feeling?"




Kilrooh frowned. "What is it now, mother?"




Estah's smiled faded. "I want us to pull out of here. Now."




Kilroph scowled. "We follow my command, not an old woman's."




Estah sighed. "But last night, I saw a flying horse pulling rather close to where you were standing guard with Francis. What if it was going to kill you? What if somebody's stalking-"




Kilroph pushed her aside. "Enough, woman. I'm late for a meeting with our melee commander."




Estah wagged her finger. "You act so tough now, son! But you just wait! One of these days, your father's spirit is not going to be enough to power you through a battle! And you're going to get killed!"

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Leopold held a worn oak bow in his hands, and shakily lifted an arrow to the string. Magus Wright stood behind him, smirking. "Alright there, son. Good job. Its such a shame you forgot-" At this, the old man looked towards Kilroph, who was watching from his tent. The boy gave a approving smile, and walked inside. "-how to shoot a bow and arrow after your accident. Now there you go! Pull back, and-"




Leo let fly the arrow, hitting the paper target on the palm tree on the bull's eye. Magus' jaw dropped, and he began clapping wildly. "Why, my word Leo! You haven't forgotten a thing! You're still a natural!"




Leo looking towards his shoes as Magus ran up and patted his shoulder. Magus noticed his uneasiness. "What's wrong, son?"




Leo looked up. "Its not that I don't trust you, but I don't remember anything about you. At all. You're kind of... a stranger to me."




Magus smiled gently. "Don't worry. That was quite a nasty bump you got there. But me and your mother don't mind if you don't remember us for a little while. Maybe you've forgotten just how annoying we are."




Magus laughed at his own joke, as Leo managed a small smile. "I- I guess... father."




Magus smiled. "There's my boy. Now how about we try a couple more, and then you could get some rest." Leo nodded, and raised his bow. The arrow whizzed through the air, hitting the mark precisely.




Later that night, as Leo slept in their tent, Magus and Ophielia sat at dinner with Kilroph.




"Sir, the boy's amazing me. He's more skilled with a bow than I am! And he fully believes that we're his parents. He's a good kid too, for being the offspring of that hideous Amythist hag and all."




Kilroph leaned back, and smiled. "See, and you thought it wasn't going to work. Just keep training him, and in just a few weeks, he'll be our secret weapon!"












Luzi sat on the wall in Port Kharazard, sadly staring at a small tattered painting of a small boy playing with a toy sword. Riddius came up behind her, and lowered himself next to her. "How are we, miss?"




Luzi sighed. "Not well, Riddius. And to think, the coronation was supposed to be in just a few days."




Riddius frowned. "I'm sorry. I should have never even mentioned the Warrior Festival. That's what killed him, I'm sure of it."




Luzi shook her head. "No, the Wilderness Army killed him. And we're just going to have to go on without him."

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Luzi sat before a crowded room of about two hundred black-clad Amythist Rangers. She sadly stood up on the small makeshift stage, and began to speak.




"Loyal Amythist Rangers! I bear grave news from the former Warrior's Festival these past few days. My son, your future leader, Leopold, has been killed by the Wilderness Army during their attack on the festivities." A sad murmur of understanding ran throughout the crowd. "Now, I know you've all heard this as a rumor, but I'm simply confirming the truth. We will have to go on without a real heir to the throne. I mean this not as something that will defeat us, but make us stronger. I thank you all. Good evening."




Faylle was among the crowd at Luzi's speech. She turned white at the announcement. Frantically, she ran up out of the compound, and into the gray misty evening.




Riddius noticed her, and followed. As she ran down to the port, he stopped her. "Faylle! Where are you going!" His voice was almost drowned out by the sound of the battle going on a few miles away. Faylle turned to him.




"I have hope, that Leo isn't dead. But if he is, I'm going to return the body. For proper burial." She slid the rope holding a small sailboat to the dock up and over the post.




Riddius sighed. "No, child. He's gone. And its much to dangerous to go and get his body anyways! Its Wilderness territory now, you can't just go waltzing in there like its still a tropical vacation destination!"




Faylle stopped, and put her hand on the wooden post. "I... I guess you're right."




