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Mage arena quest thing


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Without prayer, you're gonna need a whole bunch of sharks. Just bring enough runes for around 100-150 casts of the best spell you can do (Fire Blast in this case). Wear your best mage defense clothing, and bring lots of sharks. Pray for the best that you don't get owned by that mage. He was hitting 15+ on me.


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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I suggest you get the prayer level, as it will make it a whole lot easier for you. Since you're a mage pure, then you will need it sooner or later.








As Lunar_Drifter stated, I believe you should bring a short amount of fire blast shots. Bring some food such as sharks just in case, and perhaps a prayer potion. Also bring some some magic increasing robes or d'hide.

Nova FTW!




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