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It's spring. It's May. It's.....Snow?? And happy jedi-day.



It's May for cripes sake!! I am NOT supposed to have to de-ice my car on Jedi-day!! And to boot it didn't even work to telepath the snow away :(




Happy Jedi-day everyone. May the fourth be with you


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My car had frost on it too. Spent 10mins this morning cleaning it off so when I turn on the A/C it wouldn't fog up. >:(

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I had a cold for weeks, and all of sudden there is snow...and i am risking getting the cold again. Jedi-day? Star Wars day celebration? I'm unaware, care to enlight me?

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Sitting at the office sneezing my nose off here, so please keep your cold to yourself :P Hopefully all colds will go off to winter-lands and not return until November. At the earliest.


As for Jedi-day, it's kinda like Pi-day (3.14). It's the 4th of May, which in american tradition is called may the fourth. Which sounds a lot like "May the force..." The traditional jedi-greeting. For a tad more info, take a look here: May the fourth be with you

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Snow is by FAR worse IMO. Rain is annoying as heck, but after it hits the ground it (atleast most of it) disappears. Snow sits there. And turns slowly into ice. Which I will eventually slip on and hurt my bum.

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Well Ambler, Cambridge is hot because it's a snot. Only cold places can be cool!--------------------Norway *Punches* Cambridge, UK


Down went the Bridge!

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Snow is by FAR worse IMO. Rain is annoying as heck, but after it hits the ground it (atleast most of it) disappears. Snow sits there. And turns slowly into ice. Which I will eventually slip on and hurt my bum.


No, what's worse is rain AND snow. At the same time. Causes lots of slush, which then turns into ice, with basically 0 chance of melting. Also brings down power lines, as the slush gets stuck to power lines and builds up and freezes and becomes to heavy for the power lines. Snow just falls off.


Although big epic snowstorm is worse then the spring snow and rain.


By the way, I find snow in May perfectly natural and normal, although not enjoyable.

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Oh god, I forgot about slush. And sleet. And other varieties of rain/snow mixed into horrid nastiness. Yuck!! Thank god that time is mostly over and done with. I want warm days with bbq's until late evening, drinking wine on the terrace, and hopefully warm enough water to dip a toe into. (Reminder: I live at 63deg N, google-map it. It's not often swimming temps here.)

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