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Mooncrest Chronicles II


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Our story starts five years where the last left off... a young man by the name of Shaun is sitting peacefully in Varrock Square, watching the vendors and eating a kabob he had just bought. After a few minutes, the Shaun stands up, throws the rest of his kabob on the ground, checks his pocket watch, and takes off on a fast walk down the street. Winding through the alleys and backroads of Varrock, he comes to an old, crumbling two story home, just as the sun begins to set... [/i]








Shaun walks up the creaking steps quietly, knocks on the door at the top. A woman's voice speaks from inside. Shaun pushes open the door, and sets his bag on a near by table.




"Just as you requested, my queen." He pulls out a large scroll bound with a piece of leather out of the sack.




A tall woman in dark black wizards robes steps out of the corner, and sits on a chair at the end of the table. "I trust they are intact?"




Shaun nods, and pushes the scroll to her. The woman opens the scroll, and looks it over inquisitivly. After a few minutes, Shaun edges his way to the door. The woman looks up, and speaks. "My son, don't go as of yet. Sit for a while. I have a few questions for you."




Shaun sits down, and leans on the table. "What is it you need to ask of me, mother dearest?"




The woman shoots Shaun a dirty look. "You may refer to me as 'my queen' or 'Queen Taeia' nothing but those. Understood?"




Shaun looks down. "Yes, my queen."




Taeia smiled. "Now that we have that straightened out, can you tell me exactly where you received this scroll?"




Shaun thought. "A short man in purple robes, just as you spoke of, my queen. He gave me the scroll at the Ruins of Uzer, and I gave him the moneys. Just as you instructed."




"And there was nobody else around?"




Shaun shook his head. "No human, animal, or creature of any sort. The place was deserted."




Taeia smiled happily. "I knew I could trust you son. You haven't let me down. Yet."




Shaun smiled, and started for the door. As Taeia stood up, and stopped. "Say, Shaun, did you ever found out what happened to the little old guy, the large man, and that Shiloh village native on the iceburg that day?"




Shaun shook his head. "No, I can't say I have. Why?"




Taeia shrugged. "The reason does not concern you." She fingered the moon pendent hanging around her neck, as Shaun shut the door and ran down the stairs.

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Gobe sat on a stool in the corner of a dusty book filled shop, leaning over a podium. He was riffling through a pile of ancient scrolls, reading the text. Arius was teaching him everything he knew, since Gobe had long since quit the Varrock Royal Guard.




Gobe was justing reading through a scroll about desert flying horses, when Arius jumped up from his desk across the room. Gobe tipped over on his stool. Arius started running around, his bald little head starting to sweat. "Gobe, get over here! This instant boy, don't dawdle!" Gobe was stuffed into a corner, his scrolls scattered all over the floor. Arius scuttled over to the corner.




"I told you, get up and over here!" Gobe blew a scroll off of his head, and scowled. "Gobe, I have come across a discovery of epic, disaterous proportions! Catastophic even!"




Gobe pushed himself up, and set his stool upright. "What? Whats so important that you needed to interrupt MY studies?"




Arius ran over to his desk, and started tinkering with a small bronze globe-like instrument. "She's back, Gobe! Its her! I have all the data right here! She's NOT dead, and neither is Shaun!"




Gobe sighed. "Arius, are you having one of your spells again? You know Shaun and Taeia are both dead. Shaun stayed on the iceberg, and died. And Taeia died that day at the Gathering."




Arius shook his head. "Look here, the planets are aligned! And then acording to the second verse on page five hundred and three of the holy book of Saradomin, and these scrolls from that jar we found in the desert... it all works out! It was a body switching jinx! And the history tests... Shaun is Taeia's son!"




But Gobe wasn't listening. He was at the range in the back of the shop, making tea. He poured it into a little Oriental cup, and walked over to Arius. "Here you go, Arius. Just what the doctor perscribed. A bit of herbal tea, now just sit down, and relax. Just-"




Arius took the tea and threw it across the room. He stood on his toes, and still only came up to Gobe's neck. "Its not a spell! She's back, Gobe! She's back, and she's going to try again! She wants to come back into power!"




