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Grim Wrath

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About Grim Wrath

  • Birthday November 1

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  • Location
    New York

RuneScape Information

  1. Happy birthday! :D

  2. Probs going to be used on nex and corp the most. Assuming there are no damage caps. But if there are and you can only use it on gwd bosses at most, then just those, with jad and lava kraken following.(assuming you can even use it on lava kraken)
  3. Besides http://abstract.cs.washington.edu/~tlin/drops/drops.pl , Are there any good drop loggers? The above site sometimes loses my results randomly.
  4. The charms! The constant shards! The elite clues! The once plentiful effigies! As well as that chance of boots every kill, no matter how small..
  5. I was dry for @least 3-4k kills, but got glaivens yesterday, you have to keep at it!
  6. What would be a good enough sample size for you people then? and would you like it with advantageous pid or not? Lol.
  7. I might not be able to pick up on the whole pattern, but the fragments that matter, I try to. I use this to my advantage, I think others should try to as well.
  8. You do know that most kinds of computer generated randomness isn't TRULY random right? No matter how obscure the programmers make the RNG code, there is a repeating period, and that period can form a pattern.
  9. Well, I don't mean to make it JUST from my own experiences, but I'm pretty sure the wave thing is accurate. When dice used to exist in rs, numbers came in high waves and low waves..these waves lasted seconds generally and it was well known for people to snipe large bets when they diced. The wave mechanic could also apply for damage...
  10. Well, runescape uses RNGs for a lot of things, like calculating drops as well as damage. What ive noticed is that, in staking, successful damage rolls come in waves, if you use kick at the right times, it calculates the extra 3 invisible strength levels in, you hit higher.
  11. Has all the details a staker would need to know, to win. Good guide. Myself being an avid staker, I would suggest adding in SELF CONTROL. Because getting carried away can cost bank. Some strategies include walking away when you sense a lose streak, or banking a fraction of your winnings often, as a safety net so as not to get cleaned. Over the past two days, I have turned 2mil into 101m, all from staking. I use kick moderately, because I believe damage rolls calculated via the rs RNG come in waves, and you can chain them 2-4 times. If you use the kick during this chain, its possible to get in multiple 100+ hits in when you barehanded box. Mind you, I dont mage box at all, and I sometimes rapier box. Pid and style switching is extremely important in rapier boxing, but a lot of people pull out their vls and cls for a few hits, sometimes giving them an unfair advantage vs a naked rapier. Also, try not to spam click when you bare box, as you will hit the opponent simultaneously in the beginning and will lose the ability to style switch. Just some tips from a fellow staker, once again, great guide!
  12. Do a full scan in safemode with MBAM. And Comodo is a great AV/FW if you know how to work your way around computers, otherwise I'd use Avast, as it is free and works well.
  13. Crazy people in f2p gop.. They have nothing else to do so they're brutally efficient. Similar thing used to happen with fist of guthix.
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