Riddius smiled. "Oh... well... er..."




"You didn't think I'd beleive you, did you."




Riddius shrugged. "You want to come with, monkey man?"




Riddius put a paw on his sword. "Well, you'll need protection, fair maiden!"

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Faylle and Riddius left their boat at the shore, and quietly crept up the bank of the island. Kneeling behind a bush, they looked. Faylle glanced at the sky. "I think its going to storm, Riddius."




The old primate grunted in agreement. With a gasp, Faylle noticed Leopold. He was sitting at a table with a couple other boys around his age, eating stew out of clay pots. They were laughing, and joking around. Faylle wanted to run and greet him, but Riddius stopped her. She stared at him in anger. "This is madness! He's right there, we can get him and go, right?"




Riddius shook his head. "Somethings... not quite right here."




Faylle shrugged, and began running into the clearing. "Leopold! Leo, over here!"




She caught the attention of the boys and Leo, who stared at her cautiously. One boy started laughing. "Who's this Leo, your girlfriend?"




Another boy raised an eyebrow. "I don't think I've ever seen her around here..."




Leo stood up and looked at Faylle. "Do I know you?"




She broke out in laughter. "We lost you at the Warrior Festival! And now we've found you, so we're going to take you back in time for the coronation!" The other boys, who knew what was happening, stared at their stew.




"Coronation? Listen, I've never seen you before. So go away."




Faylle stomped the ground with her golden slipper. "You know who I am! I'm the reason you can see right now, imbecile!"




Kilroph came over to the table. "Well well well, what do we have here?"




One of the boys smiled. "Its Leo's long lost girlfriend, Roph!"




Kilroph frowned. "Don't call me Roph, Henri. Call me sir. And whats this about a girlfriend? I've never seen her before."




Leo sat back down. "Neither have I. I don't know where she came from."




Kilroph shrugged. "Alright then. Guards! We have some intruders!"




At this point, Riddius came running out of the bushes, grabbed Faylle, and shouted something in an ancient language. The two were lost in a cloud of smoke, and disappeared.




Kilroph nodded for Henri to take Leo to where the two would be standing guard that night. He sat down, and helped himself to stew. "That girl, and the monkey. They must have been from the Amythist Rangers. We'll have to triple our defences, they'll be back."

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Leopold sat with Henri that night, in a coconut tree high above the compund keeping watch. Henri pulled out his sword, and sliced a coconut in two. "Want it?" He asked Leopold. Leo shook his head, and went back to scanning the horizon.




Henri sighed. "This is about that little episode earlier, isn't it."




Leo shrugged. Henri slurped a bit of milk from the coconut. "Just shake it off man, probably two wackos esscaped from the Asylum. Not the first one I've seen. I had one come up to me in the Wilderness, claiming he was an incarnation of Zammy himself! Poor dehydrated warrior, thats my guess."




Leo turned to Henri, and smiled. "Thanks, you're a great friend. After my fall... I couldn't remember anything. I didn't even remember that I fell, to be honest. I didn't remember you, or my mother and father, or anyone. But you know whats creepy?"




Henri looked up from his snack. Leo continued. "I rember that monkey... and that girl... like from a dream or something."




Henri turned green, but Leo didn't notice in the dark. Henri through the coconut at the ground. "Probably Deju Vu, from a dream. I wouldn't worry about it. I've known you since we were four years old! My dad is Kilroph's right hand man! We've been together forever, and I don't remember any monkey, or any pretty blind girls. So relax."




Leo smiled, and leaned back on a thin branch. "Thanks. You know, I remember where I've seen that monkey!"




Henri inhaled sharply. "Where?"




Leo laughed. "At the zoo, silly!"

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Luzi sat with Faylle and four young boys in the throne room of the Amythist Ranger's underground compound. One boy was flipping through a spell book, his thick glasses sliding down his nose. Another was staring at his feet, drooling, and two twins were engaged in an epic thumb wrestling match. All four appeared to be about seven years of age.




Luzi stood and smiled. "Hello, boys. I'm your distance aunt, Luzimelle Herman, and you're here to see if one of you will become the new heir to the Amythist Ranger 'throne', so to speak." Her eyes were red from crying.




