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About Aurhora

  • Birthday January 10

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  • Location
    United States
  • Interests
    Ballroom dance, tennis, gaming, cooking

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  1. From a fellow Tip.It'er, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! If you would like some extra fun, don't forget to drop in on the Forum Games! ^_^

  2. I rarely get on here anymore, but I chose to sign in and it's your birthday! How awesome am I? Just kidding, happy happy birthday my friend! I hope you have such a special day :)

  3. Happy birthday! :D

  4. Welcome to the forums, Watkins! I'm glad to hear you've been with us so long and have decided to jump in the fray! Don't be concerned if something noms your leg - I'm pretty sure that's normal. :wink:
  5. Hi there WoodenFruit, Thank you so much for submitting this info! The bestiary entries have been corrected. Please continue to submit any new information you find! We really appreciate it. ~Aurhora
  6. ADVERTISER: Google Ad Services LANDING URL: http://www.googleads...=6&nx=388&ny=29 TYPE: Top Banner SITE: RsOrder.com MY LOCATION: USA REASON: Selling RS gold and accounts ADVERTISER: Google Ad Services LANDING URL: http://www.google.com/url?ct=abg&q=https://www.google.com/adsense/support/bin/request.py%3Fcontact%3Dabg_afc%26url%3Dhttp://www.tip.it/runescape/%253Frs2item_id%253D11859%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dca-pub-7006458855726751%26adU%3Dwww.Gold4Fun.com%26adT%3DImageAd%26gl%3DUS&usg=AFQjCNGMy5tyAcL1sDMJY3gum80xwJXEJw TYPE: Side Banner SITE: Gold4fun.com MY LOCATION: USA REASON: Selling RS gold
  7. ADVERTISER: Google Ads LANDING URL: http://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=BPpVOi8j4T86RCOWa6gG-rrnvDIDPn7MC6Nmzii3YppTxBODGWxABGAEgtNzlHDgAUJSytvH7_____wFgybavi8Ck2A-gAeDPvuIDsgEKd3d3LnRpcC5pdLoBCjEyMHg2MDBfYXPIAQPaATVodHRwOi8vd3d3LnRpcC5pdC9ydW5lc2NhcGUvP3JzMml0ZW1faWQ9MTI1NjYmbm9jb3VudIACAakCuyBZNRQXhT7IAui60B-oAwHIAx3oA6cH6APuBOgD_QL1AwAIAMz1AwAAABCIBgGgBgM&num=1&cid=5GgdQsNfabw019274VE-ympL&sig=AOD64_3G-Jn5BbDe1gWUoYoMcKyK13o99A&client=ca-pub-7006458855726751&adurl=http://www.rsmoney.co.uk&nm=9&nx=3&ny=109&clkt=42&jca=5237 TYPE: Side Banner SITE: RS Gold MY LOCATION: USA REASON: Gold selling [b]ADVERTISER[/b]: Google Ads LANDING URL: http://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=BrwqacMv4T7H_CYyj6QG1q9HvDNfCw5wCz6TUmCjzyPbCBODGWxABGAEgtNzlHDgAULW7iMYCYMm2r4vApNgPoAHBs4DjA7IBCnd3dy50aXAuaXS6AQk0Njh4NjBfYXPIAQPaATVodHRwOi8vd3d3LnRpcC5pdC9ydW5lc2NhcGUvP3JzMml0ZW1faWQ9MTI1NjYmbm9jb3VudOABAoACAakCuyBZNRQXhT7IApfa8iSoAwHIAx3oA6cH6APuBOgD_QL1AwAIAMj1AwAAABCIBgGgBgM&num=1&cid=5GgY9Za1C0Wokt_preHevprn&sig=AOD64_25RQzBGpfNBisnJNVm80tj4XfBDQ&client=ca-pub-7006458855726751&adurl=http://www.mmosavor.com/runescape/RSIndex.aspx%3Fvcads%3Dmmosavor.RS&nm=4&nx=132&ny=37 TYPE: Top Banner SITE: RS Order [b]MY LOCATION[/b]: USA REASON: Gold and item selling
  8. There once was an answer out there I swear

    Tied to a bottle I swear, I swear

    And you can ask the Madonna if she cares, she cares

    But she's hooked on the bottle I swear, I swear

    You know you know it's the end of our sweet universe

    You know you know that we blame it on ourselves

  9. Hey Baffler, Thanks for letting us know about this! I added the bucket of dung to the required items and credited you. :) ~Aurhora
  10. Hi Rimmer33, Welcome to the forums, and thanks very much for your submission! I've confirmed your submission and corrected the guide as well as credited you. If you notice any other content that needs correcting, please continue to submit them on the forums! We really appreciate it. :thumbsup: ~Aurhora
  11. Hi Cemtey, Thank you for pointing out some spots that could use a little cleaning up in the guide. I've touched them up and made it clearer what the player should be doing at these times. Thanks once again for your submission! ~Aurhora
  12. Hi Cemtey, It mentions in the quest guide itself that if you don't have a Ring of Charos (a) you will need to use the raw cod to get the information you need. The plank is already included in the required items. I've added the cowbell to the required items at the top of the quest page and credited you. You don't need another penguin suit to do the quest and you don't need Larry to make yourself a second suit after the quest is done so I don't think this needs to be mentioned in the guide. Thank you again for your submissions, Cemtey! Please pm me if you have any questions or comments related to the Cold War quest. ~Aurhora
  13. Alright, thank you Anthonyevis! This seems like a new development to the quest. If anyone can confirm that this is the case then we will add it into the guide. Thanks very much for your submission! Please post any more corrections you find on this board. :)
  14. Hi Cemtey, Ah, I see. I've added in "23 empty inventory spaces" as suggested in the first couple steps of the guide and credited you. I'll leave this open in case anyone can share any information about the spears. If anyone does the Tai Bwo Wannai Trio quest and can confirm/disprove that pre-poisoned (kp) spears work, that would be great! ~Aurhora
  15. Hi Cemtey, Thank you for your submission! I added a link to instructions for making the fruit blast instead of including the instruction directly in the guide. I've credited you for this. I am leaving the instructions for the rotten tomato unchanged, however. The rotten tomato crate in Seers is one of the pillory sites, and we've already mentioned you can buy rotten tomatoes from any of the pillory sites or the Dueling Arena. Thanks again! :) ~Aurhora
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