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  1. Elvis: Do you, Xx pker Xx, take this foxy momma to be your, HUA!, lovely lady bride? Xx Pker Xx: I do. Elvis: And do you, sk8trgirl2034, take this hunka-hunka-burnin love to be your, Hu-Hua!...husband? sk8trgirl2034: I do. Evlis: I know pronounce you man and wife. You may now show that thang. Remember, there's peanut butter and 'nanner sandwiches on the buffet table. Great idea. Oh my God i think im gonna die from that (out of laughter) i get the joke because elvis was a pervert :shame: and he did pelvic thrusts \ all the time which were accompanied by the sounds HUA and HUNKA also can i surprise weddingize people. like they dont even know each other and i pay you to make them get married like you actually force them to get married?
  2. I've heard the hero's memorial was put there after The Old Nite died...and in story they put the memorial there so no one would try to find the brother they would just see a memorial this isnt some luring attempt either
  3. So this is what you do when you're not logged.... 5 star Bravo!!!and this too.....May i present simley circus!!!! \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
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