The thin boy with the glasses looked up from his book. "Excuse me, Luzimelle? The definition of an heir is one who inherits something, usually a place of honor, from somebody, who is usually a relative. Thinking logically, we're far to distant to be the true heirs, and we don't even know you all that well. Wouldn't you think a non-related heir should know the deceased better than we knew your son?"




Faylle folded her arms. "Leo's not dead! Why does everyone think he's dead! Me and Riddius saw him ourselves!"




Luzi sighed. "Yes, but he obviously was a changed person. It would be far to dangerous to attempt to rescue him. Just knowing he's alive is enough for me. Sorry Reamus, you four are our only choices."




Faylle turned red with anger. "But he's your son!"




The boy who had been staring at his feet looked up, and raised his hands. "Uh.... I gotta go."




Luzi frowned. "Go where, Bimmy?"




Bimmy coughed. "You know, go.... I need to go to the-"




"Then go, Bimmy. Just go."




The other two boys turned their attention to Luzi, still thumb wrestling. "Luz," one asked. "Can Rob and I both be the kings?"




Luzi shook her head. "No, Dob. You can't."




Faylle stood up and kicked her chair. "This is ridiculous! Leo's not even dead, and here you are acting like he was killed! Breaking news, people! He's still alive!!!!" She ran out of the room, fuming.




Luzi turned to Bimmy. "Bimmy, why haven't you left for the bathroom yet?"




The boy turned red, and looked towards the puddle on the floor. "I don't need to go anymore."

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  • 3 weeks later...

Leo hung from the hammock in his tent, wide awake. Voices rose from Kilroph's tent a few feet away. The voices sounded excited, and tense. One by one they grew louder, as shadows of people carrying torches danced on the tent windows. Leo jumped out of his hammock, and crept past his "parents" to the entrance of the tent. Poking his head out, he saw men and women sharpening swords, saddling horses, and laughing loudly. Leo grabbed his bow and quiver of arrows and ran out to were Kilroph was standing.


"Kilroph, what's going on?" Leo asked.


The red haired boy smiled wildly. "I had a vision from my dead father last night, Leo. We are to make our raid on the Amythist Rangers this very night. Go wake your parents, the warships are boarding!"


Leo turned white. "What? I can't fight! Not now, I still have so much training-"


Kilroph slapped Leo on the back. "You'll do fantastic! You're a prodigy! Now get your parents, and get on a ship!"


Leo ran back to his tent as large black ships painted with Wilderness Army symbols rocked back and forth at their docks, as if to anticipate the battle.






Back at the Amythist Compound, Faylle tossed nervously in her bed. Wind blew at the trapdoor outside of her room, leading to the cliffs and the ragged Port Khazard. She sighed, and climbed out of bed. Quitly tip-toeing down the hall, she lifted the trapdoor and climbed into the cold, windy night. Thunder rumbled in the distance, as black clouds swirled on the horizon.


Faylle walked along the cliffs, her nightgown billowing behind her in the wind. She attempted to gaze to the shore of Karam Ja, a few miles off coast, but her view was blocked by the clouds. She stiffled a sob as she thought about Leo, who was probably on that unseen island right now.


As Faylle turned to walk back to the compound, a flicker of fire was seen on one of the black clouds. She stopped. The clouds over the sea weren't clouds at all! They were ships! She gasped, and ran into the compound screaming.


"Ships! There are ships coming! Help! Luzi, Daniel, Riddius! Wake up! There are ships coming!"


Luzi burst out of her room. "What do you think you're doing? You're going to wake up the entire bloody army!"


Faylle gasped for air. "There are boats coming! I saw them!"


Luzi sighed. "What were you doing outside? Never mind that. We need our sleep, Faylle. Its been a long, trying day. Go back to bed."


Faylle screamed. "But I saw them! They're coming!"


Luzi grabbed Faylle by the shoulders. "I know this whole Leo thing has really frazzled you, dear, but you need to stop hallucinating. Now go to sleep!"


Faylle tried to shake free of Luzi's grasp. "No, don't you understand! There are boats! They might have enemies on them! Bad people!"


