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.:'':.Banana's PIXL Auction.:'':.


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good luck with the shop, i see you're already rolling with a few bids!




yeesh the fishing one is tempting me.... :roll:




ill come back l8er, hope u get em all sold!


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~108 combat~

5.9k dusties killed / dragon chain :D

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Ok now i gotta clear something up, why would fletch steal that sig? i know she uses it but she has a lvl 100 and some and makes mils easy... she has purchased a few of my sigs for up to 550k in total... just doesnt sound like something they would do... but they do not use that sig any more... they gave it 2 one of thier friends few weeks ago... also they claim they paid 150k for it from one of thier friends...








help clear some of this up please.









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Ok now i gotta clear something up, why would fletch steal that sig? i know she uses it but she has a lvl 100 and some and makes mils easy... she has purchased a few of my sigs for up to 550k in total... just doesnt sound like something they would do... but they do not use that sig any more... they gave it 2 one of thier friends few weeks ago... also they claim they paid 150k for it from one of thier friends...








help clear some of this up please.
















OMG why would i lie, shes like on msn show me preview, and im like ok, ans shes like awesome, meet my in edge bank, ill be there in a couple of mins, im like ok, and hour later not there, she ignored me, she blocked me on msn, i add her on my old accout, i think i saved the convo, and she said sumthing about her being azn shorty runescape biggst scammer and then she blocked me again...








and ok greg ill do that












if anyone want my RSN its: Cool Banana

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100k on 1 :lol:








ill take that that as a joke?




you can if someone else make a bid over 100k :lol:








well im gunna sell now to the people who have bidded so, if you on now, tell me, il add name once you have paid me








everyone elses sigs have been done

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100k on 1 :lol:








ill take that that as a joke?




you can if someone else make a bid over 100k :lol:








well im gunna sell now to the people who have bidded so, if you on now, tell me, il add name once you have paid me








everyone elses sigs have been done








add leigh4eva in game, i want the left top corner to have my name and right hand corner to have 110+ combat, pm me the sig

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