Gobe rubbed his eyes. "What do you mean?"




Arius held out a piece of parchment. "Varrock Times, from five years ago. Dark Moon Clan leader killed in ambush at yearly gathering. New leader, Altus Inrich, chosen as new leader." Arius thrust the paper down. "But she's not dead! Don't you understand! She's coming back to knock this Altus fellow off his thrown! And then she's going to take over the world!"




Gobe quietly walked his way out of the shop, while Arius babbled over intruments and documents of many sorts.




He stuck his head out the door, and called to a passing boy. "Hey kid, come here. I'll pay you five gold pieces if you run and fetch Doctor Heidager for me. The old man's having another one of his spells. And this time, its pretty bad."

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Taeia sat on the chair, pushing off the legs of the table, leaning dangerously close to to floor. The old chair creaked, as she sighed. A sharp knock came at the door. She fell off the chair, and lept up to answer it. Shaun stood at the door, panting. In his hands, he held a large bag filled with coins. Taeia pushed him inside, and folded her arms.




"How much longer were you planning on keeping me waiting?"




Shaun gasped. "The banker was an elf, you can't blame me! Where are the people you said would be here?"




Taeia was about to answer, when another knock came at the door. Taeia opened it, as a stout man in deep purple robes, and an old woman in a silver fancy dress burst in. The man spoke.




"Taeia, darling, its so nice to see you! You have some cash for us?" Taeia gestured to the bag on the table. The man eyed it over, and then sat down at the table. "I trust you receive the scrolls?"




Taeia nodded. The woman spoke next. "Taeia, please make this fast. I'm meeting with some of your potential allies tonight at a gala at the headquaters. Which brings me to ask you this; why this little house?"




Taeia nodded. "Well I couldn't go back to headquaters quite yet. You get used to such a small space after a while."




The woman smiled, and sat down next to the man. Taeia introduced Shaun, and then took the scrolls out. "Now, Atticus, have you began the search for the four chrystals?"




The man nodded. "We have scouts all over the globe, darling. So far, we're in the process of buying one right now, from a supplier in Draynor. A witch, I believe."




Atticus looked up, at the sound of a rat scurrying across the floor. Taeia smiled. "Don't worry... its just the neighbors."

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Gobe sat back on his stool, glaring at Arius as he explained to the doctor his findings. After a short while, the doctor picked up his bag, and walked to the corner by Gobe.




"There's nothing wrong with him, Gobe. Everythings right as rain, in fact, this has to be the healthiest I've seen him in a while."




Gobe sighed, and pulled out a few coins from the pocket of his robe, and pressed them into the doctor's outstreached hand. The doctor nodded, and exited the shop.




Arius came scuttling over, with a scroll in hand. Clearing his throat, he spoke. "Now, if you'll listen to me. Taeia is not dead. She switched bodies with Misty. Taeia and Shaun are mother and son. And they are back in Varrock, planning a comeback. The Dark Moon clan is going to be stronger than ever, Gobe."




Gobe smiled. "Alright. That's everything?"




Arius nodded. "Yup. Now, since theres nobody needing to be saved, I suggest we go into hiding."

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~Chapter 2~








Taeia sat smiling out of her apartment's window, the night air blowing her black hair across her face. Shaun, Atticus, and the woman from the night before sat at the other end of the room, talking. All of a sudden, Taeia turned around, and stuck her sword through her belt loop. Her black robes billowed in the wind. She smiled, and gestured for the others to stand. "We're ready."








Alex was running down a darkened hallway. Blood dripped from the walls, as the clomping of large wolve's feet echoed behind him. Coming to a dead end, Alex turned and watched as the wolves approached. He raised his hands to shield face, as one lept upon him. The wolf held him under its massive paw for a second, and then grinned horribly. "What's fair is fair, Prince Alexander. The wrongdoings of a dead man fall upon his offspring. Don't worry... we'll try to make this as painless as possible..."