Luzi sighed, and dragged Faylle back to her room. Pulling a large brass key out of her pocket, Luzi pushed Faylle into the room, and locked the door from the outside. Under her breath, she muttered.


"I'm sorry." She slipped the key back into her pocket, and walked back to her room, Faylle's cries becoming softer and softer.

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Leo stood on the deck of one of the warships, arrow in hand. The wind blew cold, and thunder rumbled in the distance. Small drops of rain hit his face every so often.


Henri came up from behind Leo, giggling happily. "My first fight! Isn't this exciting! We're going to be heroes!"


Leo shrugged, picking his quiver of arrows up from the ground and slinging it over his shoulder. The thunder rumbled louder, as waves slapped the side of the jet black boat. Kilroph's shouts were heard from the crow's nest. "Drop the anchor! Bring the the sails, land ahead! Extinguish all torches, men and women! We're near the shore!"


Henri's dad Francis came up from behind the two and patted them on the backs. "Well this is it boys! If we die tonight, its in the honor and glory of the Wilderness Army."


Henri smiled and nodded. "Long live the Wilderness Army!"


Leo turned white, and began to shiver. "I'm not quite sure about this, guys..."


The boat slid to a stop on the sand, as several other boats came in behind it. Men and women of all ages began jumping from the boat, and crept inland. Leo jumped down next to Henri, and followed him silently towards the shore.


Hundreds stood quietly, as Kilroph made his way to the front. One of the wizards touched his hands to Kilroph's torch, and it burst into flame. He did the same for anyone else who was holding a torch.


Leo began to shake, as Kilroph raised his torch, and waved it in the direction of the compound. The army followed quietly, until Kilroph raised the torch again. Then, with a loud yell, the group broke the door of the compound and charged underground.




Luzi headed back to her room deep in thought. She was right for locking Faylle in her room, right? I mean, they both knew Leo wasn't coming back. Something must have been wrong with her, to believe that Leo was still alive. Luzi cursed under her breath as her white nightgown got caught on the doorframe of her room. She felt a breeze as she began to shut her door. Looking into the hallway, she saw that the trapdoor leading outside was open a crack. As she headed out into the hallway, she thought she heard a voice. Shaking it off, she reached up for the metal knob on the door.


Peeking out of the door just to make sure Faylle hadn't gotten out, Luzi came face to face with hundreds of dark figures standing on the cliffs and in the port. She gasped, but was interuppted as there was a loud battle cry, and the figures began shouting and running towards the door.


A tall figure was the first to reach the door, and upon seeing Luzi frozen in the doorway, stabbed her quickly and began running down the hall towards the rest of the rooms.

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Leo was one of the last to enter the compound. Members of the Amethyst Rangers had by now awoken, and were fighting fiercely. A few people were actually out of the compound by now, and began fighting in the rain. The approaching thunder shook the ground, as Leo was ambushed from behind. It was an old friend of his mother's, a ranger, who was shooting at him from. The man stopped in shock when Leo turned around, but started up again as Leo started running down the cliffs. The man called out to another familiar face, who had a sword.


The men both chased Leo down the edge of the cliff. The rain began to beat down on Leo harder, as his steps began to pick up. With a gasp, he slid and hit his head hard on the rocky cliff. The men caught up with Leo, and stood looking down at his unconcious, bloodied face. The ranger sighed.


"My god... I was right...."


The other one kneeled down, and rubbed some blood from Leo's face. "What did we just do..."

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Leo woke to a splash of cold water in his face. It was still storming, and Kilroph stood over him with an empty bucket. "Come on Leo, you can't just pass out like that." He put out his hand to help Leo up.


Upon standing, Leo felt woozy. There was still blood dripping down his face. "What's going on?"


Kilroph pulled him along. "The battle, stupid. You're fighting!"


Leo pulled free of Kilroph's grasp. "Fighting? What?"


Kilroph stopped and stared at Leo through the rain. "Oh no..." he cursed under his breath. "Leo... did you hit your head again?"


"Again? What are you talking about? Do I even know you?"


Kilroph cursed. "Don't you remember anything? The army, your training, your parents, anything?"


