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Changes in Runescape: Personal Interest vs Unchalleging Game


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The title may be a little confunsing...sorry about that.








Well i see many people suggesting Jagex should change this and that because it's wrong/too easy but when they actually try to make a valid statement to support their theory they bring up their personal interest instead. I personally don't like it. I don't think the game is perfect but i can't suggest something better so i don't suggest at all.








I want to hear your thoughts on this.

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The title may be a little confunsing...sorry about that.








Well i see many people suggesting Jagex should change this and that because it's wrong/too easy but when they actually try to make a valid statement to support their theory they bring up their personal interest instead. I personally don't like it. I don't think the game is perfect but i can't suggest something better so i don't suggest at all.








I want to hear your thoughts on this.

I suspect your talking about the rants against prayer ect.




Well heres a rebutal..




Prayer is over powered solution: make protection prayers require 85 prayer to start using.




Minings best use comes at 85, fletchings best use comes at 85, the most powerful armour types come at 70 def, most powerful weapons come at 70 attack..




Prayers most powerful ability comes at 43.

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Prayer, Pest Control, etc etc etc. well i liked your rebutal (made me think)








I think you do have a point. I am not just talking about prayer really...it's more that people will whine about anything without making a valid point just like you did just now.

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Prayer, Pest Control, etc etc etc. well i liked your rebutal (made me think)








I think you do have a point. I am not just talking about prayer really...it's more that people will whine about anything without making a valid point just like you did just now.

Pest control: I worked for 3 years on my current main he is 112 combat, and was lvled to 97 on f2p, since pest controls release i have dropped 6800 ranks in combat, and my barrows pure has 99 magic, he dropped 41 ranks, most likely the people who passed me never even had to cast a spell.




Pest control allows people who have barely even played the game to no life for a month and be a high lvl character.




This leads to people with a combat lvl of 116 like this guy i met the other day who asked me for help with the dragon slayer quest.




People can have 99 range and 99 magic without casting a spell or shooting an arrow, 99 prayer without burying a bone.




Why bother even playing the game then? if your just going to take a shortcut and not experience half of what is there on offer.

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The title may be a little confunsing...sorry about that.








Well i see many people suggesting Jagex should change this and that because it's wrong/too easy but when they actually try to make a valid statement to support their theory they bring up their personal interest instead. I personally don't like it. I don't think the game is perfect but i can't suggest something better so i don't suggest at all.








I want to hear your thoughts on this.

I suspect your talking about the rants against prayer ect.




Well heres a rebutal..




Prayer is over powered solution: make protection prayers require 85 prayer to start using.




Minings best use comes at 85, fletchings best use comes at 85, the most powerful armour types come at 70 def, most powerful weapons come at 70 attack..




Prayers most powerful ability comes at 43.








You have a point, but it all depends on what you think counts more; the level you have, or the time you put into your level.








See, while prayer does have its best uses start at lev 37, It still takes a very long time to accomplish, assuming you only burry the bones you get. You see, lets say, for arguments sake, that you get 200 atack xp per kill, you still only get 4.5 prayer xp per kill, assuming you arn't killing giants or dragons. Just over 21,600 people have 70+ prayer, but more that 300,000 people have 70+ attack, and over 100,000 people have 80+ attack. Infact, the current 21,600th rank for attack has 92 attack. This means that 15 times as many people have 70 attack, than have 70 prayer. Useing this evedince, it is ubsurd to belive that the best abilities in prayer should come at the same level as those of attack.








I do, however think that the level is far to low. While there are over 300,000 with 70+ attack, dubble that have 43 prayer. Its all a matter of ballence, unfortunetly, once something is set and opperational, Jagex rarly tinkers with it because they don't want to lose costumers.

Once an opinion is formed the truth is irelivant.


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The title may be a little confunsing...sorry about that.








Well i see many people suggesting Jagex should change this and that because it's wrong/too easy but when they actually try to make a valid statement to support their theory they bring up their personal interest instead. I personally don't like it. I don't think the game is perfect but i can't suggest something better so i don't suggest at all.








I want to hear your thoughts on this.

I suspect your talking about the rants against prayer ect.




