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Although I do disagree with RuneScape affecting your social/school life. People shouldn't take this game real seriously, as it is a game. They need to just play it when they're bored, or need something fun to do, but not as a replacement for socializing or doing homework.








Obviously any smart individual would agree with you too! :) (Myself included.)








It's basically a no brainer that anything taken to the extreme is bad for you. Be it drugs, alcohol, gaming, sex, gambling, etc.








I do disagree with you (slightly) that any attempt to prescribe the "amount" of play is somewhat of a non starter. (In your post you gave no indication of the appropriate time to play.) But to lay a straw man argument, for some, even 6 hours may be perfectly workable considering their situation. If you were to suggest that "any more than 4 hours a day" would be detrimental, then obviously this could inaccurately label some as addicts.








Stay with me with the below metaphor! please :)








A metaphor of course could be alcohol. Most definitely this will be imcomplete, but please bear with me. We have all heard (hopefully) that a person's weight, attitude, tolerance, stomach contents, and personality all affect drunkiness... More studies attempt to define what a "drink" is: be it a shot, a glass of wine, a pint of beer, (kegstand ffs!!)... you get the idea.








MY POINT IS: all this attention to detail misses the point. While it instructs an individual to understand and appreciate the value/concerns of alcohol, it does nothing to help them determine if they have an addiction or not.








Obviously this topic is interesting to me -- but in the RS world we have to realize that gaming is as pleasurable as it is painful. As any addiction can be. Of course, it is your responsibility to determine what works for you.

RSN: Greedom1 | QP 248+ | Combat 116 | Total 1920+ | Skills 95 craft, 99 farm, 88 herb, 91 mage, 85 slayer

Values? What do they mean?

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Haha, the reason I made this topic is because my good friend is addicted to Guild Wars (not RS, but an MMO nonetheless). He's almost always on, and even cursed out his own mother to play "just 5 more minutes".








BTW, I used to play 5 hours a day, but now, I just go on to "pk", which means losing my rune set. :-w

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