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Some of my random ramblings

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2300 total

Yeah, bad crop job, I'll live.   So, 2300 total by getting 92 smithing. Goal for bonus xp weekend is to hopefully use my bars and get a chunk of 93 smith done. Then I can do 95 effigies with stout.   Other lvls that should be coming up are 99 mage and 99 summ. Had a plan of getting 99 summ, 99 mage and 2300 total together, but the bonus weekend threw a spanner in *that* idea. Other than smithing, and the obvious circus I think my xp weekend will be spent attempting to catch up on some of my slow



Birthday plus a brand new toy

So, another day, another year. 2 days ago, as so many had noticed, was my 33rd birthday. I want to thank everyone for all birthday wishes in PM's, profile and otherwise. It really is sweet and heartwarming. I had an absolutely fabulous day (well, two actually) having friends over for cake and a short trip out to the regular pub on tuesday. I even got some great presents. Then on wednesday was the big day, and I actually teared up when my bf burst through the door in the afternoon with roses (fir



97 Summoning

Yay!! I am now one step closer to that elusive summoning cape     This one was in large thanks to the ancient effigies released this week. A big thank you to Vmser, Imjosh and Trixstar for helping me with pesky effigies needing insane lvls that I'm nowhere close to (smithing and cons, hello.) I love the effigy update, but Jagex seriously need to re-evaluate the assist system. Either by increasing max assist xp possible, or by allowing us to assist after the limit is reached, but without gaining



50M attack xp

I cannot believe I actually passed 50M attack xp :o I remember way back when I was getting closer to 99. Those last 2M xp or so took soooooo long. I thought I'd never get there. Now, mainly thanks to slayer, summoning and my trusty whip I've got almost 4 times that amount of xp. I think this may be a hint that I play a *tad* much. Nope, nah, can't be. I'm not hooked. I swear. Oh, you're wondering why my first tab from left always is RS? And usually set to lobby/log-in screen? It's the dustbunnie



13 levels in two days :-o

This weekend was a very productive weekend for me in RS. Strangely enough, it turned out not so productive in RL. I think those two might somehow be inversely connected :unsure:   It started on saturday. I realised it was time to knuckle under and finish some quests. So I started out nice and easy with Rune Mechanics. Thanks to the wonderful quest guides from the Tip.it Crew <3: <3: I breezed through fairly quickly. Then a quick look in my quest log. What's available. Hmmmm, I've starte



All the small things

Oh boy. Suddenly I hadn't posted here in 3 weeks. I blame RS. And RL. But a lot of fun stuff has happened both places so it's all good.   And so on to the elephant in the room, or should that be dungeon. Dungeoneering. Well, my first impression is that I cannot bring myself to think of it as a skill. I mean, what's the skill part of it? picking up different keys and unlocking doors? That's questing in my book. Killing various monsters and bosses? Well, ain't that combat/fighting? Solving various



Shattered hearts and omg easter

The last few weeks my RS life have revolved a lot around non-cbt skilling. I am actually enjoying shattered hearts more than I thought I would when I realised it meant training stuff like agility, hunter and *shudders* RC. It has even gotten me a hunter lvl (now 81, only 3 more lvls and I can pot for zombie implings. Of course, by then I won't spot a single one...) I am currently working on my 3rd statue, and I'm really wondering if the finished in-house statue will have any special rewards. I



A pack yak for the pack rat!

So, the bonus xp weekend is over, and I did manage my big goal! After about an hour of play on friday I finally reached that elusive level 96 summoning \:D/ It's so awesome to finally be able to use that amazing familiar. So far I've only tested it on a trip to mith drags (had an assignment of 11), but it was wonderful not to have to leave a single mith bar or bury a single d-bone. Bring on the addy drags Jagex, I'm as ready as I'll ever be .   The rest of the weekend was pretty ramshackle. D



People are strange

People in general can sometimes really make me chuckle.   I was driving up to work today. As I entered the highway I ended up behind a uniformed police car. No problem, I'm generally a "nice" driver, and pretty much never go over the speedlimit anyway (and, yes. I have checked my speedometer against 3-4 speed checkpoints and a GPS). Anyway. As I don't go over the speedlimit I always tend to get passed by cars in the left lane. Fine by me. I'm never in that much of a hurry and I prefer to spend



Sio's weekend life

So. The weekend is over (yeah yeah, I know it's tuesday already). Was a nice weekend. On friday I was A Good Friend and voluntarily picked up two friends at the airport when they came home from 3 weeks vacation in the Phillipines. Was nice to see them again, but planes that are an hour late when they're already supposed to land at 11pm are not my fave! On saturday we were celebrating another friends birthday. I there cemented my image as queen of the "memory like a goldfish" club. After spending



Everything has a start

So. I have finally ventured into the world of blogging. This is something completely new to me, but I'm sure it'll be a fun experience.   I plan on blogging both about my RS-life and some aspects of RL. I love food and cooking so there will be quite a lot about that I imagine. Big parts of my time are also taken up by work (I work with semi-conductor technology), travelling, TV & movies and reading. Plus of course spending time with my boyfriend ("The bf") and friends.   A little about mysel



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