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You probobly dont know me but I look in your thread alot. JUST wanna say GL and throw in that your thread is very entertaining, lots of cool pics to look at :).




Thanks :)




There are too many pics tbh lol








Now that I got 85 slayer and have a lil more time, I'm doing all my clues. Ya rly. I didn't do them because it slows me down soo much. Doing my first clue that has been sitting in my bank since 2months lol. Hoping it's something good heh :P

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Nice more barrow items plz, and go kill abbys you will get so many whips.








Um, Whips are quite rare from Abbies. You get 1 every 5 hours you spend there... (Average 1 Whip per 500 Abbies)








Gratz Fasty on the Barrow Drop! :D

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Finished my Nech task in hopes of getting an Abbie task after.












Only one pair of rune boots this task.




Didn't get abbies :( 16 Bronze dragons.




I got a clue at nechs and finished it:
















Heh two good clues in a row :XD:

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This morning I sold my Mage's Book and bought full Dharoks. I wanted to see what I could do with 97 Strength :P








Went to Abyssal Demons with Dharoks. Didn't use protect from melee, just food. Managed to hit a 66 without prayer, just pots:












Then I went to get a few inventories of nitroglycerin. This time using Ultimate Strength prayer, D B-axe spec, 116 strength, +135 strength bonus (was using fury, not strength amulet), 1hp... 86 hit :XD:








Higest I've hit since soul's bane quest heh :P




Maybe I'll try to get a 101 on undeads at 99 :-k Or something like 105+ on Kalphites with keris dagger :XD: :XD: :mrgreen:

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Didn't DK for so long lol. Currently PCing to 99 strength.




Drop party at 99 Strength / trimmed prayer/str cape.








All I did today was Castle Wars. Used over 1k barrages today :\ . Owning noobs are fun heh :XD:








Gold Decorative Helm - 400 cw tickets. I want kite :P 200 more tickets for the kite.

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