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The Hunter's Run [RPG]


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A hawk soared across the silver trees of the Kinareth Grand forest, it's dusty brown wings tilting lazily in the gentle summer breeze. The forest stretched endlessly as far as the hawk could see, the sea of gray broken only by small lakes and a village. The majestically purple peaks of a distant mountain range could just barely been seem through the blue haze of approaching rain. Slowly. the hawk glided closer to the ground, hoping to find a nice rabbit to eat, it's golden eyes feverishly watching the surface for any signs of movement. It was only a mere second before it spotted something; a small tuff of white fur.




The hawk dived as it's small brown body rapidly gained speed with each passing moment. Claws outstretched, it anticipated the soft, red squish of a rabbit's flesh, however, it was very disappointed. The white fur belonged to a tiger sitting underneath a oak tree, and the hawk quickly swerved, saddened by the lack of rabbit. That was the last time it would ever think of rabbit. As the tiger glanced at it's retreating form, the poor creature crumpled under a sudden wave of pressure.




Panicking, the hawk tried desperately tried to flap it's wings as waves of pain racked it's body, but it's efforts were futile. It's wings remained locked to it's chest as it plummeted toward the earth. It hit the ground with a almighty thump, killing it instantly, as the tiger growled with pleasure.




Zeke, crouched in the shadow of a pine tree, gazed at the limp body of the dead creature. Such mindless killing amused him temporarily, but he needed much more involved games. Much, much more involved games. For as he surveyed the small village only a day's rock from the very cliff were he stood, he knew that their lives belonged to him, and he did with them what he wished. This was his forest, and everything in it was his . He chuckled to himself, for he knew that tonight would be his night for true fun and games-the Hunter's Run








Okay people, so this is a RPG. You can enter you characters like this-




Name=Your name here

Description=What you look like/age

Gender=Whether your a boy or a girl

Alignment=Evil or good, or gray(mix)

Bio=Brief history




And here's mine-





Description=Black hair/green eyes. Around 31 years



Bio=A sadist necromancer who is the self-imposed dictator of Kinareth. Creator of the mysterious Hunter's Run. Sometimes takes the form of a tiger, especially while hunting.




and you basically write a short portion of this story involving your character(like the above). If you don't fell like writing, I'll write for you instead. ::'


Here be dragons ^


Dragon of the Day


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Name= Draconis (assumed name, real name buried)


Description=Red hair, eyes, red tinge to skin, likes red...




Alignment=good (for this story)


Bio=He was soldier, but he was captured and experimented on for super soldiers using permanently enhanced magics, as such, he has complete control over fire.


(I thought this would be needed) Abilities: all involve fire... flight, fireballs, tornadoes, can suck ambient heat unto himself, flash heating or freezing whatever he chooses, to be accurate, he also has control over temperature. His ultimate attack is creating a giant dragon of fire around himself, it is fully sentient and will completely obey his commands. It can fly, and will continue to function even if Draconis is unconscious, and will not disappear.




He's doing the Hunter's run because his creators want him to, and he feels it will be the best time to run away. His creators may be left up to the imagination...




Yays! I love RPGs! I've only completed one though...


I'll show you how terrifying a true Christian can be!

It's Xewleer: ZEW le ar, got it memorized?

Hermit of the Varrock Library and its proud guard.

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Name: Toren


Description: Short, black hair, black eyes, pale skin. Age: 18


Gender: Male


Allignment: Good


Bio: At the age of twelve, he found he was adopted, and ran from his family to live on his own. His computer- his only valuable and only form of entertainment. He surfs the net to find the ultimate computer game- but gets more than he bargined for when he finds Hunter's Run.




The screen flashed light blue, illuminating the dark walls around, revealing the face staring fearfully at the retorting computer screen. Two words displayed in a deadly crimson red consumed the monitor- HunterÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s Run. Too late, Toren dived at the mouse. The white cursor darted across, completely missing the Cancel button . An overwhelming tingling sensation came over Toren as his vision swirled into nothingness.




TorenÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s eyes willed themselves open, the pain crushing down unbearably on his tiny frame. Covered in white fur, grass reaching up to his neck, ears ridiculously large, he stared into the rippling lake nearby. The reflection gazed back in shock- a baby rabbit. Its red eyes wide, ears twitched, his mouth opened into a large O.




A snarling black striped face appeared next to him on the waterÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s surface; stealthily striking its paw a hair width away from TorenÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s left hind leg. Its eyes glowing unnaturally green, grinning wickedly to reveal a set of razor sharp teeth. Toren immediately darted away- instincts already catching on. When hind legs were tired from hopping, he scrambled across the grassy terrain, as the tiger approached slowly, its steps much larger than the desperate hopping rabbit.




The chase didnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t last long, as the tiger swerved around cleanly in front of Toren, its deadly claws opening, swiping at the rabbit with one mighty sweep. Toren squirmed desperately, as a claw impaled itself into his ear, pinning it against the floor. Rabbits seemed to have trouble expressing pain and fear, but the wound stung, as his hearing became distorted. As the final blow was struck, the tiger seemed to shrink into the distance. Toren watched himself being slaughtered on the computer screen- blood seeped from three deep gashes in the snow-white fur. It took a while for his vision to re-focus and thoughts to process. Toren knew it wasnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t a dream- for glowing words scrawled in cursive green handwriting emerged from the tigerÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s eyes. The five words seemed to be much larger that the computer. The Hunt has Just Begun.




Toren ripped the cords out of the PC, wishing more than anything, to dispose of the reminder of what just happened. The screen turned blank, and the words changed. Play Along, if you Wish to Live. But he had no intentions of playing as a pawn in the game, as he lifted his precious computer, not wishing to depart with it, yet he had to do it to escape the gameÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s clutches. The window was opened, and the computer, and all its parts came tumbling out of the multi-storey building, pieces scattering with a loud crash as it hit the ground.




Look below, where you threw it. The words had changed again, now a deep blue. As Toren looked down below, his eyes popped from his sockets and his face turned from yellowish-pink to a sheet of pure white. A set of gleaming green eyes of a prowling tiger stared straight back at him, its teeth reflecting the midnight moonlight.

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Description=Has whitish skin, brown eyes.






Bio= He killed his parents when an evil spirit took over his body, but when it left, the relentless need to kill was still left in him. He searched the web for people needed to be killed, but unfortunately he found the hunters run instead.





Click Here!

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Very good, Lolz, but I thought that perhaps I should go first...


But the computer thing is interesting, so..


Random people- you can join in anytime if you want.




The small town of Kinareth was swarming with activity, for tonight began the Hunter's Run. Who would be brave enough to take the mighty challenge? the people crowded in the little town square. But this wasn't a cheerful gathering, not in the least, for they knew that if there was an inadequate number of contestants, Zeke would force people to join. They huddled together, patiently awaiting the arrival of their master.




Many years had past since Zeke came to this sleepy mountain town, and yet no one had been able to complete the challenge. With each pasting year, the townspeople began to loose hope that someone would finally win, for the prize was great-All the riches in Zeke's castle, plus their freedom by the death of that horrid mage.




With all this apprehension, the townspeople didn't notice a few strangers among their ranks. A male figure, flaming red, waited patiently for the arrival of Zeke at the outskirts of the mob. He was temporarily distracted by two people who fell suddenly from the sky, and landed with a loud thump. A geekish sort of kid clutching a laptop to his chest for dear life and a deadly white figure gazed about themselves in utter confusion, as if they had come from another world. However, the townsfolk took no notice of them, and the red guy could really careless. Dazed, the laptop person approached him, wanting to speak. However, he was shortly interrupted by the arrival of Zeke.




Zeke waltzed into the small square mounted on a horse of bones, as if he owned the place. The crowd seemed to tremble in fear at his approach, especially because of the massive hellhounds following him diligently. Zeke gazed over the masses with contempt, and said-


"As you may know, now is the month of the Hunter's Run- truly a vigorous test of brains and skill. Last time, I was heartily disappointed by the apparent lack of contestants. I hope you will not fail me as such again, or there will be.. consequences. Now, are there any contestants?"