Leo shook his head. "My parent's names are Luzi and Daniel, but I don't remember anything about an army or training... are you working with Riddius? I'm sorry, but the last thing I remember was the Warrior Festival on Karam Ja island."


Kilroph stomped his foot. "No! This can't be happening!" His frown turned to a scowl, as he drew his sword. "I guess if you aren't on our side anymore, you're my enemy..." He pointed the sword at Leo's throat.


Leo walked backwards towards the edge of the cliff. Kilroph smiled wickedly. "My whole plan... ruined... I'm about to watch weeks of hard work and acting fall over the edge of a cliff... this is such a bitter sweet moment! The heir to my enemy's throne at my mercy, but the prodigy of my genius plan about to be killed."


Leo reached for where his sword usually was, but found it gone. Kilroph smiled. "What, no bow?"


Leo shook his head. "I'm not an ranger..."


Kilroph shrugged. "Doesn't matter. You're going to die anyways." He pushed the tip of his sword closer to Leo's throat, as the waves angrily slapped the shore below them. There was a loud screech, as Kilroph gave an astonished cry.


He swayed for a moment, and began to fall forward. Leo jumped out of his way, as his body fell off of the cliff and into the sea. Through the dark, Leo could make out a thin silhouette standing where Kilroph was.


A girl's voice spoke. "You're not going to get as lucky as your friend there, buddy." Leo could feel a dagger pressed against his throat. "Don't move, and this shouldn't hurt-"


The thunder rumbled overhead, as lightning flashed, illuminating the bloodshed. Faylle stood in front of Leo, her dagger poised to kill. She gasped when she saw Leo's face.


"Leo! You... you're... why..." She slowly lowered the dagger, and stood staring. "Why didn't you know who I was that day on the island?"


Leo wiped some blood off of his face. "Faylle... I'm sorry, I really don't know what you're talking about. I'm not even quite sure where I am... last thing I remember was the Warrior Festival."


Faylle's eyes widened. "Leo, that was two weeks ago. You've been on Karam Ja with the Wilderness Army this whole time."


Leo inhaled sharply. "What..."


Faylle grabbed him by the arm. "I'm not quite sure either, but we can talk later. We need to go tell your mother that you're safe!" The two ran through what was left of the battle. Most members of the Wilderness Army were retreating on their boats, the remaining ones dead or dying. Faylle led Leo down the stairs at the compound.


She stopped halfway down the stairs with a startled scream. Leo tried to get around her. "What happen, Faylle? What's wrong?"


She turned around, her face ashen. Faylle pointed a shaking finger towards the bottom of the stairs. There, among a few other corpses, lay a tall body in a white nightgown stained by blood. Her dark hair was plastered to her face with dried blood. Leo silently rolled the body over. It was Luzimelle.


Faylle put her hand on Leo's shoulder to comfort him, but he shook it off, and ran past her back into the rain, tears making paths on his bloodstained face.

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If this had been a regular victory for the Amythist Rangers, there would have been beer, music, dancing, shouting, and happiness. But this wasn't a regular victory.


Under ground, in the compound, black banners were hung in hallways, black mourning tapestries on the doors, and black table clothes on the tables just minutes after news of Luzi's death spread. People changed out of their dirty, bloody clothes and into black. They solemnly disposed of the corpses on the field between the compound and the ocean cliffs, then went inside, out of the rain, to console each other.


Leo sat on the cliffs over looking the ocean, not caring about the cold, pounding rain. Riddius limped over, his foot in bandages. "Leo." He greeted soberly, and sat down next to the boy.


Riddius sighed, and watched as a break in the rain clouds let in a stream of sunlight far out over the angry ocean. The old ape smiled. "You're mother was so proud of you."


Leo bit his lip, and watched the waves crashing below. Riddius chuckled. "She came to me, right after she came to you. I was as surprised as you were to see the infamous Luzi back after all those years. When she told me to train you... I almost said no."


Leo looked up. "Really?"


Riddius nodded slowly. "Training a peasent boy with no combat skills what so ever to be the king of the Amythist Ranger's empire?"


