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What To Do

Saru Inc


Summer is in the air, the birds fly without a care, the wind tussles through my hair... Wait... Why?


O, I know why. Because my car a/c is broken. Because an old guy back in april slammed on his brakes, in the middle of a four lane road, with no one in front of him. So I got a needle hole poke in my a/c tube. So all the freon leaked out. So now I have to pay $450 for a new tube + freon. All good, right? Well, except for the fact that the canadian bank gigged me $550 this week, because my mom overdrew my account. All good, right? Well... No. She refuses to take the blame for it, and wrote me check for $150. Generous, right? No. She already owed me $300 for when she spent my college fund. Now she won't give me that $300. I can still make it, right? No. I need to make a down payment of $600 on August 6th if I want to expand my cerebral domain. Easy, right? No. I also owe $500 in bills by Aug 6th, with 2 paychecks inbetween. Easy, right? No. I can only make $1200 at the very very most in those two paychecks. Thats enough though, right? Just don't get those #5 no cheese no mayo at wendy's. Right? Uhhh... No. My parents said I have to leave the house soon. Damn Saru, you're a bad kid, right? No. I just said I wouldn't let my mom use the car because she's an absent minded driver who has totaled 3 vehicles already and I don't want to add to the list. Wow Saru, you were being disrespectful! ... Right? Debatable. Considering my mom called my selfish sinning fool moments before. Oh well. I have friends I can room with to pay rent, right? No. I only have 2 irl friends. Yea. I said it. No one really likes me irl. Not sure why, I've lost a lot of weight, and I'm honestly not that bad looking. Anyways, one of those friends is in New York for college, one is at a dorm. Well its ok, just room with... strangers? Sure. But I'm gay and all the available apts ask for "calm Christian principled young men and women." yikes, sounds like a nunnery.


Well Saru, why don't you just be nicer to your parents? You know what, you're right. At the moment all I do is work 40 hours a week, do 4 loads of dishes, clean the mens bathroom which literally looks like an exxon bathroom after 5 mins. I swear they miss on purpose. And then I clean my room spotless twice a week, while keeping all my laundry done, and I even cook dinner occasionally. My brothers do nothing but increase their gravitational pull, and decrease their realistic grasp of how the world works. Cheep cheep. Cheep Cheep. Oh sorry, those are my birds. I guess it's time to wake and get dressed. Aww, they're singing for me. Wtf. my name isn't Cinderella. Oh well, I guess they are similar enough. To top it off, well, to be honest, I honestly (lol) don't like telling people this because they think I'm fishing for pity. Which I'm not, I'M TROLLLING! :XD: (get it?) (no?) (*sigh* trolling is a type of fishing. it was funny to me. no I don't care if it was funny to you or not. Well it was funny to me. Well [bleep] you.) But I've been clinically depressed for my whole childhood, and I just tried killing last week, I took 45 adderall pills, and placed the bottle in the sink so it looked like it just spilled. I went up to my bed, took 4 unisoms and fell asleep at 3 pm. Woke up at midnight. Nothing happened. Nothing. I was more pissed than I ever had been before. Technically 20 should be lethal. And I can't buy a [bleep]ing gun because I've been in therapy. It's [bleep]ing [cabbage], I tell you. Anyways, despite the pubescent trolling joke, I'm honestly not looking for pity. But I really don't know what to do. I tend not to post this kind of [cabbage] on the forums (save like 5-8 blog posts over the years) but I just don't [bleep]ing know. I almost killed my dad tonight, but stopped myself. I don't want to go to [bleep]ing jail. But I can't get out of the house because I have literally no money. And I will not sell myself to their [cabbage] beliefs, and [cabbage] ideas. (gays are satanic cannibalistic perverted child molesters? The [bleep]?)



Well idk. any advice I guess,

But until the next test

I will rest

If you wanna post be my guest,


-Saru'ness' *like highness :XD:*


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Get your ass to Holland and live liberated here. We got plenty of room and space for people like you who just have their businesses worked out. Really harsh situation with your parents there. Just not right.

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You may want to keep your money away from your family from now on.

You may be able to save up enough to find a place elsewhere though. Judging by what you said somewhere in either another country or far away in the same one may be out of the question.


Other than that, very similar to Cinderella. Just need some kind of huge party that you can't go to hosted by a prince. Mmk, Sarurella?

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Know how it is. I've been almost kicked out twice, because I don't "conform" to the same believes. The difference, I can afford to live alone, got a job and all, I just don't want to. I know how it is man.

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You and ABC make me realize how easy my life is. If you ever need someone to vent to, my pm box is always open. Good luck with everything.

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wow dude. How much was that adderall worth. You can always sell your parents medicine cabinet to make back the money they steal from you. lol. >.<


But really, take your parents off your bank accounts, and keep the only set of your car keys.


Also, staying up very late and sleeping till past noon is an awesome way to dodge work around the house. :D


And anything not related to you, just stop doing. Definitely get out more and find people to hang out with.

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1) idk


2) Here's how the whole bank account debacle happened.


I am the only one with access to my card, however, my mom called State farm to ask why my car insurance was so much, then she said "Sam they need your debit" so idk maybe they were going to refund? That part was my fault since I trusted my mom and probably shouldn't have. :XD: But anyways, so she hangs up and I'm like "so why'd they need it? Am I gonna have it directly taken out next month?" My mom says "no you'll still need to send them a check" I'm like "ummmm? oh whatever idc" next day we get a letter saying "hey thnx kid for your money. dropped for $170." i'm like oshi- I run upstairs, and because I only had $120 in my bank account, it was -$365. then two days later more charges came in that added another $300 in fines. Thing is, all the charges I made were like a week ago. Ugh.


3)Yh I have the only set of keys. I ended up lending it to my mom. I figured I really shouldn't be a douchebag since they're paying my rent


4)Yeah I already sleep til 11 am, I usually stay up til 5 or 6. Then I do chores til I go to work at 3.


5)Well... my parents once cut off the internet to my computer for 4 weeks like a year ago (I played rs at teh library lmao >.>) because my FB friend said "sarcasm my ass." So I don't feel like finding friends that live up to my parents needs.

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