Here be dragons ^


Dragon of the Day


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One person muscled forward, he had red hair, red eyes, in fact, every possible item that was him or on him was some kind of shade of red.




"Sounds fun, I'm in."




Zeke looked at the new comer, he was impressive looking enough, but the power? He had very little magical aura.




"... I hate it when people doubt me..." Zeke shuffled a bit, sudden;y growing very hot, he nodded.




"Very well, it's just that it's so boring without powerful contestants..."




Draconis was led away by a hell hound, and shown the beginning of the course. He looked at it. The forest was so flammable! He resisted burning it all down, he did not fear the necromancer, but he feared his creators. With the town under his control, he could hide there until the end of his days.




He sighed, and waited for Zeke to start or whatever he does.


I'll show you how terrifying a true Christian can be!

It's Xewleer: ZEW le ar, got it memorized?

Hermit of the Varrock Library and its proud guard.

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Zeke glanced at the retreating forum of the strange red person. He was different, and Zeke didn't like differences. Yet, he was certainly better than a farmer or a trader.. Maybe he would actually be fun.. He turned to the assembled audience once more, eager to begin.




"Is there anyone else!? We can hardly have a game with only one person! And you no what happened when I am ..disappointed.." The hellhouhds at his side growled menacingly.


Here be dragons ^


Dragon of the Day


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Name: Tagon


Description: Tall and slender, has dark hair, gold eyes, and pale skin. Looks about 30, but is actually older.


Gender: Male


Alignment: Gray.


Bio: Comes from a faraway kingdom (by the way, is this taking place in RuneScape?). His parents died when he was young. He is extremely skilled with magic.








Tagon confidently stepped forward into the square. This game was none of his business, but he decided that he didn't like this Zeke person. Plus, whatever Zeke was going to do to the villagers if no one else volunteered was probably something that he wouldn't like.




"I volunteer", he said. A hellhound growled at Tagon, but he showed no sign of intimidation.




Zeke smiled, and the same hellhound showed Tagon to his starting point.

Ah, this reminds me about the noob on the Runescape forums who was upset with the quest "Cold War" because apparently his grandparents died in the war. :wall:
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Nope, this is not really in Runescape.








"Very well.." Zeke said, although this person looked strong, a obviously powerful mage, a worthy opponent. He would enjoy killing him.




It was deadly silent as he turned to the mob again.


"Anyone else!? Last call.. we can hardly have a game with two people! I'll have to.. weed out the weaklings..." A few of his hellhounds bared their teeth, and the crown shuddered with fear,


Here be dragons ^


Dragon of the Day


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Draconis heard Zeke yell at the villagers and felt a twinge of regret... but he pushed the thoughts away, if he won this, he could hide and be at peace...




A powerful mage walked up next to him. He didn't feel as powerful as Draconis, but he was powerful enough in his own right.




He felt like saying something, but didn't. Best thing to do right now was to focus, and eat something, you never know when someone is going to chase you day and night and not give you the decency to have time to eat.




Zeke continued his search. Draconis just waited for it all to begin. Why was the forest so flammable? This was too much of an advantage... Zeke's going to lose! Draconis, gathering dry heat about him, began to doze.


I'll show you how terrifying a true Christian can be!

It's Xewleer: ZEW le ar, got it memorized?

Hermit of the Varrock Library and its proud guard.

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Typical.. Zeke was getting very impatient..


"So.. I guess no one is brave enough??" He snarled. "Very well.. weed out the weaklings.. ATTACK!" He pointed to a random member in the audience, and he squeaked in terror. He tried to run, but it was too late, for the hellhounds were on him in a matter of secounds, ripping him to shreds. The mob screamed in fear as they witnessed the death of the dude.




"Good.. very good.. Now if you don't want this to happen again, someone will volunteer!"




The geekish kid, still clutching his laptop, raised is hand. He knew he had to stop this- It could be him next..!


"I'll join."




