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I made a script that automatically generates a URL that you use instead of your PHP sig's URL to use it. Example:








Normally, my words of wisdom thing wouldn't work, because it has .php at the end. But using my tool, I made a URL that DOES work (http://vipersoftrunescape.com/phpbbfix/ ... 54206.jpeg). So, now, when we display it, it seamlessly redirects, and PhpBB is none the wiser! Example:
















The BBCode is:
















But if you compare it with the original image (vipersoftrunescape.com/wordsofwisdom/index.php), it's the same (or actually not, but it does the same thing)! CoolBEANS!








To use the tool, go to http://vipersoftrunescape.com/phpbbfix/getaround.php.












Sorry for being ecstatic and crazy, but I'm so excited!








Note that this also works for any other type of sig or image that isn't normally aloud on the boards.


handed me TWO tissues to clear up. I was like "i'm going to need a few more paper towels than that luv"
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Oooh! :D








So your site is just going to be used as a redirector for everyone's sigs untill someone else finds out/writes their own version of the code and makes it public?








I want to patent it, but I don't have enough money :(.


handed me TWO tissues to clear up. I was like "i'm going to need a few more paper towels than that luv"
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