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Ive just got 40 attak and was wondering the best way to get to 60 to use dragon.








I am P2P and I have tried rock crabs but they are normally too busy so I was wondering for an alternative.

















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Hm.. get out that trusty Rune Scimitar and head off to your local Hill Giants. They'd most likely be good for you. Instead of going to the ones in Edgeville Dungeon, find the ones in the Taverly Dungeon instead (west of Falador). That place is usually uncrowded and should be good for combat training and a little bit of prayer on the side. You shouldn't need all that much food either.


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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I agree whith the poster above, and when you get to level 50 attack switch to the Moss giants, they are far better and even give alchable drops.








The best places for moss giants are : An island near brimhaven that requires some agility or crandor island.

Quest cape obtained at combat level 83, march 07.

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For Moss Giants, go to the Brimhaven dungeon. Bring along 875 gold (905 if you're coming from Ardougne or Port Sarim), and a disposable woodcutting axe. Right near the entrance is a room that spawns two moss giants. When you kill one, the other one should be already respawned or close to it.


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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