"YOU?! Your going to volunteer?!" Zeke laughed. "Your the weakest one here! But I might as well let you join.. Whatever."[/i]


Here be dragons ^


Dragon of the Day


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"THIS IS RIDICULOUS!!" snarled Zeke. "THREE PEOPLE!? ARRGH!!" He randomly selected another victim from the audience..




As the death screams of the poor idiot slowly faded, Zeke knew he had to make a compromise. He couldn't just sit around here all day killing villagers! No, that wouldn't do..




"The games shall now begin, I grow weary of this madness... Let me assure you that you will all be severely punished later.."




He trotted over to the contestants. "Very well.. due to the.. lack of challengers from this worthless armpit of a town, you shall have to walk to the castle yourself." He said with a sneer. "Enjoy yourselves, and walk quickly, for it would not be wise to stay out after night fall.." Slowly, the sun began to set as he talked.


"Oh look, it's sunset already!' He said sarcastically. "The castle is about a night's walk from here, so you'll be running.. err.. I mean strolling through my beloved forest all night long! How very.. pleasant. This only a test... the real games begin in the morning... I suggest you get moving now.."


Here be dragons ^


Dragon of the Day


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Draconis woke up with a start, almost sending a heat blast toward the other characters around him, and started with a leisurely trot. The mage started to run and the weakling nearly panicked and went in the wrong direction. He knew nothing in the forest could kill him, but just to be sure...




"Fire claws." Focusing his latent fire abilities through his words, he created claws attached to his hand and hid them inside his long sleeves.




Five minutes into it and a giant lizard attacked him, nearly catching him by surprise because of his cold bloodedness hiding the heat. Draconis merely looked at it and removed all the heat he could from around the area. The lizard, not able to stay awake, slept as Draconis stalked onward. Running would waste energy.








ha ha! I love RPG's




Sorry about making the other two main players go forward, I needed too, I'll change it if so desired.


I'll show you how terrifying a true Christian can be!

It's Xewleer: ZEW le ar, got it memorized?

Hermit of the Varrock Library and its proud guard.

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I was going to have him silently follow the group and attempt to stab one of them in the back.. Then 'show up' at the castle with the rest of them.. I don't think Zekey would care much..


Here be dragons ^


Dragon of the Day


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It was absolutely pitch black in the forest, so black that the small group couldn't even see their hands in front of their faces. However, the boy known as Kuul had no trouble seeing in the dark- he was used to such terrible darkness. His eyes were narrowed like a hunting cat's; his ears [puncture]ed like a wolf's. He had been stalking two of the other competitor's for quite some time, always on the look out for the perfect opportunity to strike. The young one in the middle-he looked easiest, holding on to that broken laptop as if his like depended on it. Yes.. that's who Kuul would kill.. He could just barely hear bits of their conversation.




"Please, sir! Please let me follow you!" The scrawny boy begged


"No.." growled the black haired mage, trying desperately to free his cloak from the tight grasp of the kid. Kuul frowned;he could be trouble..




"PLEASE! I didn't even ask to be in this HORRIBLE place!"


"Then why did you even bother to sign up!?"


"He was going to kill me with those vicious hounds.. I was next! I could see it in his cold, hard eyes.. He was staring me down! I was different, I was new!! I can't even do magic to defend myself, or even wield a nice sword!"




"What about that thing your always carrying around?"


"I don't now" The young boy sighed. "I was holding it when I came in.."


"Came in? From were??"


"I DON"T KNOW, OKAY!?" He was panting and beginning to cry-a poor lost geek in a dangerous, real forest. "I was playing WOW and.."






"World of Warcraft, numnuts! Only the most popular massively multiplayer online game in existence! I play it all the time- I'm a l33t level 70 Tauren Shaman!"




"l33t..? Tauren..?"


"Ah forget it.. I wanna go home and play right now, in fact! Take me back, you pathetic computer!" He violently chucked his computer into the woods, and it landed somewhere in the brush with a loud snap. Realizing what he had done, the boy panicked.




"MY Computer! OMG OMG OMG! I chucked it, no!! Arrgh!! MUST.. GET.. IT.. NOO!" He ran off into the woods without a second thought.