Prince Alexander, who's father was the king of all Gielnor, woke up from his nightmare. His dark strands of hair were plastered to his face with a cold sweat, his breathing deep but fast. As he came back into reality, he calmed down a bit. It was just a dream. Just a meaningless nightmare. Alex shivered, then noticed his window was wide open, the curtains dancing as though a spirit had possesed them. He walked across the cold floor, shivering in his striped pajamas. As Alex shut the window, he heard a sound from across the room. Turning around, he noticed four figures coming out of the shadows. Pressing himself against the wall, he closed his eyes.




"W-w-who's there? H-h-ello? P-please don't hurt me!"




Taeia's velvety laugh echoed throughout the room. "Little Prince Alexander. Last time I saw you, you were just a little toddler! Look how you've grown! How old are you, son?"




Alex quivered. "F-f-fifteen."




Taeia smiled, as Shaun, Atticus, and the old women laughed from behind her.




"Why the nervousness, Alex? Afraid of your Auntie Taeia?"




Alex turned deathly white. Shaun cackled from across the room.




"Hey, cuz! Long time no see!"




Alex's voice wavered. "What do you want? I haven't gotten anything you want. You already killed my father, what more do you need?"




Atticus frowned. "Why, your majesty! Its not a something we need, as much as a SOMEONE."




Alex dropped to the floor, crying. "P-please! Don't hurt me! I really am not like my father, at all." He reached out to the windowsill, and grabbed a framed painting. "See? He's much fatter than me, and blonde!"




Taeia came close to Alex, who dropped the painting, the glass shattering on the floor. She kneeled down next to the shaking prince. "I'm afraid that doesn't matter much. Its not your personality we're looking for. We're looking for revenge. Nothing against you, just your family."




Shaun came forward with a towel, and gagged Alex. Atticus tied his wrists and ankles together, as Taeia waved her hands.




Alexander floated to her eye level, his head hung forward. His face was hidden by the curtain of black hair hanging in front of his face. Taeia moved a few strands aside, and peered into her nephew's face. "Now, be a good little hostage, and cooperate. We want your death to be as painless as possible."

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Gobe smiled happily through his mouthful of banana, lounging on a crateful filled with the yellow fruit. He sat up, and glanced at Arius, who was sitting on a crate across the little banana shipping boat. "You know, old man, for such a shrivled little raisin, you're a nice guy. Taking me back to the land of my family, and all."




Arius sighed. "For the millionth time, this is not a vacation. Taeia's new plan almost certainly includes coming after us. We're going into hiding."




The captain of the boat came up onto the deck from his quarters below. Arius nodded at him. Thanks, Captain McGrady, for taking me and my cohort here to the island."




The captain smiled. "No problem! Always happy to help a couple a'... er... what was is you two said yous was doin?"




At the same time, Gobe and Arius spoke. "Inspecting palm trees." "Studying the mating habits of monkeys."




Arius shot Gobe a look, and corrected both of them. "We're... er... inspecting the mating habits of rare palm tree monkeys. Endangered you know."




The captain gave them a quizzical look, but shook it off. Gobe held up a banana. "What are these bananas doing headed back to the island? Don't they usually get unpacked at Port Sarim?"




The captain laughed. "Those, me boy, are the worm infested crates 'o' naners. We send them back in as fertalizer, don't ya know."




Gobe turned a sick shade of green, and threw up over the side of the boat. Arius stood up, and smoothed his robes. "There's the island, Gobe. Now, we just need to find that tribe of yours, and fit in as though we're a couple of natural born natives."




Gobe took a break from puking long enough to say "I am a native, Ari. You're the one thats going to need to... a... blend in."

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Taeia stood over an open man hole. The cover clanged on the stone pavement as Atticus pulled it aside. The woman turned to Taeia, and smiled. "You're home, my queen."




She nodded. "Could'nt of done it without you Nancy. You're the last piece of this puzzle of a plan I've conjured up."




Nancy smiled and climbed down the man hole, followed by Atticus. Shaun stood by Prince Alex, who was squirming on the ground. Taeia kicked him in the head, and commanded Shaun to drag him down next. Shaun turned to his mother as he shoved Alex down the hole. ""You better get going, Queen Taeia."