Well heres a rebutal..




Prayer is over powered solution: make protection prayers require 85 prayer to start using.




Minings best use comes at 85, fletchings best use comes at 85, the most powerful armour types come at 70 def, most powerful weapons come at 70 attack..




Prayers most powerful ability comes at 43.








You have a point, but it all depends on what you think counts more; the level you have, or the time you put into your level.








See, while prayer does have its best uses start at lev 37, It still takes a very long time to accomplish, assuming you only burry the bones you get. You see, lets say, for arguments sake, that you get 200 atack xp per kill, you still only get 4.5 prayer xp per kill, assuming you arn't killing giants or dragons. Just over 21,600 people have 70+ prayer, but more that 300,000 people have 70+ attack, and over 100,000 people have 80+ attack. Infact, the current 21,600th rank for attack has 92 attack. This means that 15 times as many people have 70 attack, than have 70 prayer. Useing this evedince, it is ubsurd to belive that the best abilities in prayer should come at the same level as those of attack.








I do, however think that the level is far to low. While there are over 300,000 with 70+ attack, dubble that have 43 prayer. Its all a matter of ballence, unfortunetly, once something is set and opperational, Jagex rarly tinkers with it because they don't want to lose costumers.




Prayer isnt hard to lvl, if you want to know why 15 times as many people have 70 attack then 70 prayer..




Prayers highest lvl skill is at 52, now why gain extra combat lvls to gain something you can get from prayer pots? most people wont bother.




Thats why no one has 70+ prayer, becouse its only worth it for a status symbol, i got the money to buy 99 prayer on all of my characters many times over, my highest prayer lvl is 60 on my 112, the reason for this is, it doesnt do anything but increase my combat after 52, so why would i underpower my character to gain something i can easily get from a prayer pot or super restore.

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Yet the fact remains thatt you gain 4 xp per hit, and 4.5 per set of bones. I'm not talking about buying bonse, I'm talking about raiseing it just as you raise most skills, with your own hard work. To me, the comparison is not between the only way to train combat, and the short cut for prayer, but is the difference between how you train combat and how you train prayer.








To put it simply, if you train prayer, gain atleast 10 times as much combat xp from a kill as you do prayer.








Also, you are forgeting something. There are over 9,000,000 f2p's, but only 850,000, and f2p doesn't have prayer pots, or stat restore. So, which is more likely, that it is hard to level up a skill, or that 980,000 have prayer pots and think it is easyer than leveling it up.








I admit the logic in your reasoning, but the thing is that there is a reason that f2p doesn't level it up higher, and thats because its one of the hardest skills to level up, and as you said, the rewards don't justify the work.

Once an opinion is formed the truth is irelivant.


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The problem is Pest Control, this levels up any combat skill at an unfairly fast rate. I think jagex did this to convert f2p to p2p. Free players t\realize they will never be the next zezima in accordance to combat unless they can spend hours at pc.








Prayer however, I think is good for melee protect at a low lv of 43, since it is the hardest skill to bring up. 50 prayer is better than 65 attack.

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Yet the fact remains thatt you gain 4 xp per hit, and 4.5 per set of bones. I'm not talking about buying bonse, I'm talking about raiseing it just as you raise most skills, with your own hard work. To me, the comparison is not between the only way to train combat, and the short cut for prayer, but is the difference between how you train combat and how you train prayer.








To put it simply, if you train prayer, gain atleast 10 times as much combat xp from a kill as you do prayer.








Also, you are forgeting something. There are over 9,000,000 f2p's, but only 850,000, and f2p doesn't have prayer pots, or stat restore. So, which is more likely, that it is hard to level up a skill, or that 980,000 have prayer pots and think it is easyer than leveling it up.








I admit the logic in your reasoning, but the thing is that there is a reason that f2p doesn't level it up higher, and thats because its one of the hardest skills to level up, and as you said, the rewards don't justify the work.




No one gives a damn about f2p prayer, if you turn it on the person your fighting calls you a loser and walks out.




And there is giants on f2p btw, i forked out 980k on f2p for big bones and lvled 1-43 prayer in a day on my pure mage, so even there it isnt hard.

