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Real Life Book of Zamorak - COVER DONE!!



..well mostly ;)


Tip.it is FINALLY back up and running so I can actually post the update that should have been posted last night!! The cover is essentially completed. The cover is not yet attached to the actual pages because I have yet to pick out and prepare some end sheets (pages for the inside covers). That being said, let's look at some photos!


Naked cover this time!




And after the leather was put on (I stuck the pages inside the cover to make it look like they're attached, but they're actually not):




Some things of note:


The corner decorations are not glued down. I wanted to get the approval of my readers first! They're nice right? If not, other suggestions? Also, the cord that you see in the photos was one I was thinking of using for the bookmark (it's not attached) but I changed my mind as I don't want it to warp the pages. So I'm still hunting for a good, FLAT bookmark material. What are your thoughts on this? I could use some black suede, a ribbon of sorts (if so, what colour?), etc.


As for the end sheets, I just had an idea. I'm thinking of creating my own marbled paper. I would first dye the pages like I dyed the pages of the book and then I would "marble it" (is that a phrase?) so it's black and red. Good idea?


I'm also still thinking of adding closures but I can't decide. I'm honestly terrified of making it look bad LOL!


The fact that this project is nearing its end is having me wanting to continue and make Saradomin and Guthix books!


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That looks awesome, you should send pictures to Jagex for their mail thing (I can't remember if they still do that :P)

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So awesome. Bookmark, what about a sort-of aged, gold bookmark like alot of quest-related books have? Just looking at this, I'm tempted to make a Saradomin one myself to pass the time that I'm stuck unemployed. :ohnoes:

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Wow, that's awesome!!! I'm so envious of your skills in crafts like that. My RL crafting lvl is probably round 5 or so :P


Looking forward to see pics when it's done, plus all future projects :thumbsup:

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I think like deep blood red suede would look really nice as a bookmark. And the corners look good too.


But I don't think marbled paper would go well with the book; I just don't think that red and black would make a good marbled paper.

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Thanks you guys!


I would LOVE to make the Zamorak symbol and parts of the spine gold but I don't know if I'll be able to :( The only way I can think of to do that would be to hot stamp it and I need a special machine/press for that, the cheapest of which is like $200 :(


Two more books would be suicide! Over 20-25 hours of work!! But yes, they will be made because I'm crazy enough to do it! I already have the leather on order! But I cannot start those books for 2-3 weeks because I need to go home to dye the pages and I'm not going home until after my final exams.


Hawkxs - do you have any suggestions for end pages?


Dark_Aura - Thanks for the suggestion!! You mean like a ribbon? If not, what sort of material?


Thanks for all the comments! I really really appreciate it and I'm glad you guys like the book!!!

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