Taeia shrugged, as she looked into the rising sun. "I would, but come on, Shaun. I've been boxed up for five years. I'm finally returning home. Wouldn't you take the time to savor it too?"




There was a thud as Alex hit the floor at the end of the hole. Shaun looked down, and smiled. "Just hurry up. Don't want anyone finding little cuz down here!"








Taeia sat at the end of a long oak table, surronded by Atticus, Nancy, and Shaun. Alex was untied and ungagged, but was shackled to the wall. Nancy turned around when he sneezed.




"You don't know who I am, do you?"




Taeia attempted to shush her. Nancy smiled. "I am your great aunt, Alexander. I'm the part of Taeia's grand ole' plan!"




Taeia sighed. "What the duchess of stupidity is trying to say, is that we're going to get a small bit of your blood, pour it over the chrystals we need, recite the ancient spells, and then kill you. Then the spells will kill everyone with your blood, but not Nancy. She's not technically related to you. She was adopted. So your mother, your aunts and uncles, everyone who would be able take over the throne if you would die. Nancy will be the next in line. And through her, I will gain power of a good portion of the known world!"




Alex sat staring at both of the women, eyes wide. Atticus grunted. "Why in the name of Zammy would you reveal the plan? Expecially to that kid?"




Taeia shrugged. "He's going to die as soon as we find the last 3 chrystals."




Alex sat watching them argue, turning deathly white. Shaun glanced over to him, as the argument raged on. "Um... hey Taeia?"




Taeia shouted. "Whaaaat???"




Shaun pointed. "I think the kids fainting..."




Alex hit the floor with a clang of his chains.

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Gobe swung from a hammock suspended between two banana trees, as Arius tied his up tightly. The small old man hopped into his hammock, and looked up at the stars. "Glad to be back Gobe?"




Gobe sighed. "Yes. Would've prefered to stay in my village, but since SOMEBODY had to order all that rum, and take that little side fishing excursion, we won't reach there until tomorrow, at the earliest."




Arius laughed. "You know you liked that fresh lobster in rum sauce. If you didn't like it, I guess that about explains why you had five of them." The men laughed for a bit. Gobe drifted off into deep sleep, as Arius sat up listening to the banana plantation workers getting drunk at the bar.




There was a rustling sound from down at the shore. Arius sat up, and watched a stout shadow make its way up the beach. It stumbled, and swore. Arius jumped out of his hammock, and hid behind a tree. The shadow became a stout man in purple robes when he stood in the moonlight.




As the man picked his way among the trees, Arius caught bits of his conversation with himself.




"Stupid chrystals. Taeia couldn't come get them for herself, that lazy no good... I help her kidnap the stupid little prince, get her chrystals, even offer to murder little twirp! And all I get is five bags of gold. Five stinking bags."




Arius followed the man into the bar. The man sat down at the bar, and ordered a drink. Arius sat down next to him, and ordered a tropical drink. The man turned to Arius and smiled. "Here on vacation?"




Arius stuttered. "Yeah... yes. Tropical weather, its good for my... uh... dysentary."




The man's eyes widened. "Um... alright..."




Arius sipped his drink, and watched the man. After a while, the bartender came off with a small velvet bag. "Here you are sir."




The man pulled a bag of coins out of his robes, and exchanged with the bartender. Arius looked away as he stood up. Under his breath, the man muttered. "Two down... two to go. The prince of Gielnor's days are numbered."

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Taeia sat on her throne, reading over the scrolls. Shaun stood by her side, smiling. "Well mo- I mean, Taeia your highness, this is it! The big day is soon at hand!"




Taeia nodded. "One chrystal from the witch in Draynor, one from the Pyramids in the desert, one from the vaults under the Gnome fortress, and now one from the Karamja volcano! The sacrifice will take place later this week."




Shaun thought for a moment. "How does Nancy work into this? Isn't she royal? Wouldn't she die too?"




Taeia shook her head, making her long black hair gleam. "Nope. She's not technically a part of the Royal Family of Gielnor. She was a maid, whom the Duke fell in love with. They got a pardon, and BAM!" Taeia clapped her hands together. "She's royal. Not by blood of course, so she will not die."




