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Edit: fixed - text is default color now








Hey guys, on my website, i made my best online friend Kayla an admin. I sent a letter to her. This is the letter, and i wanted to know if i should add anything or take anything out. Here t is:








DDbra, I would love to promote you to a higher rank. I now promote you from;








Strokemaster, to,












































You can now log into the admin group.








You can now do anything you want to the website.








You can now, be an admin .








Over the past 1 year that i have been playing runescape, you have always told me to follow my dreams and to never give up. I did follow my dreams. One of my dreams was to have our own website. And one of my dreams was to become the best in runescape. Although you have told me to try my hardest at things i want to do in life, i am sorry to say this but, I am quiting runescape. I know that you were the one DDbra, who never gave up on finishing your dreams. You got 99 magics not because you thought it woud be fun, or not because you were bored. You did it because you had the courage and strength to do that. You DDbra, were the one person that i looked up to in runesape. You were my friend. And you always will be .




















Brain is my acount name on my website and her name is DDbra. So, is it good? Please reply.












Thank you.

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DDbra, I would love to promote you to a higher rank. I now promote you from;








Strokemaster, to,












































You can now log into the admin group.








You can now do anything you want to the website.








You can now, be an admin .








Over the past 1 year that i have been playing runescape, you have always told me to follow my dreams and to never give up. I did follow my dreams. One of my dreams was to have our own website. And one of my dreams was to become the best in runescape. Although you have told me to try my hardest at things i want to do in life, i am sorry to say this but, I am quiting runescape. I know that you were the one DDbra, who never gave up on finishing your dreams. You got 99 magics not because you thought it woud be fun, or not because you were bored. You did it because you had the courage and strength to do that. You DDbra, were the one person that i looked up to in runesape. You were my friend. And you always will be .









































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Um, well, sorta sounds like a speech. Try short and simple like:








"Congratulations, you have now been promote to Administrator. All administrator privlages are accompanied by this position. if you have any more questions, please, don't hesitate to contact me.








Thank you,












No offense, but it sorta sounds like some sort of love not "You have alwasy told me to follow my dreams and are my best friend..."

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Well, you act as if you know the person in real life and you're dying of cancer.








I would have sent them a letter saying they're promoted, and thanking them for the friendship or something to that affect.


Fun with paint.


Drink night cough medicine, take pills for sleeping, or just start playing with your Pokeman balls! In your Gameboy SP that is. =P~
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It's a bit overdone... Just shorten it up a bit. ^_^




I made it a ton shorter!!!!!












Here it is:












DDbra, I would love to promote you to a higher rank. I now promote you from;








Strokemaster, to,












































You can now log into the admin group.








You can now do anything you want to the website.








You can now, be an admin ^_^ .








Over the past 1 year that i have been playing runescape, you were my friend. And you always will be ^_^ .













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Hey guys, on my website, i made my best online friend Kayla an admin. I sent a letter to her.








I made him an admin
















EDIT: You forgot to tell him/her you're quitting.


Fun with paint.


Drink night cough medicine, take pills for sleeping, or just start playing with your Pokeman balls! In your Gameboy SP that is. =P~
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