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Yet the fact remains thatt you gain 4 xp per hit, and 4.5 per set of bones. I'm not talking about buying bonse, I'm talking about raiseing it just as you raise most skills, with your own hard work. To me, the comparison is not between the only way to train combat, and the short cut for prayer, but is the difference between how you train combat and how you train prayer.








To put it simply, if you train prayer, gain atleast 10 times as much combat xp from a kill as you do prayer.








Also, you are forgeting something. There are over 9,000,000 f2p's, but only 850,000, and f2p doesn't have prayer pots, or stat restore. So, which is more likely, that it is hard to level up a skill, or that 980,000 have prayer pots and think it is easyer than leveling it up.








I admit the logic in your reasoning, but the thing is that there is a reason that f2p doesn't level it up higher, and thats because its one of the hardest skills to level up, and as you said, the rewards don't justify the work.




No one gives a damn about f2p prayer, if you turn it on the person your fighting calls you a loser and walks out.




And there is giants on f2p btw, i forked out 980k on f2p for big bones and lvled 1-43 prayer in a day on my pure mage, so even there it isnt hard.




Regardless of whether or not it is useful in a PvP situation, it is very useful in a PvM situation. It would take about 210k big bones to get to 85, which would take an extremely long time, and cost atleast 60M. I wouldn't really say that isn't hard. =; I think that the protection prayers are at a low level for f2p, since they have very limited resources in training prayer.

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Yet the fact remains thatt you gain 4 xp per hit, and 4.5 per set of bones. I'm not talking about buying bonse, I'm talking about raiseing it just as you raise most skills, with your own hard work. To me, the comparison is not between the only way to train combat, and the short cut for prayer, but is the difference between how you train combat and how you train prayer.








To put it simply, if you train prayer, gain atleast 10 times as much combat xp from a kill as you do prayer.








Also, you are forgeting something. There are over 9,000,000 f2p's, but only 850,000, and f2p doesn't have prayer pots, or stat restore. So, which is more likely, that it is hard to level up a skill, or that 980,000 have prayer pots and think it is easyer than leveling it up.








I admit the logic in your reasoning, but the thing is that there is a reason that f2p doesn't level it up higher, and thats because its one of the hardest skills to level up, and as you said, the rewards don't justify the work.




No one gives a damn about f2p prayer, if you turn it on the person your fighting calls you a loser and walks out.




And there is giants on f2p btw, i forked out 980k on f2p for big bones and lvled 1-43 prayer in a day on my pure mage, so even there it isnt hard.




Regardless of whether or not it is useful in a PvP situation, it is very useful in a PvM situation. It would take about 210k big bones to get to 85, which would take an extremely long time, and cost atleast 60M. I wouldn't really say that isn't hard. =; I think that the protection prayers are at a low level for f2p, since they have very limited resources in training prayer.




What use do f2p pvm have for prayer? the highest hit dealt by a monster on f2p is a 9.




A lobster heals 12..




Prayer is overkill on f2p.

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Prayer, Pest Control, etc etc etc. well i liked your rebutal (made me think)








I think you do have a point. I am not just talking about prayer really...it's more that people will whine about anything without making a valid point just like you did just now.

Pest control: I worked for 3 years on my current main he is 112 combat, and was lvled to 97 on f2p, since pest controls release i have dropped 6800 ranks in combat, and my barrows pure has 99 magic, he dropped 41 ranks, most likely the people who passed me never even had to cast a spell.




Pest control allows people who have barely even played the game to no life for a month and be a high lvl character.




This leads to people with a combat lvl of 116 like this guy i met the other day who asked me for help with the dragon slayer quest.




People can have 99 range and 99 magic without casting a spell or shooting an arrow, 99 prayer without burying a bone.




Why bother even playing the game then? if your just going to take a shortcut and not experience half of what is there on offer.




You are right. I think that there should be a change in pest control (just leave prayer it really helps people out)








The type of attack you use should determine what experince you get. For example.




You cast magic and win pest control=you get mage experince and the same with attack and range. But if you (problably a 10% chance) you attack and get excatly even amounts of hits (25 for mage, 25 for range etc.) you get half the experince

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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