Shaun nodded in understanding. "Wouldn't we die too?"




Taeia sighed. "No, not since I was claimed an outcast by age 20. Its been several years, and several new bodies, but the good ole' Taeia they banned 15 years ago at the prime of this body's womanhood is back. With the king murdered, and his son in our possesion, we can't fail!"




A hooded guard came into the throne room. "The boy has requested an audience, you majesty."




Taeia raised her eyebrows. "Reeaaally.... that's interesting. And what makes him think he can just ask to see me? After all, he's just a prisoner in my court."




The guard shrugged. Two guards entered the room, dragging Alex, who was in chains, along with them. Taeia gestured for them to stop. Alex came crashing to the floor, panting heavily.




Taeia stood, and walked down the steps from the platform where her throne stood. She lifted Alexander's head with her foot. "Well well well, little nephew..."




Alex let out a gasp as she drew back her foot, and let his head fall to the ground. He spoke in a wavering voice. "Please, don't do this. I wasn't the one who outcasted you!"




Taeia smiled. "Its not only about that, Alexander. I wish to gain control of the most powerful territory in all of the world! And I will do so... with just a bit of your blood."




Alex turned white, as she kneeled down by him, and brushed his dark hair back from his face. "We share so much in common, Alex. You didn't inherit your father's traits. You inherited mine. You're a spitting image of Auntie Taeia. But I'm afraid that likleyhood will come crashing down the slit of a knife, sooner than you think."




Shaun hopped down from the gilded platform. "Besides, you won't be missed to much. I mean, people squish bugs all the time!" He laughed at his own joke. A




Alex was crying now. "You'll re-regret this. T-t-the Varrock G-guards... they'll get you!"




Shaun shook his head. "I was with those idiots for years. They couldn't find a salmon at a fish market."




Taeia told the guards to leave. Alex looked at her sadly, as he was dragged out of the throne room harshly. As the doors shut, Shaun smiled.




"I think that little aunt to nephew talk went quite well... wouldn't you say?"

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Gobe sat on a weathered trunk, kicking the dock with her foot. Arius stood next to him, waving his wand around. The point of his wand projected a copy of the Varrock Times in mid air. Gobe sighed. "Come on Arius, we've been here two days. We didn't even make it down to my folk's hut! And how we're leaving?"




Arius mumbled to himself, then outloud. "I told you Gobe, Taeia has kidnapped Prince Alexander! I'm sure no good can come of it. There must be a plot. We need to find where she's hiding, and rescue the prince."




Gobe kicked a seagull into the water. "Why us? The Royal Guard know about it, they'll be looking too!"




Arius put down the wand. "We have valuble information, that the Guard can't even be trusted with."




Gobe folded his arms and pouted. "We didn't even get a souvenier."




Arius laughed. "Then what do you call these five crates of pure, 100% Karamja Rum?"




A woman's voice spoke from behind them. "Confiscated."




Gobe jumped, as Arius calmly turned around. "Officer, please, we-"




He stopped, eyes wide at the woman. "Little Lea Heistman? My greatest student!"




The woman frowned. "That was 20 years ago bub. I've moved on from your pokey lessons. I've got a job now. Hand over the rum."




Arius laughed. "Your parents would bring you to my house, every Saturday, and I'd teach you magic, and general knowledge for you to use when you got older. And what do you end up becoming? The Rum Police?"




Lea scowlled. "Official Customs officer of the great nation of Karamja, appointed by Cheif Sumbali himself!"




Arius giggled. "Whatever you say. Take the rum, we have us a boat to catch little lady."




Lea stepped in front of him. "Not so fast. What makes you think you can just leave?"




Gobe stepped forward. "Maybe the fact that our boat is sailing into the port-"




Lea shot him a look. "Listen boys. I'll let you go, but first you need to tell me what you're leaving for so fast."




Arius' smile faded. "Have you read the Varrock Times today?"




Lea shook her head. Arius continued. "The Prince was kidnapped."