"Wait kid, you don't know what's out there!" The mage ran after the boy, but he was too late. Kuul, seeing his chance, sprung from his hiding place and had the boy pinned by the throat with his knife.




"You make one move, mage and I'll.." But Kuul never finished his sentence. A pair of yellow orbs had appeared out of nowhere from the blackness, and were staring at the people, watching them. Kuul froze in fear, and dropped his knife. However, nobody even noticed.




The creature stepped out into the small clearing lit only by a lonely beam of moonlight, and they saw it for what it really was. A horse, oddly beautiful, with ghostly dragonish features and a pair of devilish leather wings. It waltzed right up to Kuul, and glared straight into his face, sniffing him delicantly.




"Don't move a muscle, Kuul.." whispered the mage, but Kuul didn't heed this advice. He hit the ghastly animal square between it's yellow eyes.




"Die, you wretched thing!", he cried, and the horse staggered, temporarily stunned. Kuul picked up his knife and slashed at it, snarling with triumph as he saw the animal's black blood flood the forest floor. His victory was short lived.




Howling with rage, the horse was on Kuul in a matter of seconds, and a gigantic tear opened up on it's belly, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth. Kuul screamed as it slowly began to rip apart his face.




Thinking quickly, the mage casted a freezing spell on the hideous horse, rendering it immobile. "RUN, KUUL!" he said, "My spell can't hold if forever! I'll fight it off while you run, and take the boy!" However, as soon as he was freed from his attacker, the bloodied Kuul ran off without a second thought.




"Dammit! I don't know if I can even kill this thing!" The horse easily resisted the freezing spells effects, and lunged at the mage, hissing with rage. The boy stared at it in awestruck terror.




"Wow.. What is it..?"


"It's a nightmare, a vicious horsebeast that feeds on human flesh.. common animal of a necromancer.. but this one is MUCH stronger than usual.. Arggh!" He dodged an oncoming attack from the nightmare, casting a few more frost spells on it.. However, they had no effect whatsover..




"Wait.. of course!" With that, the mage blasted the horse with Fire Wave. Screaching in pain, the flaming horse ran off into the forest, probably to seek easier prey.


Here be dragons ^


Dragon of the Day


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(poor horse beast, I feel sorry for it)




Draconis heard the commotion and the kid babbling about some "game," he thought it better just to avoid them completely. Then the horse beast charged him.




"Well now, lets not do that..." He said, but, he gathered power. "Fire tornado" Focusing on the words and what he wanted, the nightmare was destroyed nearly instantly by his power.




"And what's this?"




Another monster, this a grotesque, abominable patchwork of flesh, another common necromancer pet. It roared and charged at him, wielding great axes as he charged. "Fire pit!" The ground under the monster groaned, then burst into a fiery frenzy that began to incinerate the beast. It suddenly jumped through it, nearly all of the body on fire.




"Fire bolt." Attacks blasted the abomination, until the flesh fell apart, nicely cooked. Draconis was not even fatigued as he walked onward. The goal was still a long time away.


I'll show you how terrifying a true Christian can be!

It's Xewleer: ZEW le ar, got it memorized?

Hermit of the Varrock Library and its proud guard.

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Tagon definitely did not like Zeke. He wasn't a very compassionate person, but he did not like the sight of innocent people being slaughtered. Furthermore, Zeke kept many dangerous creatures in this forest, judging from that last encounter. He silently jogged through the forest, not waiting to see what happened to the young man. He recalled what the kid had said about games and something called World of Warcraft. That kid's crazy, Tagon thought. Why play WoW when there are much better MMORPGs like EverQuest II?




He had gotten about half a mile when something emerged from the trees and leapt at him. He raised his hands, and a photon blast incenerated the creature. Once his eyes adjusted back to the darkness, which took all but two seconds, Tagon saw a burnt carcass lying on the path. I better watch out, he thought. He stepped over the burnt remains and continued jogging.




Suddenly he felt a chill. He decided that it must be the result of the red-robed man, Draconis. That person had very strange powers.

Ah, this reminds me about the noob on the Runescape forums who was upset with the quest "Cold War" because apparently his grandparents died in the war. :wall:
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