Leo smiled, wiping his nose. Riddius thought to himself. "But she was so confident in you. Luzi had real faith in you. She felt... guilty about leaving all of those years. She wanted to make it up to you somehow." He coughed, and sighed sadly once again.


"She left something for you, Leo."


Leo sniffled. "What?"


"She wasn't planning on having it given to you so soon. None of us expected we'd have to give it to you for at least 30 years down the road."


Riddius pulled a small slik covered box from his pocket, and handed it to Leo. Leo pulled off the top, and a small note fell out. It was in Luzi's handwriting, and was dated just a few months earlier, the day she came to Leo's cabin.




Dear Leopold A Herman,


I bet your father never told you what the A in your name stood for. If he did, I bet he told you Andrew or something. No, A stands for Amythist. Your grandfather's name. Not the gem, as some have thought. Funny story actually, he was named after the gem, but would you believe they spelt it wrong on his birth certificate? I shouldn't be funny, I should be more solemn than this. Because if you're reading this, chances are either I'm dead, or Riddius couldn't keep a secret. Son, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't there all those years. I'm sorry we've kept secrets from you. But its your destiny, actually. I've never been a big fan of destiny. Do you know what that fortune teller in Varrock Square told me when I was a little girl? She told me I was destined to be a dancer. Shows how much she knew. I should stop joking. This is a will, after all. Lets get down to business. To my husband and son, I leave all my earthly belongings, to be split evenly amongst yourselves. To Riddius, my loyal friend, I leave my finest sword. And to Leo, my son, I leave you full general command and kingly duties or the Royal Amythist Rangers, formally known as the King's Clan.




Sincerely Luzimelle T. Herman,


Leader of the Amythist Rangers




Leo folded the letter, and looked inside the box. There, lay a small gold amulet on a gold chain. It was inlaid with amethyst, and had the initials L.A.H on it, Leo's initials. Beneath this was another small note.




Leo- I had this made when I found out that I was pregnant with you. I hope you'll treasure it always. Love, Mom




Leo turned the amulet over in his hands, and hung it around his neck. Riddius smiled, and looked towards the sky. "Looks like the clouds are clearing. That's good." He looked at Leo, and patted him on the back.


"You want to go inside?" Riddius chuckled under his breath, and added "You're highness?"

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Leo sat on the cliffs, watching two fishermen empty their nets of raw shrimp. The sun shone down on the shimmering sea, making waves seem to dance under the cloudless sky. He fingered the amulet, and stood up. Picking up the small sack from beside him, he walked down the steep pathway to the docks. Leo approached a daper man in a red silk suit.


Gesturing to the boat, Leo asked "Where's she headed?"


The man smiled. "This fine craft is sailing to Port Sarim." The smile quickly disappered, as the man held out his hand. "If you're willing to pay a small price."


Leo dropped a few gold coins into the man's hand, and walked onto the boat. He watched as Riddius and Faylle waved from the tops of the cliffs. He waved back, and sat down on a crate. The man in the red suit climbed on board, and hoisted the gangplank. "Look's like we have an empty ship today."


Leo nodded, and streched out. The suited man took the wheel of the ship, and waved to the fishermen as they sailed out of the harbor. As the boat pulled away, the man struck up a conversation.


"What business do you have in Port Sarim, son?"


Leo shrugged. "I'm not staying in Port Sarim long. Head to Lumbridge, Varrock, Al-Karhid, you name it. Just getting away for a while."


The boat hit choppy water, sending Leo's pack flying. Many scrolls and books fell out, followed by Luzi's letter, a sack of gold pieces, and a small bedroll.


As the boat sailed out into clear water, the shores of Karam-Ja became clear over the horizon. There was a bang as a misguided spell sailed out over the harbor, and filled the sky with a shower of blue sparks. From somewhere, Leo could've sworn he heard his mother's voice, cursing at the elves for their poor marksmenship.

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Aww I was hoping for it to end with a bang. Like for once the wilderness army wins at the end and the Amethyst Rangers are forced to scatter all over runescape. Then he would have the job of reuniting the Amythyst Rangers and also avenging his mom.

I got 99 problems but a noob ain't one.

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