Lea's eyebrows lifted. "And this has to do with you how?"




Arius sighed. "Sit down. This will be a long story."

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A tall, bearded man stormed into the Throne Room of Taeia's underground fortress. He frowned at the sight of her lounging on the throne.




"Taeia, Taeia, Taeia. I leave for two days, and you decide to come back? What makes you think that you can just take back your position? Have you forgotten that I am the leader around here?"




Taeia smiled. "Altus, so wonderful to see you! How was Catherby Beach?"




Altus sighed. "Horrible. It rained all the time, and the whole beach was crowded with noisy fishermen. Not at all like the postcards, I tell ya'."




Taeia laughed. "Sorry Altus, you can't take back your throne. I'm here and my plan is officially in action."




Altus raised an eyebrow. "Plan? What plan?"




Taeia smiled, and raised her hand in the air, shooting down Altus in a shower of sparks and light. She grinned eviley to herself. "That plan, Altus. My plan."

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Lea smilied happily, her brown hair fluttering in the sea breeze. Her Custom's Officer hat sailed a long way back, a ting blue dot on the horizon. Gobe sighed, and leaned back on his crate. He whispered to Arius. "Why did she need to come?"




Arius shrugged. "We could use an extra pair of hands. And might I remind you, those hands have several years of magic training under their belts."




Gobe snorted, and bit into a banana. "Since when do hands where belts?"




Lea walked over, and smiled. "Thanks for letting my come with your Arius."




Arius crossed his skinny arms and leaned back. "Thank you for letting me bring back all my rum!"




Lea laughed. "You mean arthritus medicine?"




Gobe sighed. "Come on Arius, she can't help us rescue the kid. She's barely even older than I am."




Lea scowled. "How old are you?"




Gobe shrugged. "29, give or take a day or two."




Lea smiled. "I just turned 30 last Tuesday."




Arius chuckled. "If it means anything to anyone, I'm about 138."












Taeia walked past Alex, who was locked up in a cell. He was badly bruised, and tired. She smiled as she kneeled by the cell. "Little Prince Alex! Guess what we got? All four chrystals! And guess what else?" She slid a rusty key into the lock. "Its time." He turned a deathly color white as she pulled open the barred door, smiling like a maniac.

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Arius ran ahead of Gobe and Lea through the streets of Varrock. He shouted to them as he ran. "According... to... my... calculations, Taeia has already gathered her chrystals. I cannot find their energy fields anywhere on the map but right... here!"




Arius stopped over sewer hole cover that was slightly ajar. Gobe lifted it up, and pushed it aside. Arius stopped Lea who was attempting to climb down into the hole. "Wait, we need to get disguises." Arius pulled out his wand, and waved it around. All three were clocked in black robes. Arius nodded form under his clock, and jumped down the hole.








Taeia stood before an altar than had been fitted with four brass stands. A large chrystal stood on each one, a large golden bowl in the middle. An ashen Prince Alex stood shakily next to her, one of Taeia's hands clamped firmly on his pajama collar. Taeia smiled and shouted to the crowed of thousands that stood in front of her in her underground fortress. "My followers! Tonight, is the night we take over the Royal Family of Gielnor! Tonight is the night that we become kings and queens!"




The crowed roared. "And now... without further ado..."




She held out Alexander's hand, and slit it with a silver blade. He gasped, and cringed from the pain. She let his blood drip over each of the chrystals, as they began to glow.




Taeia smiled like a little girl. "It... is time...." She pulled back Alex's pajama collar, and slid the blade across his neck. There was a wild scream from the silent crowd, as she jerked the blade down, and accidentally stabbed him in the stomach instead of the throat.








Arius and Gobe stared angrily at Lea. "What on earth was that?" Arius screeched.




Lea smiled. "A distraction. Now come on, we need to get out of here."




A fat man in a robe turned around, and shot a spray of purple sparks out of his wand. Arius, Lea, and Gobe woke up several minutes later, laying outside the sewer cover... and outside of the ceremony.

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Taeia pulled out the scrolls majestically, glancing down now and then at a gasping Alex, who was clutching his stomach, and writhing in a pool of his own blood at the base of the altar. Taeia began to read.








Children of Zammorack!




The royal blood runs red




Giving life to the faithful




Ending the lives of the




Unworthy creatures




So gather under the spell




My faithful children




And see wonders never




Percieved by human mind








Taeia laughed hysterically, and shouted to her group. "Come, my followers! Let us gather the fruits of our bounty in the bloodied streets of Varrock, letting civilians know who is their real ruler!" The crowd cheered, and ran out of the fortress wielding torches.




Up in the alley, Arius, Gobe, and Lea stood in around the corner, watching the group shouting and laughing throughout the streets. They chased people out of their houses, as many filed towards the castle. Arius counted until Taeia herself, followed by Shaun, Aticus, and Nancy came climbing out of the hole. He nodded, and gestured for the rest to follow.




Running through the chamber where the altar stood, Lea was the first to notice the blood seeping down the stairs leading to the large stone slab.




She shouted, and ran to the back of the altar. Lea stopped dead in her tracks, and fell to her knees. Arius and Gobe ran around the back, and shouted out of shocked.




Alex was near death, and that was obvious. He clutched his stomach, breathing fast but raspy. Blood was soaking through his dirty pajamas, the color drained from his face. Lea was the first to act.




She placed her hands on his forehead, and recited a few words under her breath. Arius laughed through his shock. "You... you're..." Lea nodded as the color slowly came to Alex's face. He sputtered a bit as the blood seemed to disappear from his body. Arius slapped his knee and shrieked. "You remembered! You did learn something!"




Lea laughed as Alexander slowly came back to life. Gobe sat back on his knees and stared. "Is she doing that?"




Arius nodded. "I taught her that when her poor kitty died... was his name Muffin?"




Alex sighed loudly, and opened his eyes. He looked around confused for a second, and then attempted to sit up. Lea layed him back down. "Shhhh.... just rest. You're alive now, but you'll be very tired for a couple hours."




Gobe's smile wiped away. "But the others... all the royals..."




Arius stood. "They'll be alright. If the sacrifice doesn't actually die, the spells don't mean a thing."




Alexander coughed from the stone floor. "Excuse me, mister? Could you get me out of here? I'm kinda getting the creeps..."








When they resurfaced, Alex laying across Gobe's back, the Varrock Royal guard was fighting off the rest of the Red Moon Clan. One knight came running up to them. "The Prince! Is he alright? Where has he been?"




Arius smiled. "We've rescued him. And the entire Royal Family. He's a bit weak, but he's completly unharmed... now." Gobe handed Alex's frail body to the knight, who nodded his thanks and ran off to the castle.




Lea sighed and leaned against the wall. Gobe smiled and stood next to her. He stuttered a bit. "You... want to go grab a bite to eat before you go back to the island?"




Lea nodded. "Yes, but I'm not going back. I'm going to stay here."




Gobe smiled. "Why?"




Lea laughed. "Because it sure beats the heck out of taking away bottles of rum with bananas stuffed into their necks away from clueless imbeciles."

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Taeia stood on a cliff, overlooking the sea. Her moon pendent hung from her neck, gleaming in the moonlight. A very sober Nancy approaches. "My queen, are you alright?"




Taeia shakes her head. "Its over for now, Nancy. I can't go on with this. I'm getting to old."




Nancy smiled. "But haven't you only been in this body about 20 years?"




Taeia nodded, and clasped the moon pendent in her hand. Nancy gasped. "No... Taeia, don't do it. Now now!"




Taeia gripped the half moon harder, as she turned pale. Her body fell on the cliff with a thud, a thick red cloud hovering over the corpse. Nancy fell to her knees. "Taeia, my queen! No!"




The cloud floated off the cliff into the sky, and as it did so... a raspy voice spoke from the heavens. "Nancy, do not speak of this incedent to anyone for a long time... this is my final wish." Nancy nodded, tears running down her cheeks. The cloud floated to the horizon, as the voice spoke a final time.












"Do not fear, faithful follower... I shall see you in the near future. Don't look for me in that form, though